Nurse Theresa, Life Coach


👩🏻‍⚕️Masters|Registered Nurse 👩🏻‍💻Cert. Life|Weight Loss Coach 🎬Momager of @KailenJude 👼🏻Infertility|Pregnancy Loss 💅🏽@TPartyVIP 📱Link 👇
Gasping in horror while opening work email and seeing myself looking back at me 💀🤣🤪 #NurseLife #Nurse #Coach #LifeCoach #RN
29 1
1 year ago
Social programming and societal conditioning I recently discovered that there’s no end point In utero - fetuses must follow a certain level speed to be “correct” It continues in school College Work force Now in my studies of being human in our society - I caught myself saying - Ooh I’m just scratching the surface on the topic of Self-Compassion I’m new to this because I’m not “there” yet Ooh I’m peeling off layer by layer and getting deeper I was asked if I can take comfort in the layers What if I stopped expecting to get to a core or that there even was a core What if I stopped seeing learning as taking finals or passing a thesis to get a piece of paper That instead of linear - it was a spiral - with topics we revisited over a and not finite We’re all “there” already or right where we should be ✅ Want to take action? DM for details. #LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #WellnessMama #PregnancyLoss #Miscarriage #1in4 #NurseMom #MomsInHealthCare #Weightloss #Down10Pounds #NoMamaDrama #Teachers #MomsInTeaching
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
Happy New Year from Jackson Hole, WY! While I sit here in the airport with absolute uncertainty if this flight will actually happen today after multiple delays and even notification that it’s been pushed to tomorrow, then back to today - it’s a great reminder of how so much is out of our hands. The willingness to be able to adapt and be flexible is a skill we’ve all been practicing especially in this new world. Back to stretching and preparing to bend for what’s next! #2022 #NewYearsEve #Airport #AirportDrama #LifeCoach #RN #MomLife #MentalWellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #PregnancyLoss #Miscarriage #NurseMom #MomsInHealthCare #NoMamaDrama
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2 years ago
Forgive them, for you. For those finding it “hokey” to find peace and forgiveness during the holidays & always - You can’t control what others say and do - You can try, but it’s painful and poop ton of work and energy. Energy that can be used for you to fulfill your goals, live your best life, show up as your best self. Find unconditional love towards others knowing they’re human like you - That they can be loved - even if it’s not by you. They are worthy and you are worthy. You have an amazing life to live beyond this space. #LifeCoach #Nurse #Nursing #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalWellness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #YearOfTheNurse #RN #PregnancyLoss #Miscarriage #1in4 #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC
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2 years ago
Security I understand intellectually that our thoughts create our feelings No one can create that emotion for us That’s our own empowerment But with security - That was one feeling that was challenging to believe that I create that I kept going back to but they need to do…. They need to say…. Because this happened, how can I be secure? But no… No matter what happens, I’m going to take care of myself, I’ll never abandon you. When going through trauma it may be unbelievable at first But everyday for the next month - Just 60 seconds a day thinking and feeling “security” in our bodies - Would be the most powerful thing to give ourselves. Remind yourself like a friend. You are not alone. I will always have your back. Want help getting there? DM for a free consult. LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #WellnessMama #PregnancyLoss #Miscarriage #1in4 #MomsThatTea #NurseMom #MomsInHealthCare
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2 years ago
Ok - I’m done lolli-gagging around. This hot successful program works and I’m going to take what works and bring it back. If you’re someone who wants to lose 10 pounds or more - like fo’ reals… And you really want to get to the root cause and do this on your own merit - this is for you. All your choices. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Those who want to lose more have the option of continuing on to do so. This 6 week program is $100. For everyone who shows up once a week online weekly, I’m giving back $10 for every pound you are short by our deadline. DM for more info. We start next week! #LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #WellnessMama #PregnancyLoss #Miscarriage #NurseMom #MomsInHealthCare #Weightloss #Down10Pounds #NoMamaDrama #Teachers
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2 years ago
Imagine. Inspiration. These are two buddy words are so great to feed off each other. When we’re in overwhelm or our lowest of lows, that tends to be the time we seek help with others or within ourselves We take the time to try to detox and figure out what in the world is actually going on right now I need a pause A break… But what if we paused when we are feeling inspired? When we let our imagination just continue to run with the inspiration. What are the thoughts creating the feeling of inspiration? Use these meditative times when we’re also in a good place because then we can lock in some of those thoughts. Thoughts that create really good feelings that we can come back to and access ANYTIME we want to. *** Photo with Kristen Wiig for Kailen Jude’s commercial shoot for Old Navy’s Imagine Mission causes. Keep an eye out on @KailenJude IG for the full campaign 💛 🤳🏽: @KailenJude 🪄: @SharynMaceren 😷: @LalaSabby #LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #WellnessMama #PregnancyLoss #Miscarriage #NurseMom #MomsInHealthCare #KristenWiig #OldNavy #Groundlings
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2 years ago
Photo of my costume with my son’s costume that we wore sharing the screen together for @OldTheMovie How to balance everything? I often get asked this… Now I ask you… How many balls are you juggling right now? Look at each ball carefully Are they roles in your life? Are they events currently happening? Do you want to juggle all these? Which ones do you want to let go of? Notice - you can also decide that you want to juggle all these balls in your life. Many people do it and love it and even juggle more. Juggling a lot doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Just because there’s a lot going on doesn’t mean you can’t handle it. You can handle it… You’ve been doing it already. Thanks @solomonengatacoaching #LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #KailenActor #KailenJude #OldTheMovie #ILoveKidKai #Kailen #LifeOfKai
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2 years ago
3 Days Left!!! A chance for multiple prizes including a 6 week mini-program to finally get to that, “one thing,” you’ve been wanting or a mystery pack of Color Street nail strips! Which btw, scroll left to check out the Breast Cancer awareness nails that just came out! I love that #ColorStreet is pledging a total of $200,000 to organizations that support research, awareness, and support for those affected by breast cancer. Great causes & quality products. So proud to be a part of the Color Street team! Want a free tester? Comment below or DM me. Want to change your life and feel better or be happier? Contact me! Please go to @Focus.Gear2020 for information on entering our Promotion that ends THIS FRIDAY, 10/8! #PINKtober #LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #ColorStreet #ColorStreetNails #BeColorful #BeBrilliant #BeColorStreet #ColorStreetStylist #Nails
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2 years ago
I’m often asked - how do I get it all done. This month, I’m going to try to capture my life and you’ll see that I don’t get it all done and it’s not perfect. You also have an opportunity to work closely with me in this month’s promo! Day 1: Real life - Up til 4:20 AM working on business, Up at 7:50 AM, go to new Zumba class at 8:00 AM anyway & find out it’s Belly Dancing. Never done that before! Drive straight after to catch son’s baseball game. Q&A for @KailenJude & @Dodgers @Will.Smith . Decide to create my 1st Vlog & open a TikTok account. All before 3:30 PM. #LifeCoach #MentalWellness #Wellness #MomsInNursing #WorkingMoms #MomLife #MotherHustler #Momager #Showmom #SetMom #MomagerLife #MomLife #NurseLife #NurseTLC #Nurse #Nursing #RN #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealth #MentalWellnessForNurses #SelfCare #Coaching #Coach #ColorStreet #ColorStreetNails #BeColorful #BeBrilliant #BeColorStreet #ColorStreetStylist #Nails @focus.gear2020 @livhydrates
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2 years ago