The Tickler 85 (Isabelle Nelson)


•I’m a girl •I’m taken •SFW RP ONLY •tickles are NOT sexual for me •I am switch •Johnny Test’s Top Villain •Johnny Stopping 8 headcanon creator
My Flowpage QR code! Scan it for my social media profiles or click the link in my bio!
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11 months ago
Just a silly little doodle of my silly little OC Tyffani by using a base that reminded me of the meme of Kirby holding up a sign. Feel free to use for a meme template or whatever XD #oc #ocart #kirbymeme #johnnytest #johnnytestoc
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1 month ago
Been playing Assassin’s Creed 2 recently to fully complete it and I just kinda got an idea to make this fanmade game concept art thing. There are 2 name ideas I came up with and I think either could work for this really. I don’t know, I just thought it’d be interesting to have one AC game take place during the Titanic disaster since there’s so many time frames the games take place in already. ———————————————————— #titanic🚢 #rmstitanic #fanmadegame #assassinscreed #assassinscreedseries
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2 months ago
To commemorate 112 years since the Titanic disaster, I decided to draw the Titanic as a human. Haven’t used my human ships AU in a while so call this an excuse to do it again. As you can see I have given her 2 outfits! A casual outfit mimicking the color scheme of the ship herself, and a captain’s uniform. As an extra detail, if you notice the scar across her side that mimics the damage from the iceberg. #titanic #rmstitanic #titanic112
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2 months ago
Finally gonna be putting an explanation of my #fanmade #johnnytest episode. Note: this fanmade episode will be closer to canon events, any headcanons that have been created that take place the same time during the events of the episode will not exist. Taking place between the 2005-2016 series and 2021-2023 series, this fanmade episode centers around Whacko as he finally finds a way to escape from “No Escape” a video game he has created and got himself trapped in by Johnny. After Whacko gets out of the game and makes it back to Porkbelly, he makes his way over to his office so he can go back to his normal plans for getting rid of kids. Whacko heads up to the conference room and notices his chair at the end of the table was facing the back wall, so he sits down near the chair at the end of the table a bit curious about what’s going on. Suddenly the chair on the end turns around to reveal The Tickler sitting in the chair looking at Whacko with an evil smile. Whacko looks at him with a bit of confusion and asks why The Tickler was even there in the first place, and The Tickler explains how he also tried to stop Johnny and ended up failing to do so as well. Afterwords, Whacko gets an idea that they should help each other out in getting rid of that pesky child for good so they can continue in their goals. Meanwhile, Johnny finds out about the 2 teaming up and heads to his sisters to explain the situation. Susan and Mary tell Johnny that he may not be able to stop them on his own, but he can change into Johnny X and get some help from some other people to form his own team of heroes in able to take down the evil villains. Johnny changes into his Johnny X persona and he goes around starting to ask for help. Johnny asks a few villains like Zizrar, Dark Vegan, and Mr Mittens to join him in taking down the 2 villains. While asking around for help, Johnny runs into a girl called Lex who says that she knows the 2 bad guys and that she can help Johnny as well in taking them down and getting rid of them for good. This new team of heroes are given super powers similar to Johnny X so they can be more powerful and are able to take down the bad guys much more easily.
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3 months ago
Entry for @rowans.archive design contest. I used a base with parts to kind of build your own breed and I don’t know if that’ll disqualify me or not but I’ll never know if I don’t give it a try so here we are taking that chance and seeing what happens. Now time for some information on her. This is Doodle. A golden doodle that is Lucky’s younger cousin. She’s between Lucky and Chucky in age so I’d say she’s about 5-6 years old. Her mother is a nurse at a local hospital and her father runs a small coffee shop that travels around to different locations using a rented out camper van. Doodle goes with her dad whenever his coffee shop moves to Brisbane for a limited time and stays with Lucky in that time, she is usually homeschooled due to traveling with her father a lot but she’d join Lucky at his school from time to time as well. She loves to do art and is actually pretty good at it for a 5 year old and wishes to do art professionally after getting done with school. She is dreaming of opening her own art school to help teach others to make art and give the gift of creativity.
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3 months ago
13 years ago, this episode was released. I remember discovering it while just flipping through the tv and I was curious about it so I watch it. Boy oh boy little did I know it would get me into the whole show! I know not a lot of people in the JT community like this episode but it’s actually pretty good! This episode also got me into tickling as well due to the numerous amounts of tickle scenes in just that signal episode alone (there are 6) What can I say? Tickles are very cute and very fun! #johnnytest
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3 months ago
It’s my OC Tyffani’s birthday today!! She’s finally 18!! She’s an adult now!! A little bit of information for you guys. It’s kinda sad so just brace yourselves. Tyffani never had a mother. Her mom, Serenity, had complications throughout her pregnancy and passed away shortly after giving birth. Tyffani has asked about her mom several times and each time she would ask, The Tickler would give a bit of information about Serenity. One of those things is that he said was that he had proposed to Serenity and shortly afterwards, she had told him that she was pregnant. They were planning to get married after the baby was born, but unfortunately that never happened due to Serenity not making it after Tyffani was born. Fun fact, Tyffani’s middle name is Serenity. #oc #johnnytest
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3 months ago
Decided to redesign my fan made episode title card to make it look more cartoon like style. I’m gonna finally do something with this project soon so I’ll explain the fan episode scenario later but for now enjoy the redesign of the title card! #johnnytest #fanmadeepisode
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4 months ago
Well my quotes are reels now…lovely! Anyway what’s with the rush? I will never understand why The Tickler wanted to find Johnny this badly. It’s not a race or anything. Show: Johnny Test Episode: Johnny VS The Tickler Character: The Tickler Note: this has been in my drafts for so long I forgot to post it so I might as well post it now while I still have it 😆
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4 months ago
On January 1, 2024 Steamboat Willie has entered the public domain after his copyright protection has expired. Yet Disney is still claiming some people on YT for using him. To be fair it did happen quite recently so YT will have to realize that this is public domain. This drawing of Steamboat Willie is a test to see if something happens. The sign that he’s holding says “I have entered the public domain as of January 1, 2024. Disney can no longer flag people for copyright if I am in their work.” Time to start a trend! I want people to join me in making something similar to this drawing. Post your own version of this drawing with the tag #savesteamboatwillie
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5 months ago
All the members of the Johnny Stopping 8! Johnny Stopping 8 is a headcanon I made about a group of 8 of Johnny’s former villains teaming up to get revenge on Johnny. #johnnytest #johnnytestedit #headcanon
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6 months ago