Ross Aliotti


🗡♣️ Sophisticated Savage NorCal AZ
A week ago I had the privilege to sit down with my good friend @polynesianpop to record another podcast live at AZTO in our @tikiaz tent. We got to chat with our buddies Fabio, @bigtoeart , @tikipop , and @tikirob . Such a great time and fun conversion. Go to to listen! #arizonatikioasis
107 13
3 years ago
Another AZTO has come and gone. What an incredible weekend with friends old and new. Already looking forward to next year. Although they don’t do the trip any any justice here a a few pics I managed to find. Thanks to all the hard work and all the people that made it happen. @tikioasis
196 12
2 years ago
Since I’ll probably never be able to find a Sandwich Isles jacket at a reasonable price the formal tropical look I had for my good friends @jriley629 and @8bitbrit ’s wedding will have to do. 😓😉
165 17
2 years ago
Quick SoCal trip to celebrate my good buddy @alexlamb 40th
84 4
5 months ago
Early Christmas present to myself from @trevorsliquor
60 5
7 months ago
Some pics I never posted from a NOLA trip in Aug/Sept 2019. Thanks for the BBQ shrimp rec @official_beachbumberry
124 9
9 months ago
2023 Tiki Oasis Happiness. Pic credit @r_sic
84 4
1 year ago
Celebrating one of my best friends @polynesianpop
65 11
1 year ago
Some pics from a private party at the beautiful Hale Mau Mau in November 2021. Thanks @midcenturymaurer for hosting, @tanduayrum for the rum, the entire crew that helped put it together. Fun night and great memory. Hope to make it back soon.
107 2
1 year ago
Few clips from @sacalohasummer last June at @dangerislandtiki and @birdsofparadiselounge . Was having such a great time that I didn’t take nearly enough pics. Thanks to @kurtiki_in_sac @delta.breeze @therealcbravo and @mrs_bravo for hosting and the entire crew that made this happen. Hope to be back this summer! Follow @sacalohasummer for details and to support later in 2023.
104 5
1 year ago