

Triumph Bonneville Bobber ‘22
I hope {more and more} women ride motorcycles, and don’t feel pressure to shift or change who they are, or their image, attitude, persona, or style to do it or be apart of the community. Riding a motorcycle isn’t “masculine energy” ~ for women, it doesn’t need to be motivated due to “daddy issues” and it’s not “trying to push into” a male dominated hobby. I think when we look past the images, ideas and the culture built around it and just be true to ourselves, we can enjoy motorcycles and motorcycling for what it truly is: FUN. And anyone, no matter race, sex, sexuality, background, outfit, persona, “issues,” or type of motorcycle ~ should be welcomed into this absolutely, incredible fun, however they want to do it, and just be the individual they are. A biker is a biker and at the end of the day we all just want to be back safe, and feel good out on our ride. ♥️ #thoughtsfortheday #triumphmotorcycles #dontloseyourselfinanything #staytruetoyou #womenwhoride #leatherjacket @baronefirenze
1,804 147
6 days ago
Replaced {my panniers} on my Triumph Bobber with these absolute beautiful pieces from @tripmachineco Impressed with the final result! Customized seat by @corbinseats Brown/tobacco leather straps, tank pads, panniers, grip wraps and details by @tripmachineco Bonneville Bobber 1200 @officialtriumph
1,364 100
9 days ago
Summer ~ season having the longest days and shortest nights, means more light to ride in ~ shedding the protective layers for a walk along the coastline, finding a spot to take in the sun or view, is the best date I take myself on 🙂. Helmet @hedonworkshop #hedonhelmets
2,038 156
14 days ago
Rare {personal} post. In the bottom of one of my panniers, I have a small leather journal that stays there full time. It’s been there maybe over a year and I can’t say I’ve written in it since last summer; maybe because summer affords me a little more thought time and casual rides. It doesn’t house personal info or thoughts, but rather chroniclizes memorable stops, descriptions of places I’ve ridden to, and on occasion— the way a certain ride cleared my head, healed my heart, or set me aright after a long work day. I wish there was a way that the processing that takes place when I ride could automatically be penned to that journal, and maybe that was the initial idea when I stuck the journal in my pannier… instead, my rides have become the space where I don’t need to write, record, feel a need to DO anything but experience freedom and peace. Or sometimes just experience rebellion. Which is also freedom and peace. This summer I thought to start up the moto-journalist again. But on second thought, I think I’ll continue leaving it there in the bottom of the pannier and be happy to know the pages are blank because my rides accomplished all the processing needed. Sometimes, somehow, somewhere in life we need absolutely nothing to give ourselves to do. No expectations. No must-perform. No must write; no more lists in life. Motorcycling is where the lists in my head go to die. And in their place, the birth of imagination, healing, hope, excitement, joy, and life. #whyweride Jacket @fjackets Pants Helmet @urbanhelmetsusa Vintage blouse {American Vintage HB}
2,326 157
18 days ago
Street Triple {765} RS #triumph #fortheride I had the opportunity to try out this incredible Roadster and what an amazing ride! More about the Street Triple 765 RS in my stories and under my highlight: 4theride Triumph of Newport Beach has an amazing fleet of Triumph Motorcycles and all things Triumph. Located: TRIUMPH NEWPORT BEACH 1920A Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92627 @rossocorsagallery
3,210 285
26 days ago
Summer Days {and Rides) are here! #bonneville So is a need for ice cream. Or is gelato your thing? Or an ice cold beer, just water, or what is the drink-cool down option of choice? Tell me what to try this week!
1,828 100
1 month ago
Ride {to work}. It’s been a busy few weeks and some summer vacation is greatly anticipated! In the mean time, the weather is nice for riding to work. Which makes going to work a little bit like play. 🙂 #triumphmotorcycles #fortheride (pants)
2,509 160
1 month ago
Road {skin} @roadskinuk Moto jeans/pants
3,942 265
1 month ago
The {Distinguished} Gentlemen’s Ride #dgr2024 Bright and early (actually it was cloudy and chilly, and early!) I headed north to grab coffee @ellerbakery with one my dearest riding companions and friend, arriving frozen in the face from my “vintage” open face helmet, and tear stains completing my unromantic look from the cold wind terrorizing my eyes right through my sunglasses, aka, eye protection. I silently begged the sun to come out, took some delightful photos of my friend on her beautiful Thruxton, ordered two shots of espresso, and cursed myself for believing the shoes I had chosen for the ride could possibly have been a decent idea. However, I’ve always been one to push into discomfort as if it somehow validates my existence. This morning was no different: see, the DGR, as I’ve shared via here as well as my blog post on the DGR riders’ personal fund raising page, isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Or so I originally thought. After all, I’m not a gentleman, prostrate cancer isn’t my worry, and I check out pretty optimistic when it comes to life. But first year I heard of the DGR I dug a little deeper, educated myself further, and discovered it very much was my cup of tea, in fact, it was an avenue that melted some of the ice-tea parts of my heart and was truly something I not only wanted to be apart of, but support. The first two years I took down names from all of you guys - either cancer survivors, mental health survivors, or in honor of those who didn’t, or those close to you who suffered. I had names to add along side on the back of my vest and I rode in honor of them all. I felt it. This year, as some of you noted, my vest with the names wasn’t along for the ride, nor did I ask for names to add. This was for the purpose of shifting my heart this year to riding in honor of the good men in my life: ones who have and are doing the daily work to be safe for themselves and others; who have returned my hope in man-kind. The ones who have shown me we all stumble, but it’s those who keep getting up, keep trying, that carry strength like no other. I rode in honor of men who have taken the research on mental health to heart, and are doing their part. Thank you.
2,956 226
1 month ago
No {conforming}. When The fire is at my feet again This is no mistake No accident Victory is in my veins I will still rise. {Rise - @katyperry }
2,932 167
1 month ago
Some of us {feel most at home} on the road. #peace #learherjacket @baronefirenze (beauty conjoined with protection).
2,475 127
1 month ago
There’s a quote {I have tacked to my closet door} that I see nearly the first thing when I open my eyes in the morning. It says: “There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done, one is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly Live.” Can’t tell you how many mornings that little tacked up quote has been the motivation behind not giving up. I plan to mostly live 😊.
2,264 139
2 months ago