Iris Odels


Occupational Therapist
⚠️ הסרטון מכיל תיאורים גרפיים ⚠️ The video contains graphic descriptions
4 7
1 month ago
Dear Hollywood, That's what your support means.
13 4
3 months ago
IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari presents evidence that Israeli hostages were held in tunnels under Gaza hospital: Hagari gives a tour of Al Rantisi Hospital's basement, showcasing Hamas' operational tunnel shafts, cache of weap0ns, and makeshift area in basement used for holding hostages, including babies.
52 17
7 months ago
Watch Piers Morgan's interview with author and journalist Douglas Murray on the Israel-Gaza border. @piersmorganuncensored @douglaskmurray
60 35
7 months ago
A petition to help Hamas Free Palestine! Just first know what you are signing, what you are supporting. People of the world, is that what you want? Because those things are in the Hamas charter! These are the things that they did and are doing! Do you support that?
74 20
8 months ago
Thank you, John Kirby, for being a true friend of Israel and saying the truth 🙏
14 5
8 months ago
Hamas are not "freedom fighters." Hamas are terrorists and their actions are pure evil! 😭
8 10
8 months ago
First, I want to thank all those who asked how we're doing. I'm ok, me and my family are safe, but I'm also broken. This is not the first time Israel has suffered from terrorism and brutal violence, but this is the first time it has been done on such a scale. The war is still going on, and there is also fear of what might yet come. So thank you, but dear friends, I also have a request: Share, make a stand against terrorism, against an organization whose stated goal is the extinction of all Jews. If you are not sure of the facts, please just ask or seek the answers for yourself. I also thank those who asked me the difficult questions like "how many people died over the years on the Israeli side and how many on the Palestinian side"? Yes, many Palestinians were killed, and I feel pain for every innocent citizen. But the Hamas are responsible for that. They are using civilians as human shields. The IDF informs the civilians by telephone, sms, and flyers before it attacks. Have you ever heard of an army that informs the enemy before it attacks? We are the only democracy in the Middle East and maintain high morals. Did you know that Israeli doctors treated Yahya Sinwar and operated on a cancerous tumor in his brain? Yes, Israel saved the life of the head of the Hamas organization! And he is not the only one... It is very difficult to live alongside those who always choose terror and not peace, who have violated every cease-fire that has ever existed, who took water pipes and turned them into rockets, who invested millions of dollars they received from Israel and from all over the world not in protecting their citizens or in the development of a welfare life, but in weapons and preparation for an attack, who are not willing to compromise on anything less than the brutal and cruel extermination of the entire people of Israel. Every year on Holocaust Remembrance Day, we say "never again." Now is the time to act because it's happening again right now! So please help us and #standwithisrael
87 59
8 months ago
So many great questions!
15 2
8 months ago
Which year did the current Palestinian Arab identity have complete sovereignty autonomy and control over the land of Israel?
15 0
8 months ago
Nothing can justify acts of terror! #standwithisrael 🇮🇱
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8 months ago