Ursula von der Leyen


President of the @europeancommission . Mother of seven. Brussels-born. European by heart. 🇪🇺
👋 Canada, welcome to our science community!       Today Canada joins the European family of research and innovation, becoming part of Horizon Europe.       With a budget of €93.5 billion for 2021-27, Horizon Europe is the world’s largest R&I programme.      From now on, Canadian researchers will work together with European scientists on a wide range of domains, such as:      🌿Climate   ⚡Energy   💻Digital economy   🏥Health      It is a good day for the EUCA partnership.     #EuropeanUnion #HorizonEU
1,173 40
1 hour ago
The new EU-Egypt partnership is delivering! Very concretely. During the 🇪🇺🇪🇬 Investment Conference this weekend in Cairo, we expect more than 20 deals between European companies and Egyptian partners. That’s more than 40 billion euros altogether. And it is just the beginning!
1,108 245
4 days ago
📍Touch down for @antoniocostaps in Brussels and first touch base together with @kajakallas ! I know that the three of us can make such a great team. I look forward to seeking confirmation from the @europarl_en
3,495 335
5 days ago
🇧🇪🇪🇺 Dear @alexanderdecroo thank you for an exceptionally successful @EU2024BE Presidency of the Council. 45 agreements across all our major priorities! Merci pour cette excellente coopération, bedankt voor de zeer goede samenwerking.
2,849 238
5 days ago
Grateful to Leaders for endorsing my nomination for a second mandate as President of the @europeancommission Delighted to share this moment with my friends @antoniocostapm Costa & @kajakallas . Now I will seek confirmation from the European Parliament, after presenting my political guidelines.
2,779 377
5 days ago
Початок переговорів про вступ до ЄС став історичним моментом. Україна стає ближчою до Європи. Її ніколи не збити із цього шляху. Продовжуємо боротися за наші спільні цінності. Європейські цінності. 🇺🇦🇪🇺 The opening of the EU accession negotiations was an historical moment. Ukraine is getting closer to Europe. It will never be diverted from this path. We continue to fight for our common values. European values. 🇺🇦🇪🇺
62.1k 1,444
6 days ago
Congratulations to Moldova and Ukraine on opening accession negotiations. This is very good news for the people of Ukraine, Moldova, and the entire European Union. The path ahead will be challenging but full of opportunities. Wishing you a successful start of the negotiations!
9,201 1,227
8 days ago
I was honoured to accept the credentials of 31 new ambassadors to the EU, from 🇰🇷🇨🇷🇧🇦🇳🇮🇹🇯🇳🇴🇦🇲🇳🇿🇧🇹🇴🇲🇹🇳🇧🇫🇱🇦🇩🇿🇲🇷🇷🇼🇯🇵🇲🇾🇹🇩🇸🇨🇬🇩🇧🇸🇱🇰🇸🇩🇮🇳🇬🇳🇸🇻🇪🇨🇷🇸🇦🇱🇧🇧. Welcome to Brussels! You are the voices of your countries in our Union. I look forward to working with you.
2,131 352
11 days ago
Ми маємо підтримати всеосяжний, справедливий і сталий мир для України. Мир, який відновить суверенітет України та її територіальну цілісність. Ми маємо знову пообіцяти твердо відстоювати принципи Статуту ООН. #PathtoPeace
31.6k 964
17 days ago
We need to support a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine. One that restores Ukraine’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity. We must pledge again to uphold firmly the principles of the UN Charter. This is #PathToPeace .
3,433 579
17 days ago
We, the international community, must stand together to support Ukraine in its pursuit of peace. This is why we’re in Switzerland today and tomorrow. To reaffirm the primacy of the UN Charter. To help bring an end to a brutal and unjust war. And restore international peace and security.
9,080 722
17 days ago
This G7 has once confirmed our iron-clad unity. I’m glad that we agreed to provide further financial support to Ukraine. It sends a clear message. We stand by Ukraine today, tomorrow and for as long as it takes.
6,449 649
18 days ago