Vert le Futur

Für eine nachhaltige Kultur- und Veranstaltungsbranche. Wir vernetzen, tauschen Wissen aus und machen Best-Practice sichtbar.
Last week we held the first ever #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland Programme at @mattliantoniushaus . It was such a nourishing experience made all the better by the generosity, care and warmth of our cohort of incredible participants. We used the time to think deeply and explore new ideas and collaborations. A real transformative energy was felt by the whole group - not for individual change alone, but for societal change. This deep willingness to change our social system for the better helped us form strong connections and have so many enriched discussions. We want to say a big thank you to everyone who joined us on this beautiful collective journey, sharing their experience and knowledge along the way. #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland 2024 was delivered in partnership with @julies_bicycle , , @prohelvetia & Stiftung Mercator Schweiz. Photo credit @isameister #CreativeClimateAction #ClimateAction #CreativeClimateLeaders #ArtsAndCulture #Environment #Switzerland
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3 months ago
Earlier this year we held our first #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland Programme. 24 artists & cultural leaders came together to think deeply and explore new ideas and collaborations in the climate and cultural space. Last week we also introduced the exciting projects that will be supported by a seed grant from this Switzerland programme. It’s great to see action already happening and we’re excited to see how the work of the cohort flourishes. Here’s just a snapshot of our time together. Head to the link in our bio to watch our full film. #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland 2024 was delivered by @julies_bicycle in partnership with , funded by @ProHelvetia and Stiftung Mercator Schweiz. #ClimateAction #CreativeClimateJustice #Transformation #ArtsAndCulture #Environment #Switzerland
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6 days ago
We’re excited to introduce the projects that will be supported by a seed grant from the #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland programme! The projects reflect the exceptional range, depth & force of creativity of the CCL cohort in Switzerland. Let’s take a closer look… 🌱The Melt Down - a talk show hosted by hybrid drag sensation @soyathecow (artist @daniel_hellmann ), bringing together guests from environmentalist, vegan, drag & entertainment communities to talk about climate justice, animal rights, gender equality & freedom of expression - over a meal of vegan fondue. 🌱@musicdeclares_switzerland Artist Residency - a new collaboration between @TOURBOmusic co-founder @cazzielum & @musicdeclares_switzerland co-founder @donatsachen that will bring together a group of Swiss musicians to empower artist-led responses to the climate crisis. 🌱Culture & Sustainability Policy Network Switzerland - a collaborative project led by artists @doriansari & @yvesregenass & curator @champagne_grand_cru_mcp to organise 4 public ‘parliaments’ to imagine a future Swiss cultural sector based on sustainability & the cultural policy it might take to get there. 🌱Move - a creative exploration from dancer @dawitseto fusing ritualistic movements, dance, workshops & storytelling that will bring together migrant communities in Switzerland to share their stories & actively participate in action on climate change. 🌱Friends for Climate Justice - Crafting Toolkits for Culture-based Climate Actions - an emerging art collective led by @byungseo_yoo , @delave01 & Léo Rebetez will run creative climate workshops to trigger culture-based actions by creating climate narratives. The #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland programme is delivered by @julies_bicycle in partnership with , funded by @ProHelvetia and Stiftung Mercator Schweiz. To keep up-to-date with the projects as they develop, follow @julies_bicycle & here on Instagram or sign up to our respective newsletters. #ClimateAction #CreativeClimateJustice #Transformation #ArtsAndCulture #Environment #Switzerland
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14 days ago
🚣 Die An- und Abreise des Publikums kann bis zu 90 % des CO2-Fussabdrucks eines Konzerts ausmachen. Kann man daran etwas ändern? Mit dem innovativen Mobilitätsprojekt TICKET TO RIDE wollten The Changency und Crowd Impact in Kooperation mit AnnenMayKantereit genau das herausfinden. Auf der Sommertournee 2023 von AnnenMayKantereit, zu der knapp eine Viertelmillion Fans anreisten, wurden dafür eine Aktions- und Kommunikationskampagne sowie eine Datenerhebung umgesetzt. Das Projekt verdeutlicht, wie wichtig es ist, Wissen zu schaffen und dieses auch gezielt zu nutzen, um Massnahmen und Dialoge anzustossen. Daten sind die Grundlage für Veränderung und Entscheidungen. Hier geht’s zur Projektzusammenfassung und den Erkenntnissen: Unterstützt wurde die Umsetzung von Landstreicher Booking und Fridays For Future. TICKET TO RIDE wurde gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und der Initiative Musik. @the.changency @crowdimpact_app @annemaykantereit @landstreicherbooking @fridaysforfuture
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1 month ago
Wie nachhaltig kann/will/muss Kultur sein? 🌳 Und wie geht mehr Nachhaltigkeit an einem Ort wie dem KIFF? «Vert le Futur», so heisst der Verein, der von genau diesen Dingen eine Ahnung hat und mit dem wir an diesem Abend das Thema genauer beleuchten wollen. Wir laden herzlich zu dieser interessanten Podiumsdiskussion mit spannenden Gästen ein! ✨ Wann: 16.05.2024 Doors: 19.00 Eintritt: Frei #livemusik #kiff #kultur #musik #kiffaarau #aarau #kulturkanton #kiffforever #weloveaarau #podiumsdiskussion #nachhaltigkeit #vertlefutur
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2 months ago
🌱 There is a growing movement of artists and cultural professionals and organisations in Switzerland orienting their work towards climate and environmental action. The work of the visual artist Dorian Sari @doriansari , one of the 24 participants of the first ever Swiss #CreativeClimateLeadership programme, is part of this important movement. 📅 On Saturday, April 20th at 2pm, there is a screening of Dorian Sari’s film “What Are We Doing? Art in the Face of Climate Change” @stadtkinobasel . The screening will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Ellinor Landmann from SFR Kultur. The panelists include Béla Bartha, Green Party Member of the Cantonal Parliament of Basel Stadt, and Carole Haensler, President of Swiss Museums Association and Director of Museo Villa dei Cedri Bellinzona. 🎯 We invite you to join us to discuss Switzerland’s current situation regarding this pressing issue and to explore the significant role of culture within it. It promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking event! The event is organised with @salts_ and and the admission is free 💥 @carole2h @lenamariathuering @benediktwyss #belabartha
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2 months ago
Kommt vorbei am Sustainability Infodesk beim @m4musicfestival und diskutiert mit uns über eine nachhaltige Kultur 🌱🌍⚖️ ____ @helvetiarockt @tasty_future_ch @musicdeclares_switzerland @tatenbank
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3 months ago
Today in Bote der Urschweiz! Our #CCL project assistant @aerdbeeli gave an interview to the newspaper, talking about sustainability in the arts and the CCL programme 💚 #CreativeClimateLeadership #creativeclimateaction @prohelvetia @julies_bicycle #stiftungmercator
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3 months ago
The first ever #CreativeClimateLeadership Switzerland ended yesterday, but this is only the beginning. We are very thankful for everyone who joined us on this beautiful journey and made it a unique collective experience, by sharing their knowledge, presence and creativity 💚 📷 @isameister @dawitseto @delave01 @donatsachen @soyathecow @doriansari @barbaraellenberger @byungseo_yoo @champagne_grand_cru_mcp @ricebowlglow @joellesimmen @catjaloepfe @ntandocu @monicacantieni @carole2h @cazzielum @beyond_tropes @annakatarinag @scan.arc @katia.weibel @theaterspektakel @pizarrostefanie @lagiudicigio @aerdbeeli @zamzammcr @prohelvetia @julies_bicycle #stiftungmercator #creativeclimateaction
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3 months ago
Anja Bieri hat mit Payal Parekh und Caroline Edwards über die Rolle von Kunst & Kultur in der Klimadebatte gesprochen. Moderation: @anja.wav Video: @tiimo.png 🌎💚🌍💚🌏💚🌎💚🌍💚🌏💚🌎💚🌍💚🌏💚 Hast du die Live-Sendung verpasst? Keine Angst! Den Podcast & Blog findest du auch im Nachhinein auf! #klima #climate #klimawandel #klimawandelstoppen #klimaschutz #climatecrisis #3fach
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3 months ago
Meet the participants of CCL Switzerland 2024! Today: Dorian Sari @doriansari Payal Parekh Yves Regenass Anna Grichting Solder @annakatarinag 📸 Credits: (1) Eric Bergoend, (3) Danielle Liniger, (5) Livia Mauerhofer, (7) Bettina Palazzo #CreativeClimateLeadership #CCL #CreativeClimateAction
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4 months ago
Meet the participants of CCL Switzerland 2024! Today: Mateo Chacón Pino @champagne_grand_cru_mcp Daniel Hellmann @daniel_hellmann Carole Haensler @carole2h Joëlle Simmen @joellesimmen 📸 Credits: (1) Can Waegener, (3) Violetta Canitano, (5) Alex Lambrechts, (7) Dave Honegger #CreativeClimateLeadership #CCL #CreativeClimateAction
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4 months ago