Wai Yin Association 慧妍雅集


Wai Yin Association was invited to join the Road Safety Council promotional event again. The council also arranged an interesting drama to promote and raise awareness of road safety in a lively and entertaining way. Special thanks to our Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees Anne Heung, members Joan Tong, and Edith Wong for representing Wai Yin. 慧妍雅集再次獲道路安全議會邀請參與「熊 sir X 慧妍雅集 • 推廣長者行人安全」活動, 議會更特別安排了精彩的話劇表演,透過生動及有趣的方式推廣正確道路使用及安全意識。 特別鳴謝本會信託委員會副主席向海嵐、會員唐麗球、及王殷廷出席支持。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #RoadSafetyCouncil #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #道路安全議會 #路上零意外香港人人愛 #專心留心唔分心
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2 days ago
“Police Badminton Club VS Wai Yin Badminton Friendly Match” was successfully held on 15th June at Police Officers Club. We also got the opportunity to learn more anti-deception skills and information from the Secretary for Security Mr. Tang Ping Keung and the Commissioner of Police Mr. Siu Yak-yee. We were glad to have Badminton Player Ms. Yip Pui Yin to support and play in the exhibition match. Special thanks to Mr. Lai Lok Yi and our members including Honorary Life President Loletta Chu, Honorary Mentor, Board of Trustees member Ellen Wong, President of Executive Committee Nicole Lee, Past President Sandy Lau, Past President Virginia Yung, Past President Teresa Chu, member Germaine Li, Carina Leung, Sylvia Chung, Hera Lam, Jacqueline Lam, Dionne Lam, Winnie Ma and Livia Tang for joining. 《警察羽毛球會 VS 慧妍羽毛球友誼賽》於 6 月 15 日圓滿結束。期間更有機會與保安局局長鄧炳強先生及警務 處處長蕭澤頤先生交流,瞭解更多防騙資訊。 此外,亦得到香港女子羽毛球員葉姵延小姐的支持,以嘉賓身分參與表演賽,令活動生色不少。本會亦要感謝黎 諾懿先生及一眾慧妍會員投入參與是次活動,包括:永遠名譽會長朱玲玲、榮譽導師兼信託委員會委員王愛倫、 執行委員會會長李潔瑩、前會長劉倩婷、前會長翁嘉穗、前會長朱翠娟、李姿敏 、⁠梁凱晴、鍾子綸、林泳妤、 林詩慧、林嘉曼、馬詠恩、鄧沅叞。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #PoliceBadmintonclub #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #警察羽毛球會
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2 days ago
Happy Birthday to Wai Yin’s June Birthday Girls – Past Chairman Winnie Young, Past President Teresa Chu, Members Tracy Chu, Amy Ng, Erin Wong, Grace Chan, Jessie Chiu, Joan Tong, Karen Ng, Sabrina Mendes, Wendy Ha, Jessica Wong and Winnie Ma! 慧妍雅集祝六月份生日之前主席楊婉儀、前會長朱翠娟、會員朱千雪、吳幸美、王卓淇、陳凱琳、趙翠儀、唐麗球、吳淑明、宋宛穎、夏淑玲、黃泳嘉 及 馬詠恩 生日快樂! 永遠美麗! #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #HappyBirthday #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #生日快樂
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2 days ago
Wai Yin Association was invited to join the celebrations of the Ming Pao Daily 65th Anniversary of Publication on 24th May. Special thanks to our Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees Anne Heung, member Joan Tong, and Edith Wong for representing Wai Yin to join! 慧妍雅集獲明報邀請出席於5月24日舉行的「《明報》65周年報慶酒會」。感謝本會信託委員會副主席向海嵐、會員唐麗球及王殷廷代表慧妍出席支持。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity # MingPaoDaily #65years #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #明報 #65周年報慶酒會
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1 month ago
Happy Birthday to Wai Yin’s May Birthday Girls –President Nicole Lee, Members Ada Pong, Amy Fan, Grace Wong, Kitty Man, Kristy Shaw, May Lam, and Roxanne Tong. 慧妍雅集祝五月份生日之會長李潔瑩、會員龐卓欣、樊奕敏、王君馨、文健儀、邵初、林麗薇 及 湯洛雯 生日快樂! 永遠美麗! #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #HappyBirthday #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #生日快樂
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1 month ago
Wai Yin Association was invited to join the “ChickenSoup Family Club House opening X 10th anniversary X Mother’s Day” event on 11th May 2024. It was great to discover how their services and priceless contributions help society by providing both mental and physical support to single-parent families. Special thanks to our President of the Executive Committee Nicole Lee, Secretary of the Executive Committee Ivy Sung, and member Emmy Choi for representing Wai Yin. 慧妍雅集獲邀出席於 5 月 11 日舉辦的「心靈鷄湯慈善基金家庭俱樂部開幕 X 十周年 X 母親節」活動,很高興能深入 了解他們的服務範疇, 主要通過為有需要的單親家庭提供適切的活動, 以達至對他們心靈上的支持。 特別鳴謝執行委員會會長李潔瑩、執行委員會秘書宋愛儀及會員蔡淑好代表出席。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #ChickenSoupFoundation #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #心靈雞湯慈善基金
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1 month ago
We understand from some members/guests that they have experienced difficulty when trying to redeem the vouchers with the provider for PINRU TANG caviar gift box from Pinru Tang. Members/guests who have the same experience kindly also advise us. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. #charityball2024
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1 month ago
Wai Yin Association was invited to join the Road Safety Council promotional event at Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre on 27th March 2024. We were glad to join and interact to raise road safety awareness among the elderly. Special thanks to our Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees Anne Heung, Executive Committee Membership Officer Veronica Shiu, Past President Ho Yan Mok, and member Chiu Yi Leung for representing Wai Yin. 慧妍雅集獲道路安全議會邀請出席於3月27日於循道愛華村服務中心舉辦的「熊sir X 慧妍雅集 • 推廣長者行人安全」活動,除了參與推廣正確道路使用及安全意識,期間更有機會與一眾老友記進行互動問答環節,氣氛非常熱烈。 特別鳴謝本會信託委員會副主席向海嵐、執行委員會會員拓展理事邵珮詩、前會長莫可欣及會員梁超怡代表出席。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #Roadsafetycouncil #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #道路安全議會 #路上零意外香港人人愛
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3 months ago
Charity Auction has been the most iconic part of the Wai Yin Association Charity Ball. This year, we are grateful to have Mr. Alex Lee, Vice President of the Executive Committee Priscilla Chi, Membership Officer of the Executive Committee Veronica Shiu, Public Relations Officer of Executive Committee Cathy Wong, member Heidi Chu, Nicole Leung, and Edith Wong for hosting the Charity Auction for Wai Yin Association 42nd Anniversary Charity Ball 2024 Charity Auction which raised nearly Seven Hundred Thousand dollars for Wai Yin. We are thrilled to have the support from all auction item donors, guests who actively participated in the auction, and the winning bidders. Guest also actively participated in raffle sales, hoping to win the 149 prizes donated by prize sponsors. Thanks to our Honorary Advisors for drawing the prizes, and special thanks to the 2023 Miss Hong Kong Winner Ms. Hilary Chong, and 1st runner up Ms. Lynn Wong for drawing and presenting prizes to the first 3 prize winners. We would like to thank all prize sponsors for donating goodies, tables, and lucky draw prizes for the event. 慈善拍賣一向是慧妍雅集慈善晚宴的重要環節,感謝李志剛先生、執行委員會副會長戚黛黛、執行委員會會員拓展理事邵珮詩、執行委員會公關理事王嘉慧、會員朱凱婷、梁麗翹及王殷廷合力為我們主持「慧妍雅集42週年慈善晚會2024」慈善拍賣,並成功為本會籌得近七十萬元的善款。十分感謝所有捐出拍賣品、積極參與拍賣環節及投得心頭好的各位善長。 除拍賣環節,嘉賓們都積極購買奬劵參與幸運大抽獎,希望贏取由各禮品贊助商捐出共149份禮品。感謝慧妍雅集名譽顧問團抽出奬項,並感謝2023年香港小姐冠軍莊子璇小姐及季軍黃怡然小擔任台上抽獎及頒奬嘉賓,抽出及頒發首三獎予奬項得主。亦感謝各禮品贊助商捐出禮品包、枱獎及抽獎禮物。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #42ndAnniversaryCharityBall2024 #BeautifulHongKong #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #42週年慈善晚會 #美麗香港
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3 months ago
We are delighted to have Mr. Raymond Wong, Ms. Vivian Lai, and Mr. Chau Kat Pui as the honorable performers of “Wai Yin Association 42nd Anniversary Charity Ball 2024”, performing popular and famous songs to all the guests at the event. All the wonderful performances of the night impressed our guests very much. 本會榮幸邀請到黃百鳴先生、黎瑞恩小姐和周吉佩先生為「慧妍雅集42週年慈善晚會2024」擔任表演嘉賓,為現場嘉賓唱出多首耳熟能詳及經典金曲。當晚的精彩表演令現場嘉賓留下深刻印象。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #42ndAnniversaryCharityBall2024 #BeautifulHongKong #raymondwong #vivianlai #chaukatpui #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #42週年慈善晚會 #美麗香港 #黃百鳴 #黎瑞恩 #周吉佩
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3 months ago
“Wai Yin Association 42nd Anniversary Charity Ball 2024”, with the support from the 7 Silver Patrons, was successfully held on 16 March 2024 at Regent Ballroom, Regent Hong Kong. Big thanks to our Silver Patrons including DERMAMIER SKIN & LASER CENTRE, LIGHTMAC, Po Leung Kuk 2023-2024 Board of Directors, Mr. Wilfred NG Sau-Kei GBS, MH, JP, Mrs. Mary SUEN CHOI To-may, Dr. Marcella CHEUNG Man-Ka, Lo’s Family Charity Fund Ltd and Shui On Group. We would also like to thank all the prize and service sponsors, all guests, and the 56 members for attending to support. 「慧妍雅集42週年慈善晚會2024」已於3月16日假香港麗晶酒店麗晶大禮堂順利舉行。 我們要感謝多位銀贊助的支持,包括: DERMAMIER SKIN & LASER CENTRE 、LIGHTMAC、保良局2023-2024董事會、吳守基先生, GBS, MH, JP、孫蔡吐媚女士、張文嘉博士、Lo’s Family Charity Fund Ltd及瑞安集團。當然活動能夠順利舉行,亦要感謝所有禮品贊助商、服務贊助商、嘉賓以及56位出席參與的會員的支持。 #WaiYinAssociation #WaiYin #MissHongKong #Charity #42ndAnniversaryCharityBall2024 #BEAUTIFULHONGKONG #慧妍雅集 #慧妍 #香港小姐 #慈善 #42週年慈善晚會 #美麗香港
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3 months ago