Wes Watson


🌎 Worldwide Coach 🎥 YouTube GP Penitentiary Life 85M 📚 International Best Seller 👨🏼‍💼CEO @watson_fit
6mins halos. 4set of 1min 30sec. My sister sees me as superficial because all she notices is my dedication to working out. And making money. Nothing else. All I talk about is Solar farms @brabus 930 And my escape plan from the matrix lol 😂 And she asks me why I’m so fixated in working out. She sees me 2.3.4xs in a day work out. However, my dedication extends far beyond my physical appearance; I told her: “it’s about reaching a higher spiritual altitude and resonating with a greater consciousness. Some days, like today, feel overwhelmingly challenging. On such occasions, it’s vital to prioritize self-care and engage in meditative workouts to uplift my spirits. These are the days I push myself even further, despite feeling unmotivated, because they hold a special significance. I think about the day I won’t be able to do this. I think about if I loose a leg and can’t work out. How pissed I would be that I didn’t take full advantage of my amazingly blessed health. I believe that in the darkest moments, blessings are waiting to emerge. This darkness isn’t the end but rather a necessary phase for growth, akin to a seed needing burial to sprout into a tree. So, why do I work out? It’s because it offers me complete control(physical), instills hope for a brighter tomorrow(mental), and elevates my consciousness (spiritual). It’s the closest thing I got to giving my gratitude to god. Thank you god amen ” Spoken from the 🫀 Sweat 💧 in times of peace. Or Bleed 🩸in times of war. Alpha Always Leading People Higher Altitudes
2 months ago
Simple. Yet powerful. Did you pass the test?
2 months ago
Fast. Work out. Raise vibrations. Win
2 months ago
“I’ve been conditioned to think 10 times bigger, but little did I know I could do 100 times better. Don’t let the normal hold you back from becoming an alpha.” -AlphaMaxLife
2 months ago
Goal. Loose track of how many. And it becomes a pump of energy
2 months ago
When you want it as much as you want to breath. Then you will achieve
2 months ago
Thank you god. Yet again I kneel before you. With your blessing I am humbled to accept today as a gift. Another great opportunity you give me and shine your great light on my life. May I bath in your glory. And shine as bright as you. May your will be my path. I give who I once was to become whom I’m meant to be. thank you for giving me the gift to enlighten other’s paths into a higher elevation. My highest authentic gratitude. Thank you amen
2 months ago
We are soldiers. In jah army
2 months ago
I kneel before you once again. Begging you for mercy. For you have blessed me and I have nothing to give back in return. You have given me the top fruits of every tree of this planet. The first born offspring of every protein animal I may consume under your breath. Given me command over every element and ore. You have given me the opportunity of joy love and pain. YHWH. I am forever thankful and begging to you, to forgive me, for I may never repay you. Your infinite abundance is not something I am worthy of. I promise to give you my life and soul so that you may use me to bless others with your devine intervention. May the cosmos hear your echo YH- WH May my ying be balanced with their yangs. May the flowers blossom in my presence. May the eagles circle above my head and give their highest respect when they eye my auras and energized chakras. I and I will remain loyal to the blueprint. In your name I pray Thank you YHWH AMEN
2 months ago
Fuck 10 push ups. Look at me 👀 I am alpha now. 20 push ups right now. Show me why. You are worthy of gods full abundance. let’s go!
2 months ago
If you can’t hit your leverage. You can’t pivot into a new reality.
2 months ago
Thank you YHWH Amen
2 months ago