Zara | Holistic Nutritionist


🌱 Gut Health & Stress management Nutritionist 🌱 PCOS | Gut Healing | Stress | Holistic Healing 🌱 On the journey back to self ✨
If you had told me 10 years ago I'd be living on a farm, surrounded by animals, nature and doing my most inner healing, I wouldn't have believed you. . So incredibly grateful 🙏 . . #grateful #rural #farm #views #sky #skies #sunrise #sunset #healing #innerwork #happy #animals #nature #love
19 5
4 days ago
2024 is going to look a little different for Wellness with Zara ✨️ My family is growing and this year I'm focusing on motherhood, regulating my nervous system, self care, and continuing on my journey to better health 😊 . I can't wait. It's going to be a great year to slow down and really focus on my own well-being and my family's. 2023 taught me a lot! It broke me to be completely honest, but it was all for the greater good because so much inner healing happened ✨️ . I now know that I don't need to rush things, I completely trust that things will work out the way they are meant to 🙏 and when I'm good and ready I'll be back doing what I love. . Life can definitely be full of ups and downs! And it's in our downs that we can achieve great breakthroughs 🙌 so if you're feeling like the world is on top of your shoulders then please know it will get better, and it's okay to slow down, to seek help & support, and to put your wellbeing first. Sometimes, we have to sit in the darkness in order to find the light again ✨️ . Sending you all so much love 💛 . #newyear #breakthroughs #innerwork #healing #shadow #light #levelingup #newadventure #nervoussystem #slowingdown #nutrition #health #spiritual #mental #emotional #journey #trust
34 7
5 months ago
Life can be full of set backs, but it's when we let the set backs win that we end up falling back into old habits and repetitive cycles. Allow your set backs to present with you, it's okay, you're only human, our set backs can be a great reminder on what still needs healing. . The way forward is to stay consistent as possible ✨️ pick yourself back up and try again. Don't be afraid of failure. . Your direction is more important than your speed. . Habits can take time to shift and change. . Be patient with yourself, There is no time-line on your healing journey ✨️ . #nutrition #connection #nature #spiritual #intuitive #habits #keepgoing #youcandothis #motivation #power #self-love #health #wellness #healing
22 2
5 months ago
Creating a Wellness bowl 😋💚✨️ . Do you eat meals that contain both cooked & raw foods? It's one of my favorite combinations. . Adding a combination of cooked and raw foods to your meals means you are getting a good balance of nutrients for your body. Raw vegetables can provide more antioxidants and enzymes, and cooked protein, grains and starches are easier to digest. . You should definitely aim for a balance of both in your diet. In my Wellness bowls I aim for a healthy serving of protein and cooked grain such as brown rice, bulghar wheat or Quinoa. Then I add a variety of colorful fresh vegetables with either sprouts or fermented food on top. . Dressings should be homemade to stay away from preservatives, such as avocado/hemp/olive oil, vinegars, tahini, Citrus etc . Top with your favorite nuts & seeds . Get creative and experiment with your own Wellness bowls 🥣 . #Wellness #wellnessbowl #wellnessbowls #nutrition #nutritional #Nutritionist #health #raw #rawfoods #cooked #fresh #antioxidants #enzymes #colorful #balance #homemade #heal #food ##foodismedicine #protein #carbs #fats
18 3
6 months ago
2023 Recap, why I had to take a step back from my business and focus on my emotional and spiritual health. Full video here: 2023 has been a year of deep healing, unraveling, letting go, and extremely transformative. So, even though I didn't achieve what I set out to do for my business this year, I feel like I have won in a completely different way. I have shed some really old wounds and gotten to know myself on a deeper level. After many dark nights of the soul, I feel & see clearer, my load is lighter and I can see in a different perspective now ✨️ Everything happens for a reason, and I'm extremely grateful for this brutal yet beautiful year. Your emotional well-being is so important, please don't run or hide from big feelings, allow them to come up and hold space for them 💛 Bring on 2024 ✨️✨️ #emotional #emotionalbody #emotions #pain #trauma #healing #letgo #lettinggo #spiritual #health #wellness #slow #slowdown #love #light #selfdevelopment #recap #vulnerable
27 6
7 months ago
From someone who built up a huge protective wall around herself to stay safe, I completely shut myself off from my emotions. I wouldn't cry, and I wouldn't acknowledge how I felt because I wanted to prove to the world and everyone around me that I wasn't feeling broken inside. . That all changed when I decided to heal myself from physical symptoms caused by PCOS, Poor gut health, inflammation etc. I soon realized that my emotional body was just as important as my physical body. I needed to feel in order to heal on a deeper level. . It's okay to feel broken, let down, angry, sad and hurt. It's okay to feel your emotions, you're not weak. You're incredibly strong, it's okay to let softness back into your heart. . When we feel, then reveal, we can heal on such a deep level. It can be brutal but beautiful at the same time ✨️🫶 . Sending you all so much love 💛💛 . #feel #heal #reveal #healing #emotions #emotional #spiritual #uplevel #connection #heart #heartspace #heartchakra #unwind #trauma #stress
31 2
7 months ago
I've been a little quiet on my pregnancy this time ✨️ so much has happened this year that I just wanted to let you all know that this is one of the reasons why I've been quiet on my social media. . Excited to embark on this new journey next year ✨️ such a blessing and miracle to be carrying this little one. . Grateful 🙏💛 . #quiet #pregnancy #miracle #blessed #soul #wellness #motherhood
47 4
7 months ago
Experience Constipation? Try this 🍍🥒 . Did you know that blending Pineapple & cucumber together can create a powerful cleanser for the colon. . Combining both foods helps to remove excess waste from the colon. . Cucumber can help soften the stools and Pineapple is rich in digestive enzymes. Specifically Bromelain which can help with the digestion of proteins. . I've added pure coconut water for an extra hit of electrolytes to hydrate my cells. . All you need is 1/2 Pineapple & 1/2 Cucumber. Add in 1/2 cup coconut water (optional) Then blend ingredients, and enjoy your delicious hydrating & colon cleansing drink. . When used right, Foos is a powerful medicine . Let me know in the comments if you've tried this recipe and what did you think? . #foodismedicine #medicinal #mothernature #Holistic #health #backtobasics #Pineapple #cucumber #Constipation #cleanse #detox #nutrition
49 9
8 months ago
How to build a healthy & delicious salad that supports your hormones and gut health. . We all know I love making and eating salads 🥗 they are a great option when it comes to eating more raw and nutrient dense foods. When built right they can support our hormones and gut health by providing us with plenty of healthy protein, fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals & antioxidants. . Eating more salads was something I incorporated into my diet to use food as medicine as my body needed more raw and wholesome foods. . Do you love salads as much as I do? Would love to hear what your favorite ingredients to add into a salad are, comment below 👇 . #salad #salads #hormones #balance #pcos #hormonehealth #hormonebalance #guthealth #nutrients #nutrition #raw #organic #fats #protein #healingfoods #foodismedicine
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9 months ago
Reveal, Feel, then Heal ✨️✨️ Why honoring our emotional body is so important . Opening up our heart and letting ourselves feel the emotions we have, all of the good & the hard, offers our body & soul a form of release. Ever feel so much lighter after a good cry? I know I do, and crying was something I never did because I wanted to prove that I was capable & strong. So I swallowed a lot of my emotions. . I sought out suppressing them through external sources or I just completely ignored how I was feeling. And in the end they all came seeping out of me and I was left with no choice but to face how I was feeling and Heal my old wounds. . Being vulnerable in a world where we are taught to not be over emotional can be hard at first. But I promise you, you'll start to feel so much lighter when you open your heart and let it all go ✨️ . Healing isn't always about being happy & positive. We need to be able to express our anger and hurt in healthy ways too, and not be shamed for them as they are normal emotions. . #heart #hearthchakra #emotionalrelease #emotions #emotional #emotionalbody #express #Heal #healing #release #honor #love #vulnerability #acceptance #letgo
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9 months ago
Huge Huge shift in my healing journey today!! . 7 years ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and they found 34 cysts on my ovaries with severe inflammation. . Now, 7 years later, I'm told they are gone and my ovaries are looking healthy and healed. . Healing is real, it can happen. It's taken a long time but I had many hurdles I needed to face & jump. It's definitely not been easy and I have faced so much. I am super proud and grateful that I decided to take a different road. Holistic health has changed my life. . If I can heal, so can you. Don't give up on yourself, keep trying, and have faith that the body is capable of miracles ✨️ . #pcos #ovaries #ovarianhealth #cysts #fertility #hormones #balance #Holistic #hormonal #womenshealth #womb #cycle #seven #7 #faith #journey #heal #healing #magic
54 23
11 months ago
How Stress disrupts the digestive system . When stress is present, your body transitions to fight-or-flight mode, inhibiting your Vagus nerve & digestive system. Your Vagus nerve tells your body if it's in danger or if it's safe. It's a simple switch & our digestive system will function based on the nervous system response. Stress is one of the leading root causes of digestive issues. When we are stressed the digestive system slows down because our body is prioritizing the nervous system response. In todays world, we're much more stressed by life demands, subconscious limiting beliefs, and either suppressing, running or hiding from our emotions that our nervous system is often in "survival" mode. The Flight & Fight response. You see, our body doesn't know the difference between a tiger chasing us, or worrying whether your going to get to work on time. This is how stress alters digestion: •Decreases stomach acid, leading to slow digestion, Bloating & reflux •Delays the emptying of your stomach where you can feel full & uncomfortable and experience reflux •Impairs the Liver & Gallbladders ability to digest fats & remove toxins •Decreases Pancreatic enzymes which are needed to break down food •Decreases motility which slows down the movement of foods through the digestive system This is how stress alters digestion: •Creates Inflammation in the digestive system which can cause constipation, Diarrhea, Abdominal cramps & bloating •Dysregulates your appetite & satiety hormones, impacting your cues of hunger •Increases intestinal permeability like leaky gut, dysbiosis, Constipation, Diarrhea, and Bacterial overgrowth like SIBO •Affects how you absorb nutrients from your food which can lead to fatigue Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Have you noticed how this has been impacting your digestion? Or have you been experiencing digestive issues for some time now and can now identify that stress is the cause? . Let me know in the comments if this resonates with you 🙏 . #stress #Vagus #vagusnerve #overwhelmed #emotions #emotionalhealth #ibs #dysbiosis #hormones #poordigestion #pain #inflammation #constipation #pcos #guthealth #regulate #health
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1 year ago