Jennifer Pitcock


Happy 50th birthday to the man whose voice has inspired me, encouraged me, and helped me find my light again when I was lost in my own darkness--Marko Saaresto of @poetsofthefallband ! 🥳🎉🎂🥂💜💜💜 This was the painting I submitted for a big birthday collage put together by another fan. It's inspired by the imagery from one of my favorite Poets videos/songs of all time, "Daze," and I've actually had something like this in mind for a long time, but it took Marko hitting the half-century mark to get me off my butt to finally do it (not that you'd know he was 50 by looking at him--he's either a vampire, or when he struck the bargain with the devil for his voice, he managed to get eternal youth bundled into the deal along with it 🧛‍♂️ ). Go check out the video for "Daze" on Youtube so you can see the context for the painting if you're interested (and believe me, you *definitely* should be interested 😁 ) #marko50 #markopoets #poetsofthefall #daze #hamartia #jester #mask #masquerade #harlequin #venetianmask #fire #burn #burning
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3 years ago
I made it! 🎉 Inktober day 31--the final prompt is "Crawl," and since today is also Halloween, I thought something monstrous and creepy would be fitting, so I drew all kinds of creepy, terrifying, monstrous things crawling out of a boiling black cauldron. 🕷🐍🧟‍♂️💀 Be careful out there tonight--I'm not sure what else might be bubbling up out of this goo, but I don't think any of it can be good. 😨 Happy Halloween! 🎃 I also have several new paintings in the works right now, and I'm hoping to have them all done and posted up before the end of the year. I'm going to be posting some work-in-progress shots here Instagram, so follow me if you'd like to see those as they come. #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day31 #inktober2020crawl #rebelle   #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #halloween #creepy #creepyart #scary #monsters #zombies #spiders #snakes #undead #cauldron #witches #witch #halloweenart
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3 years ago
Inktober day 29--today's prompt is "Shoes." Most of the cultures of the world have some variation of the Cinderella fairytale, and one of my favorites is the Chinese version, called "Yeh Shen." Like the well-known European version, Yeh Shen is abused by her stepmother and stepsisters, made to wear rags, and forced to do all the chores and labor for the household. Her only friend is a fish named Gold Eyes, who she talks to at the water's edge while she washes her stepfamily's clothes (in some versions the fish is actually the spirit of her dead mother). Like Cinderella, she hears about a great ball being held by the royal family and she wishes she could go, but she has no fine clothes to wear, and her stepmother and stepsisters would never give her a night off from her chores anyway. One day while Yeh Shen is out, her step sisters go down to the water and catch Gold Eyes, and they and their mother eat him for supper that night. Yeh Shen is heartbroken, and she cries that night over Gold Eyes' bones--all she has left of her only friend. But Gold Eye's spirit speaks to her, and he turns his bones into a pair of golden slippers for her to wear to the ball--and when she puts them on, she's suddenly clothed in a beautiful golden gown fit for royalty. If you know the story of Cinderella, you have a pretty good idea of how the rest of the story goes, but if you want to see the very first version of this story I ever saw when I was a kid, search for "Yeh Shen" on Youtube to find the episode of the old CBS Storybreak Saturday morning cartoon that featured this story. Since these slippers are, in essence, the spirit of Gold Eyes (a fish) I was able to use the drawing I did for the first Inktober prompt from this year (which was, of course, "Fish") as a backdrop to show Gold Eyes' spirit in the slippers. (I totally didn't plan that, but I love that it worked out that way.🙂 ) #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day29 #inktober2020shoes #rebelle   #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #yehshen #cinderella #chinesecinderella #goldeyes #fish #goldfish #koi #goldenslippers #glassslippers #fairytales #chinesefairytales #chineseart #shoes #chineseshoes
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3 years ago
Inktober day 27, and I've been waiting for this one the entire month.🙂 The prompt for today is "Music," and for me, there's nothing that embodies how much music means to me more than my favorite band in all of time and space, Poets of the Fall. 💜 I've always believed that music is the way the soul speaks, and their music touched me at a time when my soul felt very defeated and lost--and it reignited my passion for creating music, for creating art...for CREATING, full stop, which for me is as necessary for sustaining life as air or water. Their music was like sudden sunlight bursting into a dark and dusty room. Making music means your soul is speaking through the air and the ether and reaches of time to touch other souls and convey things that exist beyond words or understanding--and that's exactly what Poets did for me. This drawing is a montage of symbols and imagery that appear throughout Poets' albums and videos. The black moth with the pin in him is Morpho, who's been the mascot for Poets since the very beginning and features in the video for the song "Lift." The lollipop comes from the cover of the Carnival of Rust album, and also features throughout the video for the song "Carnival of Rust" (my favorite song in the known universe🙂 ) And the feather pendant is a Hopecatcher, which comes from the video for the song "Choice Millionaire," and I also own one myself and I wear it when I go out anywhere. 💜 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day27 #inktober2020music #rebelle   #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #poetsofthefall #potf #music #moth #lollipop #hopecatcher #carnivalofrust #lift #choicemillionaire
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3 years ago
Inktober day 25--the prompt for today is "Buddy." This sweet little puppy always has his buddy with him wherever he goes, to watch over him and protect him and keep him safe from anyone who might want to hurt him (but who would want to do that? 🐶🤗💜 ). #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day25 #inktober2020buddy #rebelle   #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #puppy #dog #dogart #cutepuppy #creepy #shadows #monster #monsterart #creepycute #purple
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3 years ago
Inktober day 23--today's prompt is "Rip," but I decided to re-interpret it as "R.I.P" instead of the actual word. 💀 It's getting closer to Halloween, so I'm happily channeling my inner Edward Gorey and remembering how much the animated intro to Mystery! on PBS used to terrify me when I was a kid. 😨 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day23 #inktober2020rip #rebelle #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #halloween #halloweenart #tombstone #graveyard #gothart #gothicart #goth #gothic #edwardgorey #creepy #creepyart #scary #cemetery #lineart
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3 years ago
So I drew another cat. 🐱 Inktober day 21--today's prompt is "Sleep," and I literally can't think of anything on this planet that exemplifies the word "sleep" as perfectly as a cat. 💤🐈💜 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day21 #inktober2020sleep #rebelle #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #cat #cats #catart #kitty #sleepingkitty #sleepingcat #cutecat #cutekitty #cuteart #sleep #sleepy
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3 years ago
Inktober day 19 - today's prompt is "Dizzy." This one is a little experimental--I had a concept in mind when I started, but I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to make it work (or if it even would work). I wanted to convey the *impression* of a spinning ballerina, with partial lines and segments and silhouettes from various angles as she's spinning so that it feels disorienting, like you're actually watching her spin on the page and feeling dizzy trying to keep track of her. This concept would have been easier to accomplish with multiple colors, so I could have had more clear separation between the different angle views (and maybe have more of them), but I'm limiting myself to black and a single color (and sometimes white) on each of these, so I had to figure out how to make it work with a limited pallet. I'm not sure if I managed to fully capture the concept as I had it in my head, but I'm actually pleased it worked as well as it did--I was afraid it would turn into a chaotic mess of scribbles. 😛 #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day19 #inktober2020dizzy #rebelle #inkart #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #ballerina #ballet #dizzy #spinning #vertigo #pink #pinkgirl #girly
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3 years ago
Inktober day 17 - Today's prompt is "Storm." When I did Inktober back in 2018, one of the prompts was "thunder," and I drew a thunderstorm with lightning in the clouds. I didn't really want to just repeat the same basic idea this time, so I decided to look at it from a different angle--literally. 🙂 I've always liked photos of wine glasses with an upside-down image of a sky or cityscape refracted in the liquid, so I though it might be interesting to show a storm the same way, with jagged streaks of lightning reaching back upward toward the sky. (And now I really want to try to do this with an actual photo, but the timing would either have to be insanely perfect, or I'd have to set it up as a timelapse and home one of the shots catches the lightning just right.) #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day17 #inktober2020storm #rebelle #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #storm #lightning #wineglass
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3 years ago
Inktober day 15 - Today's prompt is "Outpost," and I was kind of stumped at first about what to do. I only really think of two things when I hear the word "outpost": a military facility far away from the main base, or a space station. And given my love of sci-fi, I obviously picked the space station. 🙂 The only problem was...I have no idea how to design a space station. 😳 I tried to come up with something that looked at least somewhat functional, with places for ships of various sizes to dock, a main "body" with several decks for rooms, cargo bays, main thoroughfares with market areas, etc. I even added a biosphere dome at the top for growing food and generating oxygen. My biggest problem, though, was trying to make it *not* look like Deep Space Nine (I mean, it still kinda does, though, to be honest... 🤷‍♀️ ). I wasn't that excited about this one most of the time I was working on it, but once I finished it, I actually wanted to make a print of it and go over all the green parts and stars with glow-in-the-dark paint (and I may really do that eventually). #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day15 #inktober2020outpost #rebelle #inkwash #inkart #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #spaceart #scifiart #scifi #planet #spacestation #saturn
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3 years ago
Inktober day 13 - today's prompt is "Dune," and I know a lot of people probably went in the direction of the Frank Herbert books/movie/series, but I've never really gotten into any of those, so my plan originally was just to do a simple night time scene of sand dunes in a desert. 🏜 Then some pyramids popped in, and I thought, "Okay, I guess we're going Egyptian, then, that's cool." And *then * one of the pyramids decided it wanted to emit some kind of eerie, mysterious glow and shoot a beam of light straight up into space. 🤔 It was at that point I realized that instead of Dune, I was apparently channeling the influence of a different sci-fi series I actually am a huge fan of: Stargate. 😁 Also, I really like how peaceful this turned out. Yes, there's a weird glowing pyramid off in the distance, but it still feels tranquil and restful (as long as there's not a Goa'uld system lord hiding in that pyramid....) #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day13 #inktober2020dune #rebelle #inkart #inkwash #watercolor #watercolour #watercolorart #dune #dunes #desert #egypt #egyptian #scifi #scifiart #stargate #stargateart #pyramids
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3 years ago
Inktober day 11 - today's prompt is "Disgusting." I thought of a few things that would qualify as "disgusting," but most of them weren't things I actually wanted to draw. 😖 One theme that kept coming up, though, was the idea of rot, decay and death, and I thought this would be the perfect excuse to practice drawing the human skull. 💀 With sickly green mushrooms. 🍄 In a slimy pea-soup-green puddle. 🤢 Yeah.... #inktober #inktober2020 #inktober2020day11 #inktober2020disgusting #rebelle #inkart #watercolor #watercolorart #watercolour #inkwash #skull #skullart #deathart #halloween #halloweenart #mushrooms #mushroomart #gothart #gothicart #creepy #creepyart #tattoo #tattooart
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3 years ago