Wither Machine


Indie band wearing a prog metal t-shirt 🎸🎵 Aaron, Burnie, Will and Ben vvv PRESAVE TWO SAD WHITE FLAGS vvv
Surprise! Couldn't Be Happier, the new song by your good friends Wither Machine, is out on November 5th! "It's always been a dream of mine to release a depressing song on the most depressing of days, bonfire night" says bass drummer Ben, "the sun goes down and all your left with are explosions. So appropriate." "What? that doesn't make any sense" says Aaron in response. "So appropriate." says Ben, with a sense of finality.
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Just in case you didn't know, Two Sad White Flags is out (and if you fancy listening then you should follow through with that fancy), and today we're finishing up a music video
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1 year ago
TWO SAD WHITE FLAGS, FLY FREE The day is here, another song off out on its lonesome into the ether, hopefully to have fun and be a good boy. Maybe he'll wander into your loving arms. Maybe he'll have a quick fling with you, and that's OK. Let us know if you find him out there in the wild world. From Aaron, Burnie, Ben and Will, thank you for taking the time if you so graciously choose to do so. Enjoy the loud-sad.
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1 year ago
Don't be stupid like us. Save Two Sad White Flags before it's too late (August 11th is when it's too late)
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1 year ago
Two Sad White Flags is pretty much what it says on the tin. Sometimes giving up feels like the way to go. Not go to that gig. Ignore those messages for no reason. Wave that white flag. And, if everything goes well, there can be a friend there to pull you out of said slump. But that's not always the case, and then there are 2 white flags waving at the same time. Everyone gives up. Boo. I spent a lot of 2021 like this and it was not-a-good. Being able to pull ourselves up is really important. This song is one of the ways we do it, and lists a bunch of the other things that do. It's kinda meta, and we're really proud of it. This song is a big new thing for us. We went to a studio and everything, this time semi-knowing what we wer doing. Thanks @warrenwentworth for making it sound amazing, you'll all see what I mean August 11th. Aaron
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1 year ago
As amazing as it would be to dwell on last Saturday for longer, there simply isn't time. This is because our new single Two Sad White Flags is out August 11th, and this is the artwork! This artwork is really special to me. A few years back, my Grandad, a lifelong painter, started experimenting with some abstract work, and wasn't a fan of what he'd made. My parents wholly disagreed, stole that experiment and hung it up on their wall. Equally enamoured and not wanting to feel left out, I asked him if he would paint one for me. Come April he had one ready, mostly inspired by Ukraine and the state of the world. I didn't plan on doing anything more than just admiring it, but when thinking about the potential artwork for this new track, it just made sense. Literally the first line is 'We can stare here at this wall and think of ways to fill the gaps'. This is the way. Fill them with a painting. About a war, where people surrender in pop culture with WHITE FLAGS. I try and play cool most of the time but I'm proud of this one. I don't normally get to be so deep. Anyway, thanks for reading my ramblings Aaron
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1 year ago
This just in: 12 nerds do the impossible and finally put on that gig from 2 years ago and can finally move on with their lives! So many friends doing so many amazing things. Peroxid , Astral Ballet, and Moehlzart all coming in clutch with enough energy and love to fill a stadium, let alone a pub. Time to tick 'smallest big gig ever' off the to do list.
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1 year ago
Tonight we throw it back to 2020 and bring Peroxids Rocket Girl to life. Rehearsal felt as good as it did two years ago and sounded bigger and better than we could have imagined. The Alex, 7pm, you're not gonna wanna miss this one.
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1 year ago