Eden Daniels


She is beauty she is Grace she is Miss FI United States!
44 6
7 hours ago
I’m that bitch on accident. 🍒🍒🍒
26 4
8 hours ago
Night Crawler!
60 7
4 days ago
NYC here I come!
53 1
7 days ago
That’s a wrap on #NashvilePride2024 !
28 1
9 days ago
In the last year I’ve lost my nana, my dad, most of my family turned their backs on me, now my fruity little man is gone. I can’t begin to understand why so much loss has come into my life and I don’t care to. This silly looking little dog came into my life just when I needed him the most and he brought me so much purpose and joy. A culmination of grief came over me last night that I have never felt before. Today the sun is shining the birds are chirping, the gays are gaying, and the world keeps turning. I’ll be ok after a little while but goddamn this one hurt. #wontonthechinesecrested
1,276 4
18 days ago
This stuff is no joke! @friend_of_dorothy_supplements sent me this incredible supplement and I will never go without it again! Use code EDEND10%
1,182 0
22 days ago
He laughed at all my dumb jokes and took the D like it was his to have. Needless to say…. Good Judy’s! @mrwilltolive
1,022 0
24 days ago
@leviii.curtis put on a fabulous sober event @twohandsrestaurant . Can’t wait for the next one!
833 0
1 month ago