

✝️ 藝術,是治癒自己,再帶給他人共鳴的表達 Artist | Performance art | Installation Art PhD Candidate in Art History
Crack the "Viral Code?" with us this June​ ​ As an art platform that strives to bridge international and local artists with the community, Artelli is pleased to join hands with Macau art organization Art For All Society (@afamacau ), to support in launching the "Viral Code: A Discussion on Art and the Masses" exhibition. ​ ​ To explore the relationship between art and the public in the digital age, the exhibition gathers two post-90s female artists Zhao Xiaoli (@lemon_zhaoxiaoli ) and Wu Xixia (@xixiawuart ) for a dual showcase. Zhao Xiaoli, a prominent Chinese contemporary artist with millions of followers on social media, and Wu Xixia, whose work has reached over a hundred million views.​ ​ Through their artworks, the two artists delve into the topic around female body and image from nuanced perspectives.​ ​ The show will be guided by the academic advisor, one of the most important Chinese female curators, Victoria Lu (@viki.lulu ), bringing additional meaningful conversation to the topic.​ ​ Stay tuned!​ ​ 𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 06.04 – 07.03 | 11:00-20:00 📍ARTELLI, THE SHOWROOM, CITY OF DREAMS Organizer: @afamacau Co-organizer: @artelli.official Supporting Units: @cityofdreamsmacau @airmacau1994 #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #Macauexhibition #Macau
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1 month ago
Thank you for everyone who came to “Viral Code? – A Discussion of Art and the Masses”, a dual exhibition featuring the incredible works of Zhao Xiaoli (@lemon_zhaoxiaoli ) and Wu Xixia (@xixiawuart ), with our academic advisor Ms. Victoria Lu (@viki.lulu ). This exhibition delves into one of today’s most intriguing topics – the relationship between art and the public in the digital era. Through a captivating blend of visual storytelling and thought-provoking installations, Zhao Xiaoli and Wu Xixia explore the dynamic interplay between artistic expression and social media engagement. Come and experience the works in person now. See you! 𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 06.04 – 07.03 | 11:00-20:00 📍ARTELLI, THE SHOWROOM @cityofdreamsmacau Co-organized by @afamacau @artelli.official Supported by @cityofdreamsmacau , 
@airmacau1994 , Macau Cultural Development Fund #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #Macauexhibition #Macau
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15 days ago
Thank you for joining us at the opening of “Viral Code? – A Discussion of Art and the Masses”, a dual exhibition featuring the incredible works of Zhao Xiaoli (@lemon_zhaoxiaoli ) and Wu Xixia (@xixiawuart ) One of the highlights was the Artist Live Performance, where Zhao Xiaoli and Wu Xixia collaboratively created an intriguing art piece live. We were also delighted to welcome Ms. Victoria Lu, who traveled all the way to Macau to provide us with her invaluable insights. This exhibition delves into one of today‘s most intriguing topics – the relationship between art and the public in the digital era. MORE EVENT – Artelli will host an Art Talk on the topic “Viral Code”, providing attendees with an in-depth exploration of the narratives behind these captivating artworks. Register via link in bio now to save your seat. 💬𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 藝術講座 06.08 SAT | 11:30-13:00 📍ARTELLI, THE SHOWROOM, CITY OF DREAMS Organizer: @afamacau Co-organizer: @artelli.official Supporting Unit: @cityofdreamsmacau @airmacau1994 #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #Macauexhibition #Macau
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25 days ago
「流量密碼?——藝術與大眾的討論」 “Viral Code? – A Discussion on Art and the Masses” SEE YOU IN MACAU “Viral Code?- A Discussion on Art and the Masses” is an exploration of the female body and image from the outside to the inside, and from the inside out. It takes the audience on a journey between the attraction and tension of the mass media, and triggers people to ponder about the image of women, art, and “Viral Code” in multiple ways.  🖼️𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 開幕儀式 06.07 FRI | 18:00 Reception Opens 💬𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 藝術講座 06.08 SAT | 11:30-13:00 📍ARTELLI, THE SHOWROOM, CITY OF DREAMS Organizer: @afamacau Co-organizer: @artelli.official Supporting Unit: @cityofdreamsmacau @airmacau1994 #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #Macauexhibition #Macau
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27 days ago
《流量密碼?——藝術與大眾的討論》趙小黎、吳析夏雙個展 「Viral Code?- A Discussion on Art and the Masses」 📍澳門新濠天地Artelli ⏱️2024.6.4-7.3 主辦 @afamacau 合作主辦 @artelli.official 支持單位 @cityofdreamsmacau @airmacau1994 #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #MacauExhibition #Macau
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27 days ago
[RSVP 立即報名] 「流量密碼?——藝術與大眾的討論」 “Viral Code? – A Discussion on Art and the Masses” 社交媒體時代,藝術與大眾之間的關係錯綜複雜 在「流量」內容主宰著的數位時代,藝術似乎被重新定義 邀請你共同探討數位環境下藝術品如何被塑造,以及大眾如何影響著藝術家和作品 以及流量是否背後存在某種可被解讀的密碼? 💬𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤 藝術講座 06.08 SAT | 11:30-13:00 📍ARTELLI, THE SHOWROOM, CITY OF DREAMS Keynote Speakers 主講嘉賓 | Victoria Lu 陸蓉之女士、 @lemon_zhaoxiaoli 趙小黎 、@xixiawuart 吳析夏 Moderator 主持人 | Alice Kok 郭恬熙 Free Admission費用全免 *First come first served. 座位有限,先到先得 *Scan and Register. 掃描貼文中的二維碼登記 *Register link in bio. 報名連結再簡介中 Organizer: @afamacau Co-organizer: @artelli.official Supporting Unit: @cityofdreamsmacau @airmacau1994 #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #MacauExhibition #Macau
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29 days ago
影像與想象| 她倒在了噴泉里 《Non-Fountain 不是泉》作者:吳析夏 年份:2023 媒介:裝置藝術/影像藝術 闡述: 這是一個由活著的藝術家、橄欖形型充氣雕塑、噴泉和文字組成的裝置和影像藝術。作者將自身置身於裝置之中在湖中自由漂行,裝置的內部設置了”噴泉“,水花將根據陽光的動能隨時噴灑。“噴泉”是現、當代藝術的開端,作品中的“文字“是作者進行該作品的重要”符號“,她將女性秘密書體“女書”,和天下第一行書“蘭亭序”同時書寫和融入在一個意象的”噴泉“上,以轉化載體、去性別化的方式呈現,並將自身融入在自然場域之中。 #perfomingarts #macau #chinese #calligraphy #xixiawu #artist #artelli #installation
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1 month ago
「《流量密碼?——藝術與大眾的討論》趙小黎、吳析夏雙個展」將會在6月4日登陸Artelli 藝術空間。6月7日會有我和藝術家趙小黎的開幕行為藝術。也請期待6月8號本次展覽學術主持陸蓉之老師、趙小黎和我的藝術座談會。這次展覽由澳門全藝社和Artelli藝術空間主辦,澳門特別行政區文產基金贊助,鳴謝新濠天地、澳門航空的支持。 🎉 Crack the “Viral Code?” with us this June As an art platform that strives to bridge international and local artists with the community, Artelli is pleased to join hands with Macau art organization Art For All Society (@afamacau ), to support in launching the “Viral Code: A Discussion on Art and the Masses” exhibition. To explore the relationship between art and the public in the digital age, the exhibition gathers two post-90s female artists Zhao Xiaoli (@lemon_zhaoxiaoli ) and Wu Xixia (@xixiawuart ) for a dual showcase. Zhao Xiaoli, a prominent Chinese contemporary artist with millions of followers on social media, and Wu Xixia, whose work has reached over a hundred million views. Through their artworks, the two artists delve into the topic around female body and image from nuanced perspectives. The show will be guided by the academic advisor, one of the most important Chinese female curators, Victoria Lu (@viki.lulu ), bringing additional meaningful conversation to the topic. Stay tuned! 𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 06.04 – 07.03 | 11:00-20:00 📍ARTELLI, THE SHOWROOM @cityofdreamsmacau @artelli.official @afamacau #Artelli #afamacau #ViralCode #Exhibition #Art #Macauexhibition #macau
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