
Artistic Director • Choreographer • Icon • Madonnist Boo you whore 👠🏳️‍🌈 @yanismarshallheelsintensive @laparisiennedanse 📧marshall-yanis@hotmail.fr
Vas-y Joe, Vas-y Joe, Vas-y fonce!!! Moi à chaque fois que je monte dans un taxi/uber😂 ou alors je lache un petit «Barbes, non je deconne!» 💁🏼‍♀️ Je l’aime d’amour @vanessa.paradis 🤷🏼‍♀️❤️ Meilleure chanson française de tous les temps, y’a quoiiiii!!!
1 year ago
Damn that was close!!! My baby snoop may be little but he can run!!!! 😂😍
1 year ago
Forever Carrie ❤️
1 year ago
« Undetectable means untransmittable. We must stop this stigma. We must educate people. » U=U ❤️ Thank you @lalolitabanana for being brave enough to speak your truth. It was very inspirational to be in your presence 🙏🏻🦄 Retrouvez moi dans le 5eme épisode de @dragrace_france ce Samedi soir à minuit sur @france2 ou alors en replay sur la plateforme @france.tv Merci @rafcioffi pour l’invitation 😘 #UndetectableEqualsUntransmittable #HivPositive #StopTheStigma #EducateYourself #DragRaceFrance #FranceTv #France2 #RDR #YanisMarshall
1 year ago
What she said! 🏳️‍🌈 #AbsolutelyFabulous #PrideMonth 🦄
2 years ago
The 🇺🇸 is so fucked. It’s actually sick. Why does this only happen in America? It’s so sad and so SCARY. No one is safe. All my love goes to the families of the victims. I’m so sorry you have to go through this unbearable nightmare. I’m speechless but not even surprised anymore. History just keeps repeating itself over and over. So sad.. no one should ever experience this. I mean, You can’t buy a beer anywhere in the country if you are not 21 years old and yet you can buy guns when you are 18. SCARY. Between the racism the fucked up politicians the mass shootingS every two minutes the abortion the poor health care…………… Can someone remind me what is the « American Dream » again???? You can even get slapped at the oscars.. I mean America is WILD. What a scary world this is, let’s not forget about the actual war still going on in Ukraine 🇺🇦 I mean truly no horror movie can beat the reality we live in. Thank Madonna I don’t have kids cuz I’d never let them leave the house. 💔 #GUNCONTROLNOW #WorldPeace #MoreMadonnaLessHate #IBelieveInMadonna
2 years ago
New video on my YouTube Channel!!! Thank you sooooo much Madrid 🇪🇸 I absolutely loved working with this group of dancers!!! Thank you for trusting @yanismarshallheelsintensive with your training 🙏🏻❤️ 🎥 @latinrigo 👌🏻 📍 @esenciastudiosmadrid
2 years ago
I am very excited to be finally able to introduce you to my brand new program «Yanis Marshall à la barre». This is something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some years now but I just didn’t feel strong enough. Well, I feel very confident and strong about it now! As many of you know heels is still a very new dance style! I mean I remember when I started teaching heels classes 12 years ago, we probably were something like five teachers worldwide to teach heels!!! Today it’s everywhere and as great as that is I also wish that it would be a little less about the sexual side of heels and a little more about the beauty of the body’s line… And that is why I strongly feel what I’ve created here is something that was missing. If you know anything about me then you would know that my love for ballet is beyond anything else and that I myself, come from ballet training so for me it was just a matter of time before I would pair both worlds together! I created this 10 minutes choreographed heels barre warm-up because I strongly believe that is what is needed today, in the heels community. Nowadays, many dancers think that they are advanced dancers and when I meet them in person, I can assure you that what I see is an intermediate level. Therefore, this new way of training will actually get you to the next level. Now, I’d like to talk a little bit about what went through my mind while creating it. I wanted it obviously to have some proper ballet positions and techniques but it was really important to me that it didn’t look like a parody. I had to find a way to keep it sexy yet still include the heels technique in it! In this 10 minute warm-up, you literally are warming up every muscles of your body, right and left! From pliés, to rond de jambes, to isolations, adage, to grand battements and even a little booty twerk moment. I mean the only thing missing is jumps! It was really important for me, at this stage of my career, to be able to call something mine! And to be innovative. I really wish this could be bigger than me and stay timeless—throughout many generations. Dancers: @livbattistaa @maggiec_adams 🎥 @thezurisaddai Edited by @fernandodeazevedo
2 years ago
YANIS MARSHALL A LA BARRE. A new era for heels training! The first ever heels barre choreographed warm up. Los Angeles Millenniumm edition coming soon! Dancers: @livbattistaa @maggiec_adams 🎥 @thezurisaddai Edited by @fernandodeazevedo @yanismarshall 📍 @mdcdance
2 years ago
YANIS MARSHALL A LA BARRE. A new era for heels training! The first ever heels barre choreographed warm up. Los Angeles Millenniumm edition coming soon! Dancers: @livbattistaa @maggiec_adams 🎥 @thezurisaddai Edited by @fernandodeazevedo @yanismarshall 📍 @mdcdance
2 years ago
YANIS MARSHALL A LA BARRE. A new era for heels training! The first ever heels barre choreographed warm up. Los Angeles Millenniumm edition coming soon! Dancers: @livbattistaa @maggiec_adams 🎥 @thezurisaddai Edited by @fernandodeazevedo @yanismarshall 📍 @mdcdance
2 years ago
YANIS MARSHALL A LA BARRE. A new era for heels training! The first ever heels barre choreographed warm up. Los Angeles Millenniumm edition coming soon! Dancers: @livbattistaa @maggiec_adams 🎥 @thezurisaddai Edited by @fernandodeazevedo @yanismarshall 📍 @mdcdance
2 years ago