Andrea Sacco | Speaker, Facilitator & Consultant


Workshops, coaching & consulting to empower YOU to find and follow your passion ✨ Creator of @wellnessclubniagara
Let’s get honest. I have to cancel events due to low registrants. I feel like business owners like to post only about the highs. What they achieved, how many people they serve, how successful they are… but noone ever talks about the struggles, the lows, the challenges! So here i am talking about it (after my meltdown and pitty party). Businesses have high and low periods, they all do. We can have the perfect marketing strategy, be posting all the content, have made all the connections, and do everything that we have learned “works” but sometimes it just doesn’t go as planned. I have been running journal circles now for two years. This is the first time i have to cancel because i only had one registrant. What did i do differently? Nothing. What did i do “wrong”? Also nothing. Sometimes business is out of our control, just like life. As i was reflecting on this further, i thought… you know what, i haven’t been a student in a while. I also felt a relief for having to cancel, which shows how real the burnout is. I am trusting that i will be able to serve once i have time to fill my cup first (and that is what i need to prioritize right now). A few opportunities have come my way that bring me back to offering free service to the community. As a business owner, i hesitate to offer free things as i need to make an income to sustain myself. However, as a human being i know i need to give in a way that FEELS good in my heart. If i practice what i preach, i should know that we are always human first. Tuning back into the human parts of us will ALWAYS make us better, and in turn bring new creativity and motivation to our business. Sooo with all that being said. I am putting my student hat on. I will be filling my cup by supporting my local community, attending healing events & offering a few events free of charge. Acts of service has many meanings (this i know is especially true after my story post yesterday). We can serve others, ourselves, our community, our hearts, our souls. I encourage you to tap into what act of service you need right now. P.s i think it’s important to note, I didn’t come to these reflections without feeling anger and shame.
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1 day ago
✨ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER ✨ JULY JOURNAL CIRCLE🌸 The theme for this circle is ABUNDANCE For the month of July our journal circle will focus on cultivating abundance in our lives. Abundance means experiencing richness in all aspects of life, from relationships, health, joy, to love and personal fulfillment. It’s about recognizing the wealth of opportunities available to us and feeling grateful for what we have. What to expect? 🫶🏼the opportunity to connect with like minded people 🫶🏼coffee, tea & snacks 🫶🏼information on the benefits of journaling & “how to” 🫶🏼time to write using the themed journal prompts provided 🫶🏼sharing & learning from others and their stories 🫶🏼a sense of community, belonging & lots of love 🤍 Spots are LIMITED, and are FCFS. To register, visit in link in my bio* 🔗 Details: 🗓️Wed. July 3, 2024 ⏰ 7 - 9pm 📍 @wellnessclubniagara Studio inside The Vintage Venture, Niagara Falls 💰$30 investment 🔗link in bio to register! ** for past clients, booking for journal circles can now all be done on my website! You may book in advance for future months as well. Let me know if you have any questions as i know this is a new process 🥰
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3 days ago
Life lately has really been about GROWTH 🌱 Similar to my cute strawberry 🍓☺️😂 But in all seriousness, i wanted to open up about a lesson i have learned in therapy (you all seem to love the what i learned in therapy posts!!) So here we go… What i learned in therapy | June 2024: 🌸people can experience their own shit without it directly impacting me. 🌸people can feel a certain way, show up (or not), be there for you (or not) - but that does NOT link to my worth. 🌸i can honour those people for getting me to where i am, for growing with me (even if things have changed) 🌸some people are only in a few chapters- thats okay (because the book is about ME!) 🌸i deserve to feel love, worthiness & experience all i desire regardless of what others want, think, or how they act. 🌸i am allowed to feel burnt out emotionally 🌸stepping back does not mean I don’t care, it means i am prioritizing me (and in time can show up better) Overall, the insights have been shaped around letting go of others experiences, and instead focusing on how to fill my cup again 🤍 I hope this resonates with some of you! If so, i have a few spots left in my upcoming journal circle to dive into these feelings as a group. I would love to see you there 🦋
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5 days ago
Leaving you all with a quote i read yesterday morning, that i didn’t quite know i needed until now. “Set others free to achieve and experience the path that leads to their highest good and you, too, will become free to find yours” -Melody Beattie I will dive into this a little later, but a big hurdle i have been working through is relationships and connections growing and changing in my life. It is okay to honour the people that came with you along your journey, but it is also okay to let the cord go. if this resonates, and you want to dive deeper into these feelings- please join us for our next journal circle on July 3rd 🤍 P.s these pretty pink skies were last night ✨
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6 days ago
TAKE YOURSELF ON A DATE ✨ As i have been sharing, i am actively trying to reconnect with myself. With what makes me feel good & brings me joy, without over analyzing it or feeling “unproductive”. One of the ways i did this was over the weekend i took myself on a little day trip to Niagara on the Lake. I spent some time checking out the shops, enjoying lunch in the park, walking along the water, and enjoying a sweet treat on a patio. These simple acts can bring us back ✨home✨ By home i mean, to ourselves… in our bodies. Practices such as this and journaling always help bring me back to the present. I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude in these moments & can see clearly. This gratitude and clarity helps me live in pure abundance. It helps me trust life, and lean into it. What do you do to find balance, abundance, and clarity? If you are interested, on Wed. July 3rd i am hosting a cultivating abundance journal circle. These circles are always so perfectly timed with where i am in life… and i would love for you to join 🥰 The link is in my bio for further details & registration!
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8 days ago
✨✨JULY JOURNAL CIRCLE ✨✨ The theme for this circle is ABUNDANCE For the month of July our journal circle will focus on cultivating abundance in our lives. Abundance means experiencing richness in all aspects of life, from relationships, health, joy, to love and personal fulfillment. It’s about recognizing the wealth of opportunities available to us and feeling grateful for what we have. What to expect? 🫶🏼the opportunity to connect with like minded people 🫶🏼coffee, tea & snacks 🫶🏼information on the benefits of journaling & “how to” 🫶🏼time to write using the themed journal prompts provided 🫶🏼sharing & learning from others and their stories 🫶🏼a sense of community, belonging & lots of love 🤍 Spots are LIMITED, and are FCFS. To register, visit in link in my bio* 🔗 Details: 🗓️Wed. July 3, 2024 ⏰ 7 - 9pm 📍 @wellnessclubniagara Studio inside The Vintage Venture, Niagara Falls 💰$30 investment 🔗link in bio to register! ** for past clients, booking for journal circles can now all be done on my website! You may book in advance for future months as well. Let me know if you have any questions as i know this is a new process 🥰
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9 days ago
It’s more than business. Its connection! Join us on Tuesday June 25th for our monthly Wellness Practitioner Networking Event🤍 🔗 link in bio to register **spots are limited so hurry!
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12 days ago
I’ve been a little more quiet on here since my focus has been on the market, but i am slowly coming back to myself and wanted to share an insight and reflections i have been exploring… ✨Reach vs. Impact It is easy to think the measure of success is numerical. But what i have always preached (especially when working in the field of public health) is that impact is SO much more important than reach ever will be. For example, the number of attendees at a workshop, the amount of visitors to a market, the number of followers on your account don’t matter!!! What matters is if you impacted ONE of those people. Ask yourself- am i doing this to just reach more people or to have impact? To be honest with you all i have been asking myself this question everyday in regards to my upcoming networking event. This one has been hard to promote, people are busy and life is happening- its summer! i have been hard on myself for not getting the response i usually do. I even considered cancelling, but then i asked myself. Why do i run these events? Is it to reach or impact? And my answer is always impact. Regardless of if we have 5 practitioners or 100, MY goal is to support them with fostering deep connections. Connections that will help them feel seen, heard, valued, challenged & supported. When we set pure intentions of impact, all we can do afterwards is sit back and release control. I trust that if a group of people are meant to come together on June 25th, they will 🤍 Have a great day everyone!! P.s this photo is my card reading from the lovely @golightyourpath … what do you think it means?
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14 days ago
Some of our absolutely incredible vendors from the 2024 Niagara Local Market 🤍🤍🤍 My heart is so full of grateful. Thank you all for making this possible, especially to Angie (@thevintageventure ) for dealing with my crazy 😂 I love you all 💕
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16 days ago
Do you ever feel like you are burnt out but for no reason? Like you feel this immense guilt for being unproductive, but you are so exhausted you can’t even think….. well 🙋🏻‍♀️ this is the exact thing i felt for the past couple days. Yesterday i decided to really recharge my battery and wow am i thankful for the self awareness & choice to put time into myself. But wow did i feel GUILTY. Old belief systems were screaming at me to “do more” “rest later” “what about this….” But i kindly acknowledged these beliefs and decided to just let them be (which is HARDD AF) You see, i am learning that sometimes we CAN just be burnt out for no particular reason. We can FEEL sad or angry or frustrated for no particular reason. We can NEED rest for no particular reason. We don’t need a “reason” to deserve what our bodies and minds need. I am so happy i decided to pour some energy back into my cup, because now i feel more excited and motivated to plan this upcoming market on saturday. I cannot believe this amazing community that is coming together, and it makes me tear up thinking about how many new faces will feel a sense of belonging at our market. I remind you all to listen to your body today. Trust what YOU need & send love to all those belief systems (or what i like to call the BS) that no longer serve you. Have a GREAT day & I will see you Saturday from 11-4 at @thevintageventure 🤍🤍
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21 days ago
We are less than a week away!!!!! Come visit us on June 15th for a FREE MARKET ✨
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23 days ago
NEW MOON JOURNAL PROMPT✨ As i have previously mentioned, i am started to learn about the cycles of the moon and how it affects me. Let’s just say ever since i started looking into it, i have been having tons of “AHH that’s why” moments. Yesterday we entered into a new moon in gemini ♊️ I have learned that new moons signify new beginnings and opportunities to set new intentions. Have you felt a bit stuck lately? Perhaps a feeling of “in the dark”? Me too.. This new moon brings us the ability to begin again. To get clear with what it is we want & communicate it. Gemini energy asks us to speak things into existence. So a wonderful practice to try today is to make a list of things but phrase them as things you already have. So for example: “I have a beautiful home” “I am in a healthy relationship” “I am financially free” Make this list and speak it into existence. Now i know this sounds a tad bit nuts- but just read the list out loud. Embody it. Following that, try this journal prompt: “What new beginning am i ready to embrace in life?” Next Tuesday during our REBIRTH Journal Circle we will be tapping into this energy further. We will be letting go, thanking what no longer serves us, and creating a vision for our new beginning. Let me know how this practice goes for you today- OR if you have some moon cycle knowledge you would like to share 🌕 🌙 🌖 If you would like to join us for the June 10th Journal Circle- i only have 2 spots left, so visit the link in my bio ASAP & get your spot!!!! Have a lovely Friday everyone 🤍 To new beginnings 🥂
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26 days ago