David Zaharakis


2xIRONMAN | 3x70.3 Ironman Former Pro athlete turned triathlete. |@northernmotorgroup |@wynrepublic |@nerdbelts |@winnersbars 📧: S’ships/Collabs 🇦🇺🇬🇷
Haven’t got much to say other than ‘Thank you..’ Thank you for letting a boy live out his childhood dream. Thank you for the many memories that I’ll cherish forever. Thank you for being a place to call home for 13 years. Thank you to the best, most loyal and dedicated fan base in the country. Thank you to my many teammates over the 13 years. I’ve made some great lifelong friends. Thank you to my friends for supporting and always being there for me along the journey. Thank you to my family for being there for every up and every down along the way, but never wavering in your loyalty and support. Thank you to anyone along the way that has supported me in my time at Essendon. I will have forgotten someone, but I will thank you in due course. Who knows what the future holds, but I’m excited for what’s next and any opportunity that presents.. Hopefully I’ve provided many families and homes across the country with joy, excitement and proven that I bleed red and black through giving absolutely everything I have to this footy club over the last 13 years. To play for a club you barracked for as a kid, is truly something special… Thank you.
17.7k 1,522
2 years ago
Australian Survivor… This game challenges you mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally every second of the day. What an absolute blast I had. Childhood dream, come reality and I’m so thankful I got this opportunity. I played the game the way I KNEW would get me this far. I stayed true to who I AM. Physically strong in challenges, Socially strong with relationships. I knew there would be smarter, strategic players, and all I wanted to do was last long enough to start making some big moves. The Hayley blindside was the first of that, but the Survivor Gods didn’t allow it… I was MYSELF the whole time and won’t apologise for that. I played the game MY WAY. I would never get personal with anyone (can’t say the same about everyone) and played with dignity. I played the game to ‘play survivor’ NOT to get on ‘tv’. I am proud of my game and what I achieved. Making Jury or winning individual immunity would’ve been the cherry on top. I can honestly say I loved every minute. I’ve made some amazing long term friends with true bonds outside the game. Good luck to all remaining. Can’t wait to see who is left standing as sole survivor
3,472 150
1 year ago
2,323 134
7 months ago
The endorphin hit of being able to run pain free again… 🏃🏻‍♂️ 😍 #run #running #rehabsession #athlete #injury #triathlete #swim #bike #ironman #ironmantri
623 36
1 day ago
392 36
13 days ago
**NERD ALERT** I’ve officially joined the @nerdbelts team! ..Everyone has some level of inner nerd in them. You just have to be prepared to bring it out😉 Use my code: ‘ZACKA15’ for 15% off belts and hats! These things are selling like hot cakes! Get on board the Nerd train! #nerd #nerdbelts #ironman #ironmanoceania #ironmantri #triathlon #triathlete #athlete #swim #bike #run
711 22
16 days ago
Still working on being lower and more aero… #bike #TT #aero #cycling #ironman #ironmantri #ironmanoceania #triathlon #athlete #triathlete
554 11
22 days ago
The Precision shave from @conairman_anz provides a clean cut look and the smoothest face shave possible. And if you want a clean shaved body, The All-Rounder is for you…..And hey, it might even improve my performance! 🏃🏻‍♂️💨 #conairman #mensgrooming #ad #ironman #ironmantri #run #running #swim #bike #triathlon
463 22
22 days ago
These photos sum up my race at Boulder 70.3 Ironman.. I would probably not pose like this for the camera during a race if I was competing for my quickest time. But, I knew I wasn’t up to the level, so I was trying to have as much fun as I could..(even with excruciating knee pain). Turned my race into a positive experience…knowing I can push through when A LOT is going against me. And the 2nd photo is a representation of me thinking I can’t believe I got to the finish line..😅 Ps. I am already hating my break/rest time😬 #ironman #ironmantri #ironmanboulder703 #triathlon #triathlete #athlete #swim #bike #run #running
1,150 26
23 days ago
Probably best not to race an Ironman when sick and injured whilst at altitude… But we got it done😵🥵 Swim: Couldn’t breathe with how congested I’ve been. Didn’t have any power.. Bike: The best part of the day. It’s a quick bike course, yes, but a 6min PB, I’ll take it! I knew I had to go hard because the run wasn’t going to be pretty. Run: The worst part! I was in pain from the first step. Had to stop and walk about 4 times just to try get the knee/ITB to settle. It wouldn’t. But, we finished…and that’s what matters. It’s a day that ends in what could’ve been, but I knew going into the race it’d be this way. A break now, spend a few weeks ‘off’, find out what’s wrong with the knee, rehab and get better. Thank you for all the love ✌🏽 #ironman #ironmantri #ironmanoceania #ironmanboulder #triathlon #triathlete #swim #bike #run #athlete
1,674 117
25 days ago
It’s not always training all day every day! …Some recent outings with @amypejkovic
1,072 31
28 days ago
Race week in Boulder. Bike is prepped and ready for a fast course! 🚴🏼‍♂️💨 #ironman #ironmantri #triathlon #ironmanboulder #boulder703 #swim #bike #run #cycling #ttbike #giant #gianttrinity #blackbirdcycling
1,832 22
29 days ago