Man Wingsze


hairstylist (whatsapp: 95106065) HAiR salon 💈 10th floor, lee theatre plaza, 99 percival street, causeway bay #zzzzzeahair
<<out job>> styling for dearest V @vivianchowwaiman 🥰 thank you for having me ☺️ Posted @withregram@vivianchowwaiman 沒料到溫州的表演,造就了我倆的重逢。以為妳只是說說,驚訝妳真的大老遠到來看我。在台上一眼看到妳那刻,恨不得馬上走下台與妳相擁。三十多年沒見,原來無論世界怎麼變,只要在妳旁,就被妳滿滿的愛擁抱着,一如既往。 #周慧敏 #張敏
0 3
1 day ago
. styling for @yannyyc thank you ☺️ Posted @withregram@yannyyc 好多謝May姐 @ahmaycheung 成日幫我拍咁多片 等我可以剪一條長達五十幾秒 自戀成份極高嘅片 分享俾大家睇 我其實真係可以好斯文!proud!!✨🥰 我記得嗰日我都覺得自己好靚 所以非常難得地返屋企嗰陣時 自拍咗條片 其實只要你肯花時間扮 (我用咗兩個鐘) 點都會有啲靚 lol 多謝以下各位 makeup @melodychiumakeup hair @hair_salon_hk @zzzzzea wardrobe @poloralphlauren Jewellery @messika
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13 days ago
. styling for @yannyyc thank you ☺️ Posted @withregram@yannyyc Bonjour chéri 💕☕️🪻 @Messika #Messika #DiamondsinMotion
0 1
15 days ago
<<記。17/6/2024>> 驟然三十而立 感慨太多 年年生日願望如一 謝謝大家的祝福 感恩遇到所有的人與事 繼續努力邁進成功 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
0 16
15 days ago
<<salon work>> cut p.s 仔仔係鏡倒影見到媽媽行過黎 即刻露出真摯燦爛既笑容 😊 by appointment wtsapp 95106065 #haircuts #haircutsforboys #haircutsformen #cuts #hairstylistlife #hkstylist #hairstyleideas #aheadhairmedia #zzzzzeahair
0 1
20 days ago
<<daily>> 半魚人 🧜‍♂️ 怪美?漢頓? 是但啦,稱呼黎嫁姐😌 有陣時無謂在意太多😆 其實都係一樣嫁咋🤭 開心最緊要☺️
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21 days ago
. color/styling for @elly thank you 🙏🏻 Posted @withregram@elly Stepped into a world 🌕 where time meets luxury 🌟 at the launch of the @audemarspiguet Royal Oak Mini. 💥 The Royal Oak Mini ⏱️ is not just a watch; it’s a statement of refined aesthetics and a mighty legacy, all while being small, charming, and creatively powerful. 🧡💛🩶 #RoyalOakMini #AudemarsPiguet
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29 days ago
<<out job >> styling for V @vivianchowwaiman 🥰 thank you for having me everytime☺️ Posted @withregram@vivianchowwaiman 有一種友誼,叫黃凱芹周慧敏,一喺唔見,見親面都係喺演唱會! 黃生內地巡演頭埸,以我們的交情,怎樣也要支持,恭喜全場爆滿,演出大成功。 完場後,他以為我走了,驚訝看到我還在後台迎他回台下,來匆匆去匆匆,我們好好道別後,大家又向着各自的人生再進發,活出各自的精彩。老友,珍重。 *完整文章在Facebook *更多照片在Facebook和微博 *高像素照片在微博 Thx @zzzzzea the_great_gricha ❤️ #黃凱芹 #周慧敏
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1 month ago