2 meses atrás
Ooh … it’s real #undercover 👀😎🕵️‍♀️🕵️🔍 Not just filming episode 2 of What @discovery_sa did next but … #excited for … post 2 of the @linkedin Blog on the red tape regarding insurance claims and also how to insure your insurance policy is aligned to You … you and your building value and it’s contents … My @linkedin blog is purely driven to ensure no one else #nooneelse goes through what Discovery have put me and my family through … all facts with evidence no fiction or lies as my future posts and blog will have their recordings images you may or may not have seen and vest their taped recordings with Carte Blanche where they caught lying on tape … #nooneelse .. no lies just facts coming … you the independent can cast your own opinion … Phoenix spreading her wings to rise … - and in doing so… many will insight in ensuring they are protected correctly if currently under insured (I’m not but will show others how to check) and also ensure if you get dealt a game changer card of total loss … how to handle the crazy world of owning and being nothing , … when the kids isn’t your fault and your insurance company tries to deny it all … Oh brave someone said the other day #noimnot #brave #improtectingyou #protectingothers so #nooneelse goes through this craziness … post 2 on @linkedin tomorrow