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Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen


ifa fosters dialogue in arts, research & civil society. Worldwide 🌍 Our programmes: @kulturaustausch.magazine | @ifa.visualarts | @mind_netz
Aufgepasst! 📣 Ab jetzt kannst du dich für das Hospitationsprogramm bewerben! 👉 Link in Bio! ℹ️ Das Hospitationsprogramm ermöglicht Mitarbeiter:innen und Engagierten von Organisationen der deutschen Minderheiten einen bis zu vierwöchigen Aufenthalt bei einer Gastinstitution. Dabei erhalten sie neue Impulse und Anregungen für ihre Arbeit und werden fachlich weitergebildet. #hospitationsprogramm #hospitation #osteuropa #zentralasien #jetztbewerben #deutscheminderheit
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4 meses atrás
⚽ Wir sind immer noch begeistert von der spannenden Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema “Migrationserfahrungen im Europäischen Fußball - ein Auswärtsspiel?“ in Zusammenarbeit mit dem EUNIC Cluster Stuttgart: 🗣️ Unter der einzigartigen Moderation von @belarethy_official entstand ein faszinierender Austausch mit den Deutschen Meistern Maurizio Gaudino, Matthieu Delpierre und Krisztián Lisztes über Migration im Fußball, ihre ereignisreichen Karrieren und der Europameisterschaft. 🇪🇺 Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Gäste und unsere Kolleg:innen vom @iicstoccarda , #lisztinstitutstuttgart , @institut.francais.stuttgart und der #ifaBibliothek . 🎙️ Und für alle, die traurig darüber sind, dass sie nicht da waren: Die Podiumsdiskussion wird als Extra-Episode bei uns im Podcast in den kommenden Tagen erscheinen! #UEFAEURO2024 #MigrationimFußball #EUNICStuttgart #forumculturalrelations #dieganzestadteinstadion #thewholecityastadium #VfBStuttgart
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1 dia atrás
Have you ever heard of sickle cell disease? According to the World Health Organization, sickle cell disease affects nearly 100 million people worldwide. Elizabeth Odondi is one of them. In SHARE Magazine, she talks about her life with the disease and why, at over 30, she is “one of the lucky ones”. About 14,000 children are born in Kenya with sickle cell disease each year, the health ministry says. It is the most common inherited haematological disorder in Kenya. It affects haemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the body. Without routine newborn screening and access to proper treatment, more than half of those in sub-Saharan Africa die undiagnosed before reaching their fifth birthday. Read more in SHARE Magazine (Link in bio) This article was first published on the website of The Guardian on June 5, 2024. #CrossCultureProgramm #StrengthenCivilSociety #ShareMagazine #sicklecell #kenya #healthcare #sicklecellawareness
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3 dias atrás
🌐 The widespread adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various dimensions of social life worldwide has significantly altered the dynamics in the field of International Cultural Relations (ICR), introducing new complexities and opportunities. There is however a reciprocal impact to it: ICR can shape the evolution of AI and generative AI. What opportunities and risks do AI technologies pose for ICR? What narratives and tensions are at play among stakeholders in the intersection of AI and culture? What role can ICR actors play in making the development of AI systems more participatory among different stakeholders? 🔗 Click the link in bio to register for our online discussion with Amy Sample Ward (amyrsward), Martin Rauchbauer, Octavio Kulesz (@unesco ), author of the new ifa-study on Artificial Intelligence in ICR, and moderated by Luba Elliott (@elluba ).
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6 dias atrás
Zur Zeit findet in Raschau, Polen, das Sommerlabor der Talente statt! ✨🤸 Das deutschsprachige Ferienprogramm wird vom Verein Pro Liberis Silesiae organisiert und bietet jedes Jahr Kindern die Möglichkeit, ihre eigenen Talente zu entdecken. Von kreativen Aktivitäten, übers Heimwerken, bis hin zu akrobatischen Übungen: Das Programm fördert sowohl bekannte als auch verborgene Talente der Kinder, die am Ende des Sommercamps in einer großen Talentshow präsentiert werden. 🎨🎪 Das Projekt ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der deutsch-polnischen Zusammenarbeit und fördert neben der Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit auch die kulturelle und sprachliche Bildung der Kinder in der Region! 🤝🇵🇱 @proliberissilesiae @letnielaboratoriumtalentow @deutsche_in_pl @wojewodztwo_opolskie #sommerlabor #talentförderung #talente #sommercamp #kinderfreizeit #raschau #polen
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7 dias atrás
🍃 Inspired by the lush, green nature of Bhutan, Tshering Lhamo works tirelessly to fight plastic waste pollution in her country. As part of the PLEASE Project, (Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia), her organization Gross International Nature (GIN) cooperates with two other organization in Bhutan to establish waste segregation and recycling practices in local communities. “One of the communities I work with, called Merak, lives 3,500 meters above sea level. Far away from the capital, they do not have a formal waste management system and dig up a new landfill every time the previous one gets full.” To establish recycling practices, it is important to let people understand why they are putting the effort in. The plastic collected is transformed into useful products, such as the “UR Brick” (“Useful Recycled Brick”), that can be used to create temporary structures, such as toilet facilities. 🚽♻️ What would you build with the UR brick? Let us know in the comments! ⬇️ Tshering’s expertise was a valuable addition at our Circular Solutions Workshop in Munich, where 24 experts of the CrossCulture Programme Community exchanged their ideas and expanded their knowledge on circular initiatives in Munich and worldwide. #CrossCultureProgramm #StrengthenCivilSociety #CircularSolutions #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #recycling #bhutan #wastemanagement
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8 dias atrás
"Many solutions to climate issues can be found outside the Global North." Join expert Pedro Affonso Ivo Franco (@pedroaffonsoivofranco ) in his work on decolonial climate foreign policy. Together with Marina Caetano (@marinactn ), Pedro authored the ifa study "Analysing Decolonial Climate Perspectives: The Case of the Brazilian Legal Amazon". 🎧 Listen to our podcast, watch the livestream or read the study in which Marina and Pedro explain that a decolonial perspective must be at the centre of a global response to climate change 👉 link in bio 🔬In the Research Programme 'Culture and Foreign Policy' and the Research Programme Martin Roth Initiative, experts from the fields of art, culture, politics and media explore current questions relating to Foreign Cultural and Educational Policy. Research commissions are awarded for a period of three to six months. 💼 Interested in participating in a study? All ifa scholarships and calls for applications are published on the Jobs and Careers website. All important information for your application can be found in the calls for applications 👉 link in bio #Research #Decolonial #Decolonize #Climate #Study #Culture #ForeignPolicy #MartinRoth 🎥: @tellsomemoreproduction @davidbuchholz_dp @janisbrod
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9 dias atrás
⚽🎙️ Save the Date: Am 2. Juli wird die Fanzone auf dem Stuttgarter Karlsplatz zur Bühne für Fußball-Stars aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern! Moderiert vom renommierten Kommentator @belarethy_official geben im Rahmen der #UEFAEURO2024 Maurizio Gaudino, Krisztián Lisztes und Matthieu Delpierre in einer Podiumsdiskussion Einblick in ihre persönlichen Migrationserfahrungen. 🏟️ Fußball ist mehr als nur ein Sport - er spiegelt unsere Gesellschaft wider. Die Podiumsdiskussion bietet eine Plattform, um die Vielfalt und kulturelle Dynamik im europäischen Fußball zu erkunden. Sei dabei bei der Kooperationsveranstaltung des EUNIC Cluster Stuttgart mit dem Titel "Migrationserfahrungen im europäischen Fußball - Ein Auswärtsspiel?" Eintritt frei Datum: 2. Juli 2024 Uhrzeit: 16:00 Uhr Ort: Kulturbühne der Host City Stuttgart UEFA Euro 2024, Fanzone Karlsplatz, 70173 Stuttgart #MigrationimFußball #EUNICStuttgart #ifaBibliothek #forumculturalrelations #dieganzestadteinstadion #thewholecityastadium
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10 dias atrás
The conceptual team for the 36th Bienal de São Paulo 🎉 Assembled by chief curator Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, the team is composed of our very own Alya Sebti, Director of ifa Gallery Berlin and initiator of the transdisciplinary project Untie to Tie, Anna Roberta Goetz and Thiago de Paula Souza, co-curator at large Keyna Eleison and strategy and communication advisor Henriette Gallus. The 36th Bienal de São Paulo is scheduled to open in September 2025. “It’s an honor to be embarking on this adventure with such an incredible team, to be following Bonaventure’s curatorial vision and to accompany him for this wonderful project.   The Sao Paulo Biennale is one of the most important biennials in the world. We are very happy to take on this incredible journey, to carve out spaces for conversations in Brazil and beyond.   I also look forward to building relevant bridges together with our team at ifa in Berlin and in Stuttgart.” – Alya Sebti @alyasebti @bonaventurendikung @anna_roberta_goetz @thiago.paulasouza @keynaeleison @henriette_galllus @bienalsaopaulo @ifa.de @ifa.visualarts #bienalsaopaulo #saopaulobienal #36bienal #bienalsp #curatorialteam #alyasebti #untietotie #ifagalleryberlin #ifavisualarts
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13 dias atrás
Born and raised in a paddy farming family, Chandrasena has faced a variety of troubles, from seasonal pests taking over paddy fields to droughts linked to climate change. But nothing damaged his harvest as much as the move to organic farming forced by the government. In 2021, Sri Lanka paddy farming collapsed when former President Gotabaya Rajapaksha decided to switch from chemical to organic fertiliser overnight. It was not a secret that farmers in Sri Lanka use excessive amounts of chemical fertilisers, destroying soil fertility and increasing soil acidity. But the change was too sudden and too extreme. The sudden ban on chemical fertilisers, combined with an absence of proper guidance on the use of organic fertilisers, was disastrous. In the article “Why did the organic farming movement fail in Sri Lanka?”, Chandrasena shares his experiences with the policy and his life as a paddy farmer. Read his story now in SHARE Magazine (link in bio). Author: Ayodhya Krishani Amarajeewa @ayo_instalife #CrossCultureProgramm #StrengthenCivilSociety #ShareMagazine #SriLanka #organicfertilizer #paddyfarming #farmereducation
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13 dias atrás
Let’s meet in Tashkent – the capital of Uzbekistan was the gathering point for a group of former CrossCulture Programme (CCP) Fellows from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The CCP alums gathered for joint trainings, networking and to experience the cultural scene and its national rice dish "plov". The CCP Country Representatives Ashot Danielyan (@origamiwingsrock ) from Uzbekistan, Ekaterina Morozova (@ekaterina.translator ) from Kyrgyzstan and Ganjina Mavlonazarova (@ganjinamavlonazarova ) from Tajikistan had planned and organized the meet-up. A big thank you to their amazing work and dedication! Hailing from diverse backgrounds, the topics presented and discussed by the participants ranged from art activism to working with people with disabilities to transcultural communication. The group visited the independent Ilkhom theatre (@ilkhom.theatre ) and finished the meeting with a group discussion on the challenges of work and activism. A bond was formed between the alums of Central Asia within these few days which shall be continued. Let’s see which common future projects will follow! Country Representatives are former CCP Fellows who voluntarily represent their countries’ CCP alums community and function as the main contact persons for CCP in their respective countries for a term of three years. #CrossCultureProgramm #StrengthenCivilSociety #alums #centralasia #uzbekistan #kyrgyzstan #tajikistan
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14 dias atrás
Heute um 18 Uhr findet das EM-Spiel zwischen Deutschland und Ungarn statt. Wir haben ungarndeutsche Jugendliche gefragt, für welche Mannschaft sie sind. Welches Team feuert ihr heute Abend an? ⚽🎉🥅 Das heutige Spiel hat für die deutsche Minderheit in Ungarn eine besondere Bedeutung: Viele Ungarndeutsche fühlen sich durch ihre doppelte Identität beiden Ländern verbunden. Obwohl sie in Ungarn leben, hat die deutsche Minderheit viele familiäre und historische Verbindungen zu Deutschland und zu ihren Vorfahren. Sportliche Begegnungen wie diese stärken nicht nur das nationale Gemeinschaftsgefühl, sondern fördern auch den interkulturellen Dialog und das Verständnis zwischen den Ländern. 🇩🇪🇭🇺 Dieser kulturellen Verständigung trägt auch das Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (@ifa.de ) bei. Durch seine Förderprogramme setzt es sich weltweit für Freiheit in Kunst, Forschung und Zivilgesellschaft ein und schafft Räume der Begegnung und Interaktion. 🤝 @jakobbleyerheimatmuseum @gju_mnfk #fußball #deutscheminderheit #ungarndeutsch #em #deutschlandungarn #deutschlandgegenungarn #hybrideidentität #identität #europameisterschaft #institutfürauslandsbeziehungen #zivilgesellschaft #förderprogramme #gemeinschaftsgefühl
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15 dias atrás