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IFBB Pro Lacey Pruitt


🎗️3x Cancer Survivor & Ostomate Contest Prep & Lifestyle Coach IFBB Pro Female Bodybuilder @revive_md @getrawnutrition @foreveryounghealthclinic
2021 I followed my dreams of becoming a coach. 2024… 3 years in a row Louisiana State Coach’s award. This means the entire world to me and a reminder of what never giving up looks like. Don’t ever be scared to follow your heart and your dreams. 📸: @photographyrichard
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1 mês atrás
As the new year is approaching quickly, it’s always great to look back and see how far you’ve come. March of 2022 I decided to quit my full time career and take a chance on myself to become a full time coach. To put this all into perspective - I started competing in 2014, turned pro in 2018 and I kept trying for YEARS to at least compete in my pro debut. I told myself if I could just make it to my pro debut my story with competing would be complete. I had a major life saving surgery to remove my entire colon in 2022, and I knew at this point realistically I needed to switch focus and I wanted to remain in the sport that I loved so much. I never wanted to give up my vision. And I can stand proud and mean it when I say, seeing my competitors on stage makes me feel like I’m up there again. I feel like I have found my purpose in life and the goal was always, and will always be, to help people. Coaching fulfills all of those things for me and more. Of course with anything there are ups and downs, and this year as a whole did have its downs. What matters is that no matter how many “bad days” we have, there are still so many good days ahead and seeing my clients happy and smiling - there’s just no other feeling like it in the entire world. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of someone reaching their lifelong goals? This year we have all shared so many smiles. My goal was also to build a family of people that love and support each other. Life is already so hard enough on its own, and it should be about spreading love and happiness. That is something I will always instill in my clients. My goal each year is to continue to learn, improve, and better myself as a whole not only for myself but for my clients and to continue to support the sport that I love. Along with supporting all of the other coaches out there crushing the game and allowing people a chance to believe in themselves. Never give up. Go hard for your people, and never feel bad about it! #TeamLaceyStrong
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6 meses atrás
The long road of this journey In 2022, my life changed forever and I had a major surgery to remove my entire colon/rectum after battling the decision for 6 years. I now have a permanent bag placed on my side for forever. All in all, it was the best thing that ever happened to me because it saved my life. For 6 years straight, all I knew and understood was health issues. That finally came to an end for me on July 7, 2022. On that day, I’d be colon cancer free for forever and now I have a forever superhero cape. What I’ve learned is that you always have to see the positives in each negative situation. No matter what I’ve been through, it’s made me a stronger person and it’s made me who I am today. And for that, I will always be grateful. I’m a strong believer that nothing can tear you down if you allow the right mindset. Our struggles in life only teach us the ability to love and respect everyone despite their race, illness, color, or disability. So I write all of this to say - no matter what journey you are on, stay positive, keep smiling, and keep working. Good days are ahead and life is precious, no matter what you go through! My journey is still being written, but I know if it can just help one person in the world then it was all worth it.
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8 meses atrás
One thing that will forever remain the same is that I will always be their number 1 fan. 📸: @byarsbodybuilding
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3 dias atrás
First show and first overall. I love these moments with my athletes. Words can’t express how proud I am of you girl! @jen_marcantel
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3 dias atrás
2024 NPC South Central USA Open WBB and WPD Overall Champion 🏆 4 weeks to get better and show em what we set out for Big shoutout and thank you to @lacey_pruitt for the hospitality and welcoming us into the @npcifbbprolouisiana community for the first time! @marissadwaters @lacey_pruitt @moorefitphysiques
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4 dias atrás
Overall figure 🏆 @jen_marcantel
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4 dias atrás
Everyone please wish the team the best of luck today as they compete in @npcsouthcentralusa Go own it!!!!
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5 dias atrás
I have to brag on my best friend for a second. THIS WEEKEND is @npcsouthcentralusa and she has put in so many countless hours making this show a great one. I’ve seen her go through hell and back to make sure the athletes are well taken care of. Each year I know without a shadow of a doubt that this show is going to be better than the previous year. Jess, I am so proud of you for all you do. It never goes unnoticed. Now everyone, if you can this weekend, please come support! I promise you won’t be disappointed!
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10 dias atrás
The queen did her thing 👑. @erika_mit88
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10 dias atrás
4th place at her first national showing! Couldn’t be more happy for this girl and the work she’s put in. I can’t wait to continue improving and come back even better! @__chelsealynnn
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11 dias atrás
Today is the day you both have been waiting for! Lots of emotions behind this one and so much work has been done for this moment. I want you both to go out there and own it today. Be proud and thankful to be where you are. Remember before you get on stage that all of the workouts, diet, cardio is all worth it for this one moment. I am beyond words proud of you both. Let’s kill it today @erika_mit88 @__chelsealynnn
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12 dias atrás