Mol and Jack ✨


A couple of fungi loving foragers based in Brighton ✨Follow along to see what we find 🍄 See ya in the woods! 🌿💚
Finding Penny Bun's brings us so much joy! 🧺🍂 This one was nestled in the leaf litter underneath some giant Beech trees! 🌳 🤔Did you know the Penny Bun is a mycorrhizal fungus, which means they grow in symbiosis with plants. Both mutually benefitting from the relationship. The mushrooms send water and mineral nutrients and in return receive sugars. In this case they are mycorrhizal with the roots of trees, predominantly Oak, Beech and Birch, so it's always good to find the trees before you can find the mushrooms! #foraging #nature #mushrooms #wildfood #fungi #mushroom #forage #mycology #forager #foragedfood #mushroomhunting #wildmushrooms #forest #wildfoodlove #foragingforfood #naturephotography #fungus #wildedibles #bushcraft #love #outdoors #art #hiking #vegan #food #potd #mushroomhunter #fungiphotography #foraged #girl
293 17
8 meses atrás
The Scarletina is a delicious gourmet mushroom you can find growing in deciduous woodlands across the UK in summer-autumn. 🍄‍🟫 Proceed with caution when foraging for quick staining Bolete's. You do not want to get this confused with The Satan's Bolete, and always do your own research! 📚 Excuse the dirty hands, I was rooting around for truffles! 😅 #nature #foraging #fungi #mushrooms #fyp #reels #instagood #potd #outdoors #wildfood #bolete #boletus #pilze #grzyby #mushroom #woodland #forest #foraging #wildlife #explore #food #cooking #adventure #sandwich
18 3
4 horas atrás
This one ticks all the boxes in the Mushrooms book by Roger Philips, AKA the foragers bible 📚 Look at all those textures 😍 This one's good for drying! 🍄‍🟫 "SUILLUS These are closely related to Boletus (pp.275-87), but distinguished by mostly having distinctly glutinous caps. The stems of many of the species have rings, others have small spots or nets on the surface. They are all terrestrial and grow in association with conifers. (a) Larch Bolete Suillus grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer syn. Boletus elegans Schumach (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 3-10cm across; yellow to chrome, becoming flushed rust; viscid with pale lemon gluten, shiny when dry, Stem 50-70×15-20mm; yellow and punctate or occasionally netted above whitish ring, flushed cinnamon below. Flesh pale yellow in cap, darker lemon-chrome in the stem; taste and smell not distinctive. Tubes pale yellow. Pores small, angular; lemon-yellow, becoming flushed sienna, bruising rust. Spores 8-11×3-4µ, subfusiform-elliptical. Spore print ochre to sienna, Habitat with larch; late summer to autumn. Common. Edible." #mushrooms #fungi #fungus #mushroom #photography #potd #fungiphotography #mushroomphotography #nature #wildlife #outdoors #explore #funga #bolete #suillus #larchbolete #macro #closeup #forest #woodland #uk #fyp #pilze #grzyby #reels #fyp
20 0
2 dias atrás
If there's a will there's a way! 😂 This is the first tree we found chicken of the woods growing on years ago, and it's still producing from the same spot! 🌳 One day this giant branch will succumb to the fungus and break off. I'm hoping the fallen branch won't get cleared away so we can keep coming back to collect more chicken of the woods! 😋 I have noticed that chicken of the woods infected trees produce fruit sporadically, sometimes laying dormant for up to 3 years! This specific tree last produced fruit in 2022, but sometimes it can produce every year! We have inoculated some beech logs with COTW plugs in 2022, but have heard it can take many years to fruit and even then it can be tricky to successfully inoculate. We'd love to see it fruit one day🤞 Has anyone had any success with growing COTW, and if so I'd love to hear your methods! 👇 #cotw #foraging #nature #fungi #mushrooms #mushroom #fyp #reels #instagood #potd #outdoors #wildfood #chickenofthewoods #wildfood #fungifriday #food #trees #oak #forest #woodland #explore #cooking #forager #sunshine
46 4
4 dias atrás
A video from the end of May, I'm not the best at identifying milkcaps (other than the saffron's) but let us know if you have any ideas what this might be! Closest I got was the Oakbug Milkcap (Lactarius Quietis). It was found under Oak, Beech, and Chestnut! #fungi #foraging #nature #wildlife #mushrooms #milkcaps #mushroom #mushroomidentification #lactarius #woodland #forest #moss #trees #outdoors #explore
25 0
5 dias atrás
This one ticks all the boxes in the Mushrooms book by Roger Philips, AKA the foragers bible 📚 Look at all those textures 😍 This one's good for drying! 🍄‍🟫 "SUILLUS These are closely related to Boletus (pp.275-87), but distinguished by mostly having distinctly glutinous caps. The stems of many of the species have rings, others have small spots or nets on the surface. They are all terrestrial and grow in association with conifers. (a) Larch Bolete Suillus grevillei (Klotzsch) Singer syn. Boletus elegans Schumach (illustrated 40% life size) Cap 3-10cm across; yellow to chrome, becoming flushed rust; viscid with pale lemon gluten, shiny when dry, Stem 50-70×15-20mm; yellow and punctate or occasionally netted above whitish ring, flushed cinnamon below. Flesh pale yellow in cap, darker lemon-chrome in the stem; taste and smell not distinctive. Tubes pale yellow. Pores small, angular; lemon-yellow, becoming flushed sienna, bruising rust. Spores 8-11×3-4µ, subfusiform-elliptical. Spore print ochre to sienna, Habitat with larch; late summer to autumn. Common. Edible." #mushrooms #fungi #fungus #mushroom #photography #potd #fungiphotography #mushroomphotography #nature #wildlife #outdoors #explore #funga #bolete #suillus #larchbolete #macro #closeup #forest #woodland #uk #fyp #pilze #grzyby
32 4
7 dias atrás
First Scarletina Bolete (Neoboletus Luridiformis) of the year for me, and what a beauty! This striking mushroom is actually edible, and is on par with the Porcini flavour wise! 🤤 However great care should be taken when foraging Bolete's that stain when touched. I would advise you to do your own research if you want to forage for these 📚 I found a lonesome Larch Bolete and some COTW to top the basket up, and also a strange puffball I believe to be the Golfius Ballete... 😂 #scarletinabolete #boletus #bolete #pilze #grzyby #mushrooms #steinpilze #nature #foraging #fungi #mushroommonday #mushroomspotting #photography #fungiphotography #potd #forest #chickenofthewoods #woodland #wildlife #funga #fff #naturephotography #mushroom #love #art #fungus #hiking #outdoors #cooking #food
39 4
8 dias atrás
The Chanterelle's are popping up all over the UK now, and feeling a bit left out I've had to dig out last year's footage of when our giant Chanterelle patch was in full bloom! 💛 It's still a bit too dry for us so we're hoping for a few good soaks to speed things along! 🌦️ Hope you all have had a lovely weekend 🍄‍🟫☀️🌱 #foraging #reels #nature #fungi #fyp #mushrooms #instagood #wildfood #potd #outdoors #chanterelle #naturelover #wildplants #wildlife #pilze #grzyby #forest #woodland #explore #adventure #food
61 0
9 dias atrás
Something so magical about waking up to this sunrise, watching the mist roll over the valley below and listening to the morning bird song. 🥰 We have permission to run some courses here next year, it's a hidden gem nestled amongst the south downs with plenty of wild food to go around. 🌱 Keep your eyes peeled for our courses next year! ☺️ #foraging #nature #reels #fungi #mushrooms #fyp #instagood #wildfood #sunrise #sunset #potd #outdoors #birdsong #wildlife #hills #southdowns #beautiful #trees #walks #courses #sunshine
68 0
9 dias atrás
A few shots from the solstice and weekend ☀️🍄‍🟫 Spending another weekend nestled in the South Downs watching Peregrine Falcons and cooking up storms in the van! 🚐💛 Hope you all had a lovely Solstice and are enjoying your weekend ❤️😊 #foraging #mushrooms #camping #southdowns #views #fields #sunset #beautiful #cooking #campfire #dutchoven #nature #wildlife #fire #outdoors #outdoorcooking #dogrose #breakfast #vegan #sunshine
41 2
10 dias atrás