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Maria Shriver


Mama & Mama G • Open hearted journalist & Writer @thesundaypaper • Co-founder @moshlife • Advocate @womensalzmovement@nbcnews Special Anchor
To anyone that needs this reminder today, I hope you take some time for yourself. I hope you know and see how loved and appreciated you are. I hope you stop doubting yourself. I hope you feel the love that flows out of you, and I hope you feel it flow in. I hope you can start walking with confidence and trust in yourself. And I hope you know that loving yourself is a truly beautiful feeling! ♥️ #inspireheartsandminds
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8 horas atrás
This video from @capslestories is a great reminder that little acts of kindness can go a long way. A kind gesture of welcoming and sharing something about yourself can lay the foundation for a relationship. It can also influence and inspire others. The woman in this video will not soon forget this moment, nor would you, I bet. And when the next person moves into her neighborhood, she will be much more likely to be the person who walks over with a cake or cookies or something, welcoming that person in. Let kindness and love radiate outward, getting larger and larger, touching more and more people! #movehumanityforward
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23 horas atrás
At a dinner the other night, a friend shared a Q&A exercise with me that he and his husband had just done. He encouraged me to do it with him too and said that the intention behind it was to help anyone in any type of relationship deepen the connections that matter most to them. I was touched that my friend wanted to do an exercise with me to deepen our connection. So today, I encourage you to try it out with your partner, your friend, your loved ones. Pass it on and try it out with anyone who you want to get a little deeper and more meaningful with! Have some fun, answer honestly, and see what you can learn about someone you care for and yourself! #inspireheartsandminds
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1 dia atrás
Sprouts Shoppers 🔊 MOSH has arrived and is NOW exclusively available @sprouts nationwide 🚀 This is your sign to log off and head to your local Sprouts to stock up on your brain + body fuel! Drop a “💜” if you’re just as excited as our founders @mariashriver & @patrickschwarzenegger ! We can’t wait to see you on your next grocery run. 🛒
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2 dias atrás
Relationships are proven to help you in your quest for a long, healthy, deeply meaningful life. Keeping our relationships strong takes intention. So many relationships falter over misunderstandings, miscommunications, misreadings of language, tone, or intent. But here is an idea: What if, in honor of our nation’s birthday, we all take the time to check in with ourselves and our relationships? #ivebeenthinking
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2 dias atrás
As we head into July 4th, the birthday of this nation, may we remember that it is not only our independence we our celebrating. We are also celebrating our dependence on each other to keep this great experiment of democracy alive. We are celebrating the faith we have in each other to be kind, to work together, to act in good faith, and to have liberty and justice for all. Without working together, there can be no independence to celebrate. We must celebrate being in community and work to build connection, even when we don’t always agree on everything! #sundayeveningreminder
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2 dias atrás
In this week’s @thesundaypaper , I’ve been thinking about what I love about this country. What I love about my country is its beauty, its nature, its openness, its people — their kindness, their service towards one another, our free press, free religion, and the right to marry whom you choose. For more of what I’ve Been Thinking, join the @thesundaypaper in my link in bio. Let me know what you’ve been thinking in the comments below. ☕️ #thesundaypaper
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3 dias atrás
My friend Julie sent me this touching video. It gave me chills. Bringing someone joy, making them a dressing table, or baking them a cake , or getting them a coffee without having to ask… it’s the small things! It’s the things that light you up and fill your heart. The lives of others, that’s what life is all about. I can’t make a dressing table, but I can make a cake, or take a walk with a friend, or share a kind word. What do you like to make or do that brings a smile? Share with me below! #inspireheartsandminds
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4 dias atrás
This weekend, have some fun! Take a deep breath, and relax. Allow yourself to let go, to find someone that meets your energy, and have a good time. Dance, laugh, talk, enjoy your time together, or dance by yourself. However you can have fun, do it! #weekendvibes 🎥 @jakehall
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4 dias atrás
This week, we’re solving a a murder mystery! Can you figure out whodunnit? Get those detectives caps on! 🕵️‍♀️ Remember, your brain is your greatest asset, so it deserves this time and attention. To feed your brain while supporting Alzheimer’s research, make sure to check out @moshlife and eat some of our delicious bars. And, to learn more about your brain and all that we can do for our brain health, make sure to follow @womensalzmovement . 🧠 #brainteaserfriday
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5 dias atrás
“Perfection is impossible.” Thank you, @rogerfederer for this reminder, not only to the graduating class of 2024 @dartmouthcollege , but to all of us. We can become so focused on perfection that we actually ignore what truly matters — joy, happiness, love. We can become so fixated on the on thing in front of us that we forget that there will be more to come. That completing a task without it being perfect doesn’t take away from it, but it can free you to keep going, to keep moving forward. Pass it on! #inspireheartsandminds
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6 dias atrás
Life gives us many opportunities to lift others up or tear them down. It gives us opportunities to watch others achieve greatness, but it gives us the opportunity to choose how we wish to participate. Are we cheering someone on? Are we rooting for someone’s failure? Are we helping someone pick themselves up after they have failed and helping them see that they have the power to keep going? Well, only you get to decide, but we all hold those powers! #inspireheartsandminds
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6 dias atrás