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Ministry of Health T&T


The Ministry of Health is the national authority charged with oversight of the entire health system in Trinidad and Tobago.
#MediaRelease Voluntary Recall of Potassium Chloride Extended Release Capsules, USP due to Failed Dissolution The Ministry of Health (MoH), via its Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division advises of the voluntary recall of 114 batches of potassium chloride extended release capsules, USP (750mg) 10 mEq K. The recall was issued by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc. due to failed dissolution. The Appendix can be review via the Ministry's website
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1 hora atrás
Did You Know? There are FREE HIV testing sites across the country. These tests: ✔️Are confidential ✔️Give you results on the same day ✔️Only need one drop of blood to determine your HIV status Protect yourself and your partner by knowing your HIV status. 🔗Visit https://health.gov.tt/services/hiv-counselling-and-testing-sites to find out where you can go to get tested.
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22 horas atrás
Persons in a relationship or dating can have different HIV test results. It is possible to have a relationship where persons know they have a different HIV status once you: 👉Get tested often for HIV. 👉Use condoms while engaging in sexual activity. 👉If you are HIV-positive, remember to take your medication as prescribed. People living with HIV can lower their viral load to undetectable levels with consistent, continuous use of antiretroviral medication. 🔗Learn more about viral load and HIV Testing by visiting https://health.gov.tt/uequalsu
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1 dia atrás
Mosquitoes can breed right in your home/yard. Some examples of items in your yard which can encourage mosquitoes to breed include: 👉Old Tyres 👉Discarded buckets and other containers 👉Discarded tins/paint cans 👉Unmaintained wading/swimming pools Protect yourself and your family from getting mosquito borne diseases such as dengue, zika and chikungunya by removing these breeding sites from your home.
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After the flood water has receded from your yard, you can consider cleaning and sanitising with a bleach solution. Follow these steps: ✔️Pick up all garbage and deposit into garbage bags for disposal. ✔️Empty all remaining bodies of water from items such as bottles, tyres and any other water-collecting items, to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. ✔️When cleaning, always use protective clothing such as gloves and boots. ✔️Use a bleach solution to clean and scrub concrete and tiled surfaces. ✔️Always wash your hands completely after cleaning. After cleaning, consider making a foot bath, soaking your feet in a diluted disinfecting solution for 5-10 minutes.
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2 dias atrás
Did You Know: Bleach can be used for cleaning and sanitising? Use 1 cup of bleach to 10 cups of water to make a safe sanitising solution. Use this mixture to clean and sanitise your yard after a flood. This can prevent the spread of diseases such as leptospirosis. Visit the Ministry's website for more tips on how to clean and sanitise your yard during the rainy season
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2 dias atrás
Wading through and drinking contaminated water can cause you to contract flood-borne diseases such as leptospirosis. Reduce your risk of developing flood-borne diseases by following these tips: 👉Dispose of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and meat that may have come into contact with flood waters. 👉Discard containers, packages and bags containing food items, if they have come into contact with flood waters. 👉Avoid contact with potentially contaminated water (e.g. streams, rivers and ponds) and other flooded areas especially if you have cuts or abrasions of the skin. 👉If working in areas that may be prone to contamination, wear protective clothing such as gloves, boots, aprons, eye protection, or face masks where available. 👉Ensure proper handwashing is carried out after coming into contact with flood waters or flood contaminated items. Visit health.gov.tt/rainy-season-tips for more tips on how you can reduce your risk from flood-borne diseases.
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3 dias atrás
With the rainy season, floods may arise. Here are some tips for cleaning your home and yard after a flood. After flooding: 💧 Remove garbage from your yard. 💧 Get rid of containers that can collect water to prevent mosquito breeding. 💧 Drain remaining pools of water. 💧 Wash and scrub concrete and tiled surfaces with a bleach solution. Visit https://health.gov.tt/rainy-season-tips for more rainy season tips and information.
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4 dias atrás
#MediaRelease Ministry of Health Implements Comprehensive Measures to Prepare for Adverse Weather Associated with the Passage of Hurricane Beryl In anticipation of the impending adverse weather conditions associated with the passage of Hurricane Beryl, the Ministry of Health has activated a comprehensive preparedness plan to ensure minimal disruption of services across the health sector.
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4 dias atrás
Protect yourself from flood borne diseases! Here are some tips to follow: ✔️Avoid contact with potentially contaminated water such as streams, rivers, ponds and other flooded areas, especially if you have cuts or abrasions of the skin. ✔️If working in areas that may be prone to flooding, wear protective clothing such as gloves, boots, aprons, and eye protection to avoid contamination. ✔️If you have come into contact with flood waters or flood-contaminated items, ensure you properly wash and sanitise yourself, all clothing and equipment used.
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4 dias atrás
Food safety is everyone’s business! Unsafe food can cause sickness and food poisoning. Before you buy remember: 👉 All food handlers should have a valid food handler badge prominently displayed at all times. 👉 Foods must be kept at the right temperatures - Hot food should be kept and served hot and foods that require refrigeration should be kept in the refrigerator. 👉 Observe your surroundings - Avoid buying from unsanitary premises.
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5 dias atrás
Every pregnancy is different. Customized care needs to be provided based on your changing circumstances. Antenatal care includes: · Keeping track of the development of the unborn baby · Screening, in which early detection of developing conditions can be identified. · Prescription of required vitamins and minerals. · Advice on immunization (vaccines) required. · Scheduled testing for various disorders including, but not limited to, sexually transmitted diseases and diabetes. · An opportunity for health education. For more resources visit https://health.gov.tt/services/womens-health
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5 dias atrás