JC Sinclair


Tarot and Oracle Reader. Crystal enthusiast. Enneagram 4. INFP. Christo-pagan. Plural. LGBTQIA+ friendly. ♐☀️, ♉🌙, ♎⬆️
Kahviko? Joo, ja pulla, kiitos. Making my mornings a little bit more Finnish, courtesy of @totmcoffee for the kahvi and @samlakewrites through Alan Wake (with an assist from Duolingo!) for introducing me to the delicious treat that is pulla. I hope I've made my Finnish friends proud with the homemade loaf! And of course, what would my coffee be, if not in an @oldgodsofasgard mug? 😁
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2 meses atrás
"Kiitos, rakkaani." Remember how I was talking about how amazing @ilkkavilli_official was in Alan Wake 2? I HAD NO IDEA HOW MUCH MORE I WOULD MEAN THAT WHEN I FINISHED THE GAME. I swear, @remedygames and @samlakewrites put together a hell of a masterpiece, and Ilkka just swept in and absolutely stole the show. What a brilliant, brilliant job. Definitely keeping Ilkka Villi on my list of "people I'd love to sit down and have a conversation with." Between AW2 and Yötön Yö... I have no words. Again, kiitos paljon for everything. All of you. This game is truly transformative - even away from Kattilajärvi, away from the Clicker, our art can change the world. And yours has changed me for the better. #alanwake2 #remedygames #ilkkavilli #samlake #videogames #alanwake
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4 meses atrás
I know I haven't said anything on Insta in a billion years and this isn't my usual topic, but I have to shout this out. The further I get into Alan Wake 2, the more and more impressed I am with Remedy Games in general, but with Ilkka Villi in specific. His work as the physicality and appearance of Alan (and Scratch! Looking at you, American Nightmare...) is phenomenal all on its own; AW2's inclusion of Zane brings him to a whole new level. I've never wanted to sit down with someone and have a conversation about their work more in my life. And honestly? From everything I've seen, he's just a genuinely nice guy to boot. @ilkkavilli_official - as someone who's followed along since the very beginning of Alan's journey, who bought the game for the music but stayed for the charm, who is a writer just like Alan and who fell in love with the portrayal we saw... Thank you. Matthew's voice is a big part of Alan, but Alan Wake would not be even half the man we know without you and your work. Kiitos paljon, from the bottom of my heart, for giving one of my favorite characters in gaming your amazing spark of life. @oldgodsofasgard @poetsofthefallband @samlakewrites @remedygames #alanwake2 #remedygames
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4 meses atrás
First reading in a long time. Asking the cards for some guidance moving into 2022... 1. How am I stepping into the year? [Strength] - Calm and resolute. The past year has been a storm like no other - but you have a path forward and you know you can keep to it. Hold fast. 2. What can I embrace in the new year? [Hermit] - Finding a place of solitude and self-reflection is key. Not isolation, not hiding - but a genuine look into who you are and what you can do moving forward. 3. What can I learn from the prior year? [Page of Cups] - That not everything is or was doom and gloom. Bring with you those innocent, sweet joys of life, the loves you can't help but giggle when you see. It is far too easy to be wrapped up in darkness. Don't forget to embrace the light. ...well, sounds like someone's telling me to get back to the cards... 🤣🤣 In all seriousness though, there's a lot of truth here. Last year was rough. My mental health has not been great, especially the past few days. But I've got a plan, and I know what to do. I'm determined - and with luck, my plan is finally going to get me the energy I need in order to live up to what I want to do! . . . . . . . . . #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #taroteverydamnday #tarot #tarotmood #tarotcards #tarottribe #yearahead #tarotreading
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2 anos atrás
It's been a quiet year on here, but I'm hoping to find a rhythm with 2022. For now, a blessed Yule and a Merry Christmas, from myself and the resident fuzzbrain of the house. 💙 . . . . . . . . . . #pagansofinstagram #paganlife #christmas #yule #cats #catsofinstagram #lifeupdate
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2 anos atrás
Yooooooo y'all I know I've been super absent but I have to share this order I just got with you from @treasuredroseessentials . LOOK AT THIS PACKAGING. Paper wrapped, twine tied, WAX SEALED. I am in love. I can't wait to get my wax heater up and running and smell these in action!!! Love you, Rose! . . . #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #waxmelts #handmade
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3 anos atrás
Combining my @notsomysticaltarot 2021 tarot journal with my brand new tarot deck from @lunaria.tarot ! So psyched to have both these items. Fun story re: the deck though - so I backed the deck on Kickstarter, and with my package came a crystal intuitively chosen for me. When I opened my package, I saw the stunning piece of jade there in the picture. ...So Lunaria is a deck designed specifically for writers. (Hence F. Scott being on the Wheel there!) And for those who don't know, I am also an author! ...And in my longest running project, my main character's name...is Jade. HOW WILD IS THAT?! I am so psyched. This stone is absolutely living on my desk. Thank you so much, Elisabeth! #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #taroteveryday #taroteverydamnday #tarot #tarotmood #tarotcards #tarottribe #lunaria #lunariatarot #writing #notsomysticaltarotdeck #notsomysticaltarot #tarotjournal #tarotjournaling
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3 anos atrás
Look at these adorable containers I got these chips in! Tanzanite and rhodochrosite have been a challenge for me to find in decent quantity for a price I can afford as early on as I am, and these absolutely do the job. Little stones, but they lack big power! Haven't had a chance to check out my pocket charms yet? Go swing by! New offerings are up, with even more to come. Link in my bio! #pagan #paganlife #pocketspell #pagansofinstagram #paganism #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes #witchcraft #magic #spells #crystals #crystalhealing #crystallove #charms
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3 anos atrás
Hoping to do some work with this deck this month. Went to draw for today but I haven't had a chance to bless and/or charge the cards, so I'll hold off for now. But a very blessed Imbolc to all! #pagan #pagansofinstagram #oracledeck #oraclecommunity #oracle #imbolc #paganism #paganlife #makingmagickoracle #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #witchesofinstagram #witchyvibes #witchcraft
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3 anos atrás
How is it the end of January already? Yikes. But here we are, at the end of the #biddytarotchallenge ! 31: What can I do to welcome further personal growth into my life? #knightofwands And with a closing blow, the wands come at me. Action, action, action. Personal growth is not going to happen if you just sit on your butt and wait for it. You have the ideas and the dreams. Now make them real!!! As always, the kawaii deck came for blood this month, and I would expect nothing different. They may look cute, but they don't sugarcoat ANYTHING. Gotta love it. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with this! I'm so bad at remembering things, or once I get behind I just give up. But this I wanted to keep up. And I've enjoyed it, even if I've done a lot of these readings late at night! 🤣 Here's to a new challenge for February! #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotchallenge #tarotreaders #taroteveryday #tarotcommunity #taroteverydamnday #tarot #tarotmood #tarotcards #tarottribe #biddytarot #dailydraw #dailytarot #dailytarotreading #dailytarotcard
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3 anos atrás
So apparently JC can't count, because yesterday was the 28th. I did the question for the 28th! And still managed to put 29th. Siiiiiigh. Anywho, some catch up here at the end of the #biddytarotchallenge 29: What can I do to inspire others to be open to their blessings? #sixofcups Bring back good memories! So fitting that this shows up, as yesterday I was talking with an old friend who I've recently reconnected with, and in a fit of whimsy, sent her a sound file from our high school days. Even though there are years of hurt and anger in between then and now, it was so good to reminisce about the old days, as it were. Bringing back that balance of past and present, into the future. 30: How can I live with a more open heart? #tenofwands Don't over-commit. Don't burn yourself out. Be open and grateful for where you are and what you're doing, and let it be. And don't let yourself get too spicy about it all!! #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotchallenge #tarotreaders #taroteveryday #tarotcommunity #taroteverydamnday #tarot #tarotmood #tarotcards #tarottribe #biddytarot #dailydraw #dailytarot #dailytarotreading #dailytarotcard
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3 anos atrás
Heeeey friends, guess what's finally hitting the shelves? If you guessed "those spell jars JC has been promising for weeks" you are TOTALLY RIGHT!! Now available in my Etsy are pocket spell jars for healing, peace, prosperity, and the one in the picture, protection! I've got some amazing ideas for some new ones too, and I have a whole posse of new stones coming in, so get psyched for all kinds of fun. Also still working on my message bottles idea, as well as zodiac themed charms. So cool! I'm so excited to share this with all of you. 💙💙 #crystals #crystalhealing #crystalsforsale #crystalshop #crystallove #charms #pocketspell #pagan #pagansofinstagram #paganism #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #witchyvibes #witchcraft
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3 anos atrás