Rui Qi, RSW | Mental Health Counselor + Relationship Coach


▫️Helping you overcome pain & limiting mindsets, ⬆️ self-love and have a healthy relationship with yourself & others 📖 Free eguide: Stress Busters👇🏼
Did you know that self-trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship with yourself and living a satisfying life? 🔑 It's the key to quieting your inner critic, listening to your intuition and making choices that align with your values. Building trust with yourself is important because it leads to...  ▪ Increased confidence: When you trust yourself, you're more likely to have confidence in your abilities, decisions and choices. This confidence can translate to other areas of your life, such as your relationships, career, and personal growth. ▪ Improved decision making: Self-trust helps you make decisions that align with your values and goals. You're less likely to second-guess yourself or seek validation from others. ▪ Reduced anxiety and stress: When you trust yourself, you're less likely to worry about what others think or try to control others' opinions. This reduces anxiety and stress, allowing you to feel more grounded and centered. ▪ Better relationships: When you trust yourself, you're more likely to set healthy boundaries, communicate effectively and maintain healthy relationships with others. ▪ Improved mental health: Self-trust is linked to better mental health outcomes including reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. This month remember to reflect on how much you trust yourself and take steps towards growing in self-trust! ✨ Share this and inspire your friends also!  Happy July, Rui Qi P.S. Trusting yourself also has to do with how you treat and take care of yourself. If you need a break from the stress of everyday life and if you're tired of feeling overwhelmed... ✨Take a moment to breathe, relax and recharge with Stress Busters my FREE ebook of self-care activities! With simple, easy-to-follow self-care exercises, you'll be equipped to reduce stress and anxiety and boost your mental health. 👉 Get your free copy now and prioritize your mental wellness today! Comment “SB” or find the link in my bio. _________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #selftrust #honoryourself #trustyourgut #selfdoubt
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18 horas atrás
How is your mental health doing? 💭 Here are 11 ways for you to prioritize your mental health right now! Don't forget to regularly check in with yourself and be aware of how your mental health is. Your mental wellness is worth prioritizing because *you're* worth it! ❤️ ✨ Share this and remind someone to look after their mental wellbeing today also! __________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #mentalhealthadvice #mentalhealthhelp #mentalhealthcare #mentalhealthcounseling #mentalhealthisimportant #mentalhealthisreal #mentalhealthjourney #copingskills #emotionalregulation #selfregulationskills
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4 dias atrás
Feeling like you’re drowning in stress and anxiety? 🌬 Take a deep breath... and let’s dive into the power of deep breathing for calming your mind! How deep breathing helps you 👇 ▪Reduced stress and anxiety: Deep breathing has been shown to decrease the production of stress hormones like cortisol, leading to a sense of calm and relaxation. ▪Lowered blood pressure: Regular deep breathing can help lower blood pressure, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular conditions. ▪Improved sleep: Deep breathing exercises can help regulate sleep patterns, leading to improved sleep quality and duration. ▪Higher oxygenation: Deep breathing increases oxygenation of the body, which can improve cognitive function, energy levels, and overall physical health. ... and more! Deep breathing can be such a game-changer for your mental health! Have you tried it before? If not, I highly recommend giving it a go! To your mental well-being, Rui Qi ✨ P.S. My free ebook Stress Busters has deep breathing exercises that guide you to relax and feel more calm! If you’re looking for self-care activities to help reduce stress and take care of your mental health don’t miss out. 👉 Grab it now for free! Comment “SB” or find the link in my bio. ___________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #breathingexercise #reduceanxiety #breathingtechniques #deepbreathing #breathworkhealing #stressreduction #stressmanagementcoaching #copingwithanxiety #relaxationtechniques #stressmanagementtips #anxietyfree #reducestress #mentalhealthcare #mentalhealthcounseling #selfcarehacks #selfcareisnotselfish
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6 dias atrás
Here’s to more glimmers in our life, those micro moments of joy, peace and safety and that warm and fuzzy feeling. 🎉 Some ways to identify your glimmers: ✨ Close your eyes and imagine your “happy place” where you feel relaxed and at peace. What is it like? What sounds, smells, sights, tastes, sensations are there? What are you doing there that makes you feel so at ease? ✨ Think about what makes you feel safe and cared for. What do you need to feel safe? What can people do or what kind of surroundings make you feel comfortable? When do you feel most cared for? ✨ Recall a moment when you felt most alive and joyful. What were you doing? Who were you with? What about this time made you feel so at ease, vibrant and happy? ✨ Think of someone you love and trust who you can just be yourself around. If you can, spend time or connect with them. If you can’t, recall memories with them that bring you joy and peace. 👉 What are your favorite glimmers? Share with me in the comments, I’d love to know! Rooting for you, Rui Qi ✨ P.S. If you’d like to start incorporating glimmers into your daily routine and want more easy self-care activities to reduce stress and care for your mental health, don’t miss our free ebook Stress Busters! Grab it now for free! Comment “SB” or find the link in my bio. ___________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #glimmers #triggers #mentalhealthadvice #mentalhealthhelp #mentalhealthwellness #wellbeingtips #selfsoothing #anxietytips #anxietyreducer #emotionalregulation #stressreduction
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11 dias atrás
📢 In case you didn’t know... even if you’ve NEVER had a mental health issue before, high stress levels can make you more likely to develop a mental health condition within the next year. High stress and chronic stress increases this mental health risk in several ways: ▪Prolonged activation of the stress response and constantly being in “fight or flight” mode can lead to an overload on the brain and body, making it harder to regulate emotions and think clearly. ▪Disrupted balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and GABA, which play a crucial role in regulating mood, anxiety, and sleep. ▪ Reduced resilience ▪ Increased inflammation in the body which has been linked to various mental health conditions ▪ Sleep disturbances which can result in insomnia, daytime fatigue and decreased cognitive function. Poor sleep quality is a known risk factor for developing mental health issues. ▪ Social isolation What you *should* be doing to prevent this and take care of your mental wellbeing? Not neglecting self-care and proactively reducing your stress levels. This will ensure your stress doesn’t build up and escalate into a mental health issue. Are you nailing this already? Or not sure how to go about it? 👉🏼 If you *do* find yourself looking for ways to lower your stress then check out Stress Busters, my free ebook with easy self-care ideas that you can do anywhere to reduce stress and boost your mental health. ✨ Get it now by commenting “SB” below and I’ll send it to you or grab it in my link in bio. __________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. #stressful #stressawareness #stressreduction #stressrelieving #stressless #stressfreelife #stressfreezone #workstress #stressrelieftips #lessstress #reducestress #mentalhealthcare #mentalhealthwellness #mentalhealthadvice
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14 dias atrás
10 ideas for a mid-year mental health detox 🌿 Half way through the year already! 📅 How is your mental wellbeing and emotional health doing? Anything you need to let go of and detox from? Or anything you need to do more of? 👉 It’s not too late to make changes! If you haven’t already been doing so you can start taking care of your mental health and emotional wellness! Remember, you’re worth loving and worthy of having healthy relationships and living a life aligned with what matters to you. 💬 What else would you add? Share your ideas in the comments! _________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy.
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27 dias atrás
Happy Mother’s Day! 🌼 Whether you’re a mom, soon to be mom, want to be a mom or you’re a mother figure, I want to recognize you and say thank you for your heart of motherhood and nurture. You are amazing! ⁠👏🏼 ⁠ Mother's Day can also be a difficult time though. If you find yourself struggling, please know that your experience is valid and you don't need to fake it and pretend that you're ok when you're not. Doing so can make it even harder. ❤ Whether you're celebrating Mother's Day or not, remember to look out for your mental well-being. 👉 Swipe for different ways to take care of your mental health. ✨ And don't forget to share this with someone who would benefit from this also! ___________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. [mental health, mental health tips, mental well-being, mental wellness, mother's day, emotional health, emotional well-being, family relationships]
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1 mês atrás
Find it hard to believe in yourself? Feeling down on yourself? 😫 Take small steps every day to nurture your self-esteem. 👇 ✨ Identify and celebrate what you're good at ✨ Spend time with uplifting people who appreciate you ✨ Speak more kindly to yourself ✨ Set realistic expectations for yourself ✨ Learn to accept compliments ✨ Try saying no when you don't want something ✨ Challenge negative thoughts about yourself ✨ Practice gratitude towards yourself ✨ Encourage yourself ✨ Embrace your uniqueness instead of trying to change it ✨ Help someone Don't forget... You are worthy of your own love and acceptance! 🌟 💬 What else would you add to this? What helps you build your self-esteem? Share in the comments! ➡ Follow @wholenesswellnessbar for more mental health tips and having a healthy relationship with yourself and others. ________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. [self-esteem, self-worth, self-value, self-confidence, confidence tips, mental health tips, mental health advice, mental health, mental wellness, emotional wellness, emotional health]
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1 mês atrás
Feeling stuck where you're at? Not sure how to move forward? Here are 5 truths to help you get unstuck and keep progressing 👇🏻 1. Flexibility is a strength. ✨ Difficulty being flexible may be linked to other things like a need for control, fear, struggle with adaptability, lack of resilience, etc... 👉🏻 If you have trouble being flexible, ask yourself what’s really going on? What happens when you go with the flow? How do you benefit when you're flexible? What about when you’re not? 2. Feeling unsure or uncomfortable about a change doesn't mean it's a bad one. ✨ Change and the unknown may stir up uneasy feelings but the change itself could still be positive. 👉🏻 Ask yourself what you’re really scared of. Remind yourself of the resources and help you have to tackle the change. Recall previous times of transition and what worked for you. 3. Don't forget to look at the impact of your choices. ✨ The decision you made - what came out of it? The words you said to someone - what was the impact? Pay attention to the results of the choices you make and the impact of your behaviour and words. 👉🏻 Is it leading to peace in your life or is it contributing to drama? 4. Daily habits and small steps DO make a difference ✨ These small actions are building momentum and consistency over time, increasing motivation, reinforcing positive behaviors and leading to long lasting change. 👉🏻 Are there goals you can break down into smaller more manageable steps that will make things more achievable and less overwhelming? 5. It's ok to change your mind and find appropriate help! ✨ It's a sign of self-awareness and self-care to get help that is a good fit for your needs, preferences, goals, personality and comfort level. Don't be afraid to keep looking until you find what works for you. 👉🏻 Remember, what helped in one season might not apply currently. And, also, every individual is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. As May unfolds hope these takeaways help propel you forward! 👉 Don't forget to share and encourage someone else too ❤
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1 mês atrás
Constantly questioning or second guessing yourself? Lacking confidence in yourself? 💔 We all have moments when we doubt and feel unsure about ourselves. Instead of giving yourself a hard time about it, try speaking words of kindness and compassion to yourself. ❤ ✨ Remind yourself of all you have accomplished and all that you’ve overcome! And, remember, no one starts being great at something. We all start from the beginning and learn and grow along the way. Wherever you are on your journey and even if it’s not where you want to be you can still appreciate how far you’ve come. 👉 Share this with someone you’d like to affirm and encourage! ➡ For more on having a healthy relationship with yourself and others, healing from pain and mental health tips, follow @wholenesswellnessbar . ___________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. [self-doubt, self-esteem, self-worth, self-value, self-confidence, self-confidence tips, self-worth tips, self-comparison, inner critic, self-love tips, self-help tips, mental health, mental wellness, emotional health, emotional wellness]
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2 meses atrás
😱 Are you sabotaging your mental health without realizing it? Perhaps its become an ingrained habit or you're too busy to be aware of it BUT it's possible that what's normal and second nature to you may in fact be hurting your mental health. 😫 Check out these 5 ways you may be sabotaging your mental health and how to address it. ✨ Which of these resonate with you? Anything stand out to you? 👉 Don't forget to share this and encourage someone in their mental health journey! ____________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. [mental health, mental health tips, mental health journey, mental wellness, mental health counselor, mental health advice, mental health help]
0 24
2 meses atrás
😡 TRIGGERS: Any person, behaviour, place, circumstance, thought, experience or event that causes an involuntary reaction and intense emotional reaction. Common trigger points may include feeling 👇 Unaccepted, Disrespected, Controlled, Manipulated, Scared, Worthless, Lonely, Stuck, Ignored, Unloved, Judged, Blamed, Hopeless, Out of control, Unimportant, Unsure Other triggers could be experiencing 👇 A lack of resources, Injustice, Challenges Transition, Pain, Illness ✨ Your trigger points aren’t about the person or incident itself but rather what’s being stirred up in you. Often triggers can remind us of past pain, trauma or unhealed hurt in our life leading to overwhelming feelings. A good starting point for identifying triggers would be asking yourself 👉 “Is this reaction logical? Is my reaction proportional to what happened?” ❤ If you find yourself getting triggered remember to treat yourself with gentleness and curiosity. Explore what’s happening and causing your reaction. A trigger isn’t something to avoid or be ashamed of but rather it can signal to you where there may be unresolved issues or unhealed pain. ✔ Share and help spread awareness on triggers and how to navigate them! ➡ Follow @wholenesswellnessbar for more on having a healthy relationship with yourself and others. _________ Reminder: The purpose of these posts is to share information, tips and encouragement. Not every post may apply to your situation nor are they meant to replace therapy. [triggers, triggered, emotional triggers, inner healing, inner work, emotional healing, emotion regulation, emotional health, emotional wellness, healthy relationships, relationship help, mental health, mental wellness]
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2 meses atrás