2 месяцев назад
On my way to the gym this morning, a song played that transported me into a deep contemplation, a cherished ritual I uphold during the quiet, early hours—a time I dedicate daily to connect with Christ. As the melody lingered, a wave of sadness briefly washed over me, only to be followed by an overwhelming feeling of gratitude—a curious shift that transformed my perspective. My heart ached, for love and loss have deeply etched their marks upon my soul. Recently, I’ve come to understand that a Celestial Union may not be part of my earthly journey. Yet, instead of mourning this realization, I was enveloped by a profound thankfulness. The words spoken by President Nelson at the April 2024 General Conference have resonated deeply with me: “The SEALING POWER is SUPERNAL EVIDENCE of how much God loves all of His children everywhere and wants each of them to choose to return home to Him.” These words have lingered in my heart and mind, reminding me of the divine love that guides us. It dawned on me that while the sealing power may seem distant for me, it remains a hopeful possibility for my daughters. In a heartfelt conversation, my father reminded me that my current sacred duty is to nurture, teach, and uplift my daughters, enabling them to find joy and purpose in their lives and steer clear of the missteps that once entangled me. In that moment, my heartache transformed into a sense of purpose and peace. #thinkcelestial #godisgood