Pixwox benjhaischПост
2 месяцев назад
Seeing the Mona Lisa always seems to have an impact on me, but not really for the reasons you’d expect. Sure, it’s a brilliant painting, but the fact that such a small work of art that is surrounded by MASSIVE installations can captivate the attention of humanity for hundreds of years the way that it has. It also makes me think more of the longevity of my own work and how silly it is to think I can post thousands of photos on this platform and expect thousands of people to like it (and if they don’t, like it’s a failure). What about you?
2 месяцев назад
I tbink the analogy is perfect. and an incredibky healthy mindset at that.
2 месяцев назад
I paid more attention to the people in line, most of whom end up turning their backs on her to take a selfie. It’s not about the art; it’s like checking off a task on a list. Wild.
2 месяцев назад
Lots of truth in those thoughts @benjhaisch !!
2 месяцев назад
I feel the same way about the ML. Huge historical impact in a very diminutive size.
2 месяцев назад
what a shot. wow!!
2 месяцев назад
This this this
2 месяцев назад
Love this
2 месяцев назад
1 месяц назад
See D m :)
1 месяц назад