4 месяцев назад
❤️3 Ingredient Biscuits❤️ Easiest yet softest biscuits you have ever had🤭😍 (O’zbekcha retsept 🇺🇿👇🏻) (Рецепт на русском 🇷🇺👇🏻) Bismillah✨ ❤️Ingredients:❤️ ❤️Unsalted Butter 250gr❤️ ❤️Powdered Sugar 100-120gr❤️ ❤️Flour 400-500gr❤️ Directions: Add into a bowl butter and powdered sugar, mix it until fluffy. Then add half of the flour mix again then the rest of the flour into a bowl. Mix with a mixer until soft dough is formed. Give shapes according to your wish and put them for 30 mins in the freezer. Bake biscuits in a preheated oven under 180 degrees for 15-20 mins until lightly brown. You can eat as it is or dip in some chocolate sauce of your wish. Enjoooy. Don’t forget to say 3 words: I Love You ❤️ 🇺🇿 ❤️3 ta Masalliqdan mazali pechenyalar❤️ Ishoning bu siz yegan eng yumshoq hamda qarsildoq va og’izda eriydigan pechenyalar bo’ladi😍 Bismillah✨ Masalliqlar:❤️ Sariyog’ 250gr❤️ Shakar upasi 100-120gr❤️ Un 400-500gr❤️ Tayyorlanishi: Idishga sariyog’ va shakar upasini solib mikserda yumshoq massa hosil boguncha aralashtiramiz. Songra unni yarimini solib yana mikser qilamiz, va qolgan yarimini solib yana mikser qilamiz yumshoq qolga yopishmidigan hamir hosil bolguncha. Hamirni yoyib unga shakl berib chiqamiz va muzxonaga 30 minutga yuboramiz. Qizitilgan duhovkada 180 gradusda pechenyalarimizni 15-20 daqiqa ozgina qizartirib pishirib olamiz. Hohishga qarab shundoq yoki shokoladga botirib bezak berish mumkun. Yoqimli ishtaha. 3 ta so’zdan iborat jumlani sevgilingizga aytishni unutmang: Men Sizni Sevaman❤️ Song by Vishal-Sheykhar, Vishal M and Shilpa - Bekaar Dil #uzbekfood #uzbekrecipes #worldfamousrecipes #homemade #delicious #yummy #dinnermeal #pakistan #uzbekistan #biscuits #3ingredientbiscuits #pechenyalar #печенья #14february #karachi #uzb #world #worldrecipes #reels #cooking #baking #sweet #fabulous #moonelicious
4 месяцев назад