

Profile intended to showcase amazing talent!
HELP CREW!! Crew is a happy boy but he needs your help with the simple things in life please consider making a donation in his gofund me page! /f/ongoing-medical-needs-for-crew?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
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6 месяцев назад
Royal Edit 👑: soccer_player163 AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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12 часов назад
Royal Edit 👑: a.cinarsen AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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12 часов назад
Royal Edit 👑: zach__nolan AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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Royal Edit 👑: gabrielbastidabjj AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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Royal Edit 👑: @omerasafaydin16 AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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13 часов назад
Soy el papá de Ian, estoy muy orgulloso de lo que logró mi hijo en estos juegos de la CONADE, cuando partió hacia Guadalajara iba muy contento y decidido a darlo todo, en su primera participación tuvo una caída que le afectó y lo desanimó un poco, pero con la ayuda de sus entrenadores y su esfuerzo lo pudo superar al grado de ganar medalla de plata ese mismo día en All Around en su categoria, algo que me dice Ian siempre es que si se cae el se levantará para seguirlo intentando, al final se trajo a casa 2 medallas de oro 2 de plata y 2 de bronce, por eso estoy muy orgulloso de mi hijo por mostrar su gran talento y disciplina #gym #gymnastic #gymmotivation #gymmotivation #feliz #amor #kid #influencer #jidstrong #kidsinfluencer #kidsfashion #kidsportraitphotography #kidstrong @gymnasticsandyoung_talents @gymnastics__now @karelian_gymnastics_team @karelian_gymnastics_team
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1 день назад
Royal Edit 👑: tylerdanieljka AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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Royal Edit 👑: gabitoalfaro AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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Royal Edit 👑: cjameson24 AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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Royal Edit 👑: oliver__mccallum AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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Royal Edit 👑: theyorkshiregymnast AFTER EDITING / BEFORE EDITING Do you want to have your photo edited and posted? Text me!
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