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I do stuff...
A heartful thankyou to @adrian_paci & @tea.paci for having me in Shkodra these past 3 weeks at their residency Matanë, and welcoming me at their home @shkodra_arthouse , also @lekmgjeloshi for being my mentor! Happy to have met such amazing friends during @ekraniiartit as well! 💥
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22 дней назад
Nesër në Art House ✨ Shkamb Jaka (l. 1997) është artist që jeton dhe vepron në Kosovë. Ka përfunduar Baçelor (2020) dhe Master (2023) në departamentin e Pikturës në Universitetin e Prishtinës. Interesat e tij përfshijnë pikturën, instalimin, videon dhe zërin me kuriozitet për fizikën kuantike dhe botët virtuale. Trupi i punës së Jakës mbështetet në hapësira zhytëse dhe në krijimin e vendeve utopike të parë nga një dimension i katërt ose më i lartë. Bazuar në eksperimentet/teoritë shkencore ai krijon zgjidhjet e tij fiktive. Disa nga veprat e tij përfshijnë “Technotopia: Is This Hyperreal?” (2024) - ekspozitë personale në Tulla-Culture Center, “Possible Worlds; Sinking Into Virtual Lands” (2023) - instalim në Stacion CCA Prishtinë, “Solo” (2023) - video dhe instalim në Qendrën për Praktikë Narrative, “Spooky Action at a Distance” (2021) - ekspozitë personale në Paper Gallery, “Bazuar në Ngjarje të Vërtetë” (2021) - video dhe instalim në Galerinë Kombëtare të Kosovës. ------ Rezidenca “Matanë” u ofron artistëve nga rajoni i Ballkanit Perëndimor kohë dhe hapësirë të dedikuar për të zhvilluar projekte të reja. Artistët eksplorojnë tema, teknika dhe bashkëpunime të reja, të mbështetura nga qasja në burime në Prishtinë, Shkodër dhe Shkup. Programi synon të stimulojë praktikat kulturore kritike dhe të nxisë bashkëpunimin përmes praktikave artistike. ------ Programi zbatohet në bashkëpunim me @aics_tirana në kuadër të Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans,(@cc4wbs ) projekt i financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian. Mbështetur nga: @euinalbania @aics_cooperazione_it #CC4WBs , #CCI , #culture , #EU , #art , #WesternBalkans
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24 дней назад
Technotopia: Is This Hyperreal? Happy to share some installshots from the exhibition which remains open until April 21st, 2024. Thankyou to @labinot_kelmendi for curating the show, @albannimani for inviting me at his amazing space at @tullaculture and @piroli.klaudia for all the help and dedication to this exhibition! Thankyou to everyone who showed up at the opening and after as well! Photos: @agonnimani #shkambjaka #tullaculture
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2 месяцев назад

Ekspozita do të qëndroje e hapur deri në datën 21 PRILL 2024.
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3 месяцев назад

29 MARS - 21 PRILL 2024

E PREMTE | 29 MARS 2024 | 19:00 Biografi Shkamb Jaka (1997) ka lindur në Gjakovë. Pas mbarimit të shkollës së mesme atje, ai u zhvendos në Prishtinë për të vazhduar studimet Bachelor dhe Master, ku tani jeton dhe punon. Ai ka studiuar në fushën e Artit Figurativ - Pikturë në Universitetin e Prishtinës dhe ka diplomuar studimet Master në vitin 2023. Përveç mbajtjes së dy ekspozitave personale, "DisDeKodim" në Menza Ramiz Sadiku, 2020 dhe "SpookyAction at a Distance" në Paper Gallery, 2021, ai ka prezantuar punën e tij në ekspozita të ndryshme kolektive, ka qenë finalist i "Artistët e së nesërmes" në Stacion - Qendra për Art Bashkëkohor, 2020 dhe 2023, pjesëmarrës në ekspozitën "Bazuar në një ngjarje të vërtetë" në Galerinë Kombëtare të Kosovës, 2021 si dhe së fundmi me prezantimin e punës në ekspozitën "SOLO" në Qendrën e Praktikës Narrative, 2023. Interesat kryesore artistike të Jakës shkojnë nga vëzhgimi i sjelljes njerëzore, tek përvojat personale, tek teoritë dhe eksperimentet e ndryshme shkencore. Tani fokusi i tij është te fizika kuantike, metafizika dhe krijimi i vendeve utopike, bazuar në gjetjet e reja shkencore, duke i përkthyer ato në art vizual. *English in comments
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3 месяцев назад
I lumtur me nda me ju ekspoziten time të parë personale në Tiranë - Tulla - Culture Center të titulluar “Technotopia: Is This Hyperreal?”, të kuruar nga Labinot Kelmendi / Happy to share with you my first personal exhibition in Tirana at Tulla - Culture Center titled “Technotopia: Is This Hyperreal”, curated by Labinot Kelmendi. Nëse jeni në Tiranë, ju mirëpres me 29 mars, të premten në ora 19:00. / If you’re in Tirana, i welcome you on March 29th, Friday at 7PM. 💥🤸‍♂️ Text by Labinot Kelmendi Technology and art have not been separate since antiquity but have often been used as synonyms in certain contexts. They simultaneously mark the productive character of our being in the world. In this exhibition, we have a union of these two forms of expression of being. Firstly, the exhibition serves as the place (topoi) where this poetic (poiesis) skill (techne) is manifested. Secondly, the work as a manifestation of “techno-aesthetics” is a formed symbiosis between aesthetic because it’s technical, and technical because it’s aesthetic. Through this techno-aesthetic manifestation, the exhibition takes the form of a technotopia. Thus, it becomes the place where painting is not silent poetry but where it transforms into the poetics of noise. As a result of this white noise, it alters the relationship between the real and the imaginary, the original and the artificial, marking this moment as the aesthetic experience of hyperreality. The aesthetic experience of hyperreality is made possible when a triptych of components is fused: painting, noise, and apparatuses, which are more than evident in the exhibition of the artist Shkamb Jaka.
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3 месяцев назад
This evening make sure to drop by 19:00 at the Boxing Club so you can join us and meet Shkamb Jaka as he describes his work commissioned for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2023 Finalists exhibition, how he sees it and what he wants us to see and think about it. Shkamb Jaka is an artist who shows a mature and developed pictorial language, which is clearly his own and which floats smoothly between different artistic disciplines. It has a very interesting world of reference, anchored in quantum physics, astrophysics and metaphysics, and tries to provide consistent representations for the phenomena described in them, raising the question of what is representable and how. If you’re interested in learning more about his artistic installation “Possible Worlds; Sinking Into Virtual Lands” then make sure to join us tonight!
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7 месяцев назад
Very happy to share with you my new installation titled “Possible Worlds; Sinking Into Virtual Lands” as part of “Artists of Tomorrow Award” held by @stacionccaprishtina This installation incorporates sound, sand and synthetic materials such as fake leather and fake moss, that serve as my personal sandbox 📦 Always thankful to my dad, @vlora.h.h @engjellberisha and @skenderxhukolli who helped me bring it to life. Documentation: Artists of Tomorrow Award 2023 Courtesy of Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina Photography by @alban_nuhiu
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7 месяцев назад
Sneak peek at what our Artists of Tomorrow Award 2023 finalist, Shkamb Jaka, has in store! Don’t miss the exhibition opening this Friday (10/11/2023) at 20:00. + Hidhini një sy për me pa çka ba gadi finalisti ynë i Çmimit Artistët e së Nesërmes 2023 Shkamb Jaka! Mos e hupni hapjen e ekspozitës këtë të premte (10.11.2023) në orën 20:00. + Zavirite u ono što naš finalista Nagrade Umetnici Sutrašnjice 2023, Shkamb Jaka, sprema! Ne propustite otvaranje izložbe ovog petka (10.11.2023.) u 20 časova.
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7 месяцев назад
Artists of Tomorrow Award Finalist: @jakashkamb “Spooky Action at a Distance” personal exhibition presented at @papergalleryprishtina Michio Kaku - theoretical physicist, in his book “Hyperspace” shows that “the goal of science is to peel back the appearance of objects to reveal their fundamental nature”. The same statement can be used for art. These works explore the world of quantum physics, astrophysics and metaphysics. They come as virtual utopian places. Deeply based on the ideas of Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Michio Kaku, Neil deGrasse Tyson and experiments/theories such as “Double Slit Experiment”, “Casimir Effect”, “Theory of Relativity” etc., they are presented as a reflection of a 3-dimensional world that can only experienced as a 4-dimensional form. The use of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry is also evident. Thus discussing some of the most brilliant ideas (some of which still have no explanation), while being translated into art and given visual meaning. Shkamb Jaka (b. 1997) Was born in Gjakovë. After finishing high school there, he moved to Prishtina to continue his Bachelor and Master studies, where he now lives and works. He studied in the field of Fine Arts - Painting at the University of Pristina and graduated Masters in 2023. In addition to holding two personal exhibitions, “DisDeKodim” at Menza Ramiz Sadiku, 2020 and “Spooky Action at a Distance” at Paper Gallery, 2021, he has presented his work in various collective exhibitions, was a finalist of “Artists of Tomorrow” at Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, 2020, participant in the exhibition “Based on a true story” at the National Gallery of Kosovo, 2021 as well as recently with the presentation of the work in the “SOLO” exhibition at the Center for Narrative Practice, 2023. Jaka’s main artistic interests go from the observation of human behavior, to personal experiences, to various scientific theories and experiments. Now his focus is on quantum physics, metaphysics and the creation of utopian places, based on new scientific findings, turning them into visual art.
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8 месяцев назад
Artists of Tomorrow Award Finalist: @jakashkamb Shkamb Jaka is an artist that shows a mature and well-developed pictorial language that is clearly his own, and who navigates at ease between different artistic disciplines. He has a very interesting reference world, anchored in quantum physics, astrophysics and metaphysics, and tries to provide viable representations for the phenomena that are described in them, bringing up the question of what is representable, and how. The artwork “Possible Worlds: The superbubble” was presented at the Centre for Narrative Practice for the “SOLO” exhibition curated by @lekmgjeloshi We have this hostility to the external world, the cause of the superstition, the myth, the absolutely unfounded theory that you yourself exist only inside your skin. Now I want to propose another idea altogether. Billions of years ago, you were a big bang, but now you’re a complicated human being. That so we define ourselves as being only that. If you think that you are only inside your skin, you define yourself as one very complicated little curlicue, way out on the edge of that explosion, way out in space, and way out in time. And with that, we cut ourselves off and don’t feel that we are still the big bang, but you are! Image credits: @arritakatona
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8 месяцев назад