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Jeremy Gardner


⚒️💪🏽 Owner @bluecollartransformations Father of 3. Husband. Proud American. 🇺🇸 1st Phorm Sponsored Trainer #iam1stphorm
Do you feel like there’s gotta be more to life than what you are doing? I know I did! When I was working 12.5 hours a day 7 days a week on a rig, I used to tell myself all the time, there’s gotta be more to this life than just paying bills and waiting to die! Then I realized there was! And the only reason I didn’t see it is because I wasn’t following what I was being called towards! It started by accepting that I wasn’t happy with how I looked and felt! Once I accepted that I dedicated myself to fixing it! At first all the guys I worked with busted my balls about not drinking and grilling with them after work, but soon they noticed something was different- and it wasn’t just how I looked! It was the energy I brought to the crew! Next thing you know they were asking for my help getting in shape themselves! Not because of how much better I looked, but because of how much happier I was and how much better I was performing! Getting in better shape, and developing my mindset didn’t just reflect in a number on the scale, my pants size, or even just my physical health! It reflected in how I showed up in every area of my life! Ready to conquer and attack whatever the day wanted to throw at me! If you are tired of feeling stuck, and just going through the motions in life, then DM me the word “WORK”  right now and let’s have a conversation to see if my program would be a good fit for you! OR click the link in my bio to apply for a free consultation call!
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2 месяцев назад
I believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true! May we always value the sacrifices made to get this independence and work hard to make our country proud! Happy Birthday America! 🇺🇸 #4thofJuly
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3 часов назад
🗣️F*CKING FACE IT‼️ ‌ Own who you are‼️ ‌ Admit that you have shit about yourself that you don’t like‼️ ‌ Now CHANGE IT‼️ ‌ It’s literally that f*ckin easy‼️ ‌ Stop over thinking‼️ ‌ Stop being scared‼️ ‌ Stop justifying your reasons for not doing it‼️ ‌ Just simply accept who you are, identify who you want to be, and then go f*cking be it‼️ ‌ You don’t need anyone else’s f*cking permission‼️ If you’re ready to invest in yourself to achieve the results you’ve been dreaming of, DM me the word “WORK” to get started now! Or use the link in my bio to apply for a free consultation call with me to see if 1:1 coaching is the right fit for you!
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1 день назад
People talk like life is over once you have kids! ‌ I’ll never understand that! ‌ They used to tell me “oh you’ll understand one day when you have kids” ‌ Well here I am and I still don’t understand your negative ass attitude! ‌ Kids make everything more challenging yes! ‌ They also make everything more fun! ‌ Having them there just adds 10x to the whole experience of anything we do!! ‌ Stop blaming your kids for your shitty quality of life! ‌ It’s your weak, lazy mindset, and your lack of stamina that are causing that! ‌ Work on being in better shape so you can have more energy! ‌ Strengthen your mindset so you can view challenges as opportunities! ‌ And enjoy the time you have with them while they are little! ‌ Because the one thing I do understand since having kids is how fast they grow up! ‌ DM me the word “WORK” if you want more energy and a more positive mindset to enjoy spending time with your kids!
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2 дней назад
Avoiding the hard shit makes your life harder! ‌ I used to be lazy AF! ‌ In fact way deep down I still want to be most of the time! ‌ However I hate being broke and fat so I can’t be lazy! ‌ PERIOD! ‌ That’s what it boils down to! ‌ You only get two choices! ‌ The hard of the life you don’t want, or the hard of the life you do! ‌ If you’re struggling with your fitness goals and need a solid plan with accountability to stick to it, DM me the word “WORK” now!
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2 дней назад
Once you identify your goal, then you need to identify the habits that will get you there! Once you have done that developing the habits should become your new goal! Habits are decisions you make on autopilot without even thinking about it! For instance I made working out everyday a habit! If I don’t go, I don’t feel right! I may be more irritable or grumpy or maybe even just feel off physically! Once you don’t feel like yourself if you don’t do something... that is how you know you have made it a habit! Habits are basically your entire identity! That is why your goal should not be the end result! You goal should be building the habits that get you there! If you steuggle developing habits and need more accountability to get there, DM me the word “WORK” now! Or use the link in my bio to fill out the coaching application for a free 1 hour consultation call with me!
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3 дней назад
Do you feel like there is absolutely no way you could possibly get in shape because of all of the responsibilities you have in your life? ⠀ I know the feeling! ⠀ You work 80+ hours a week with no real schedule! ⠀ You have kids and a wife, a dog, your mom, inlaws, and whoever else are all depending on you! ⠀ As they should be able to! ⠀ But you have no time left for you! ⠀ That is because you need to learn to slow down and create a plan! ⠀ That sounds so obvious I know, but no one ever does it! ⠀ Time management is something that I really sucked at! ⠀ But I realized if I was going to not only accomplish my goals, but fulfill all of my other responsibilities, I was going to have to learn to strategize! ⠀ The oilfield is a fast paced life! There are always crazy tight deadlines to be met and you never know when you’ll get that call saying it’s time to pack up and move it to the next town! ⠀ When things are constantly changing like that it can put you in a constant state of reaction! ⠀ You can’t get anything productive done if all you do is react to the things going on around you! ⠀ You have to get proactive! ⠀ That means when you are being pulled in 20 different directions at once, you need to sit down, list out all of the things you are trying to control, and then write a detailed game plan for how you are going to execute on it all! ⠀ You need to plan it out down to the detail almost like you are a navy seal planning a mission! ⠀ Will you be able to stick to the plan 100%? No, but that why you will also need contingency plans! ⠀ But with the proper amount of planning anything is possible! ⠀ DM me the word “WORK” now if you need help creating your plan! ⠀ Or click the link in my bio to apply for a free consultation call with me!
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4 дней назад
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5 дней назад
“The second you decide you want to be anything other than mediocre, every day of your life after that will be hard!” ⠀ Deciding to change your life isn’t easy for anyone! ⠀ Every single day that you wake up, you will be faced with obstacles! ⠀ It won’t matter how well you prepare or how much you plan. Life will figure out a way to knock you off course! ⠀ That’s just how it goes! ⠀ That’s why you have to get very clear about what you want and draw a line in the sand with yourself! ⠀ Decide what is important to you, and make a list around what needs done to accomplish it! ⠀ Then every single day make it your mission to check everything off of that list! ⠀ No matter what! ⠀ Don’t overload this list with 35 things to get done in one day. Pick 5! ⠀ Then don’t let yourself go to bed until you get them all done! ⠀ Will you lose some sleep some days? YEP! ⠀ Will you feel like there isn’t enough time in the day sometimes? ABSOLUTLEY! ⠀ Will you fail, and not do your list sometimes? MOST LIKELY! ⠀ But you will also, accomplish your fucking goals, build better habits, develop better time management, and learn how to be more present in the moment! ⠀ Success isn’t about perfection! ⠀ It’s about whether you get your shit done everyday or not! ⠀ DM me the word “WORK” if you are ready to change your life! Or click the link 🔗 in my bio to apply for a free consultation call with me!
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6 дней назад
You don’t have a motivation problem! You have a lack of knowledge! Think about it! You are motivated as hell at work right? You are probably even one of the hardest workers on your crew, if not in the whole company! So why is it that you can’t seem to apply that same discipline and drive to accomplishing your fitness goals? The answer is simple! You don’t know how! You don’t know what kind of plan you should follow. You don’t know what to eat, when to eat it, or how much to eat. And you aren’t sure how long it will take or should take! But....... If someone could lay out the plan, tell you exactly how to execute on it, and coach you through how to overcome any of the obstacles that are in your way, then you would be able to apply the same work ethic you have in every other area of life to your fitness goals and accomplish them in no time! DM me the word “WORK” if you know you have the work ethic, and you just need the blueprint!
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6 дней назад
Blaming anyone other than yourself for your current situation is weak as f*ck!! ⠀ I understand that there are a lot of us going through a hard time right now! ⠀ I say us because I am no different than you! I am nowhere near rich by any means, and this economy is putting a hurting on me just like everyone else! ⠀ But that’s because I wasn’t putting in the work soon enough to set myself up for a crisis like the one we are in now! ⠀ That is on me! ⠀ However I know I can’t go back and change the choices I made in my past all I can do is learn from this and move forward! ⠀ Now I have to work harder and be smarter! ⠀ Does it suck to admit that my situation is my fault? ⠀ Yeah a little, but at the end of the day it puts the power back in my hands to change it! ⠀ It would be easy to blame the economy and the government, but that doesn’t do anything for me and my life! ⠀ A lot of you have been doing the same thing with your fitness goals! ⠀ You keep blaming your job, your kids, and your wife for you being out of shape! ⠀ Saying you don’t have enough time. ⠀ When in reality you just need to become more discipline and learn how to manage your time better! ⠀ If you would take ownership of the problem, the solution would be clear to you! ⠀ So instead of continuing to point the finger at everything and everyone else, take ownership of your situation and do something to fix it! ⠀ DM me the word “WORK” if you’re ready to take ownership! Or click the link 🔗 in my bio to apply for a free consultation call with me!
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8 дней назад
The purest happiness comes at the end of the hardest struggle! ⠀ That is why true champions push themselves as far outside of their comfort zones as possible on a daily basis! ⠀ They know that true fulfillment comes from pushing through their boundaries and seeing what they are really capable of! ⠀ Happiness isn’t your feet up on the beach! ⠀ Happiness is the result of busting your ass to afford that vacation! ⠀ So stop looking for ways to get out of the work! ⠀ The work is what produces the happiness! ⠀ If you’re ready to stop telling yourself that bullshit story as to why you can’t hit your goals, use the link in my bio 🔗 now to fill out the application for 1 on 1 coaching!
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9 дней назад