Petr Kubáč


You little fool I was inspired to create the presented series of paintings by Martin Vopěnka’s book My Brother the Messiah, which led me to think about a new messiah and what miracles he could do for humanity. I asked myself the questions, should he do these miracles to save humanity or the planet? With some exaggeration, I created several situations in which the new messiah performs his miracles. His mission is to save the flora and fauna of the earth. These are miracles, however, that almost any human being could perform with some skill and patience. These include planting a tree in an inhospitable and arid landscape, feeding starving animals, saving uprooted or otherwise destroyed trees, or finding the “holy grail” as a remnant of a previous civilization. The resulting images are thus exaggeratedly based on miracles already realized in history. Self-ironically, I appear in them as the new messiah. The installation also includes small fragments that serve as a “record” of the time of the messiah’s arrival. #new #exhibition #in #divadlokamen #new #technique #project #from #artist #residency #in @schafhof_art_forum #contemoraryart
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7 месяцев назад
The past in us - Through a site-specific installation, Petr gives us a glimpse into a certain period of his life. On the floating “water surface” made of foil, he reflects the intimate story of his being. Using a digital projection, he shows us banal, joyful and little bit sadder life situations that have happened to him over the past year, knowing that the human personality changes with each new experience. Difficult situations are like sharp edges of a rock underwater – they sometimes hurt. However, by constant tumbling of the water, edges wear off or heal completely over time. The installation calls for the need to perceive the effects that individual events have on us, because they shape who we are and who we become. Text by @ka_a_ca #fineart #contemporary _art #prague #installation #installationart #light #mirrorfoil #past #social #watersurface #river #stones #object #reflection @katarzeprg
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8 месяцев назад
Artist residency 2023 in Schafhof – Europäisches Kunstforum Oberbayern. It was an honour to participate in an artistic residency in Bavaria. I spent a whole month working on a new exhibition in a beautiful place with great people. I met a lot of new people and the beautiful city of Freising. 📸 @schafhof_art_forum #fineart #artistsresidency #residency #bavaria #freising #germany #contemporaryart #artist #new #exhibition #phototransfer #beaartist #kunst #künstleraustausch #schafhoffreising #schafhof #petrkubac #new #pictures @fud_ujep
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9 месяцев назад
[NEW ART] Petr Kubáč - @konciliantni.petr The central theme in Petr's work is social context. He shows us "banal" situations of everyday life and examines a man in his nature with an appeal to various life situations. Through photography, which he sees both as a permanent visual record and a "carrier of information" with which he continues to work with, he uncovers the intimate worlds of people. Interpersonal relationships are examined as well as the question of being itself or mental disorders. Result of a creative process is a technical image that transforms a classic photograph into a moving image. The form through which the work of art is created and through which the intimate relationship between the work and the viewer is presented differs, depending on the specific choice and feeling of the artist. #katarzeprg #katarzeequinox
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9 месяцев назад
Halting In this audiovisual installation I react to today’s accelerated society and reflect on my own “pausing” and re-evaluation of priorities. I use artifacts in the form of photographs and videos from my internship in Portugal and my long-term stay in the Portuguese countryside. There, time stood still for a while, and I had the time to do nothing, to laze around, to think. I project videos capturing fluid movement through the landscape, the ocean, the rocks, onto mirrored objects inspired by the cliffs – I see them as a metaphor for the world that flows and affects us, and we are often no longer even anesthetized to it, so it just bounces off of us in a kind of jumble of light reflections, leaving almost nothing that sticks. The whole installation is accompanied by the surrounding sound of my voice reciting diary snippets from this time.
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10 месяцев назад
Halting In this audiovisual installation I react to today’s accelerated society and reflect on my own “pausing” and re-evaluation of priorities. I use artifacts in the form of photographs and videos from my internship in Portugal and my long-term stay in the Portuguese countryside. There, time stood still for a while, and I had the time to do nothing, to laze around, to think. I project videos capturing fluid movement through the landscape, the ocean, the rocks, onto mirrored objects inspired by the cliffs – I see them as a metaphor for the world that flows and affects us, and we are often no longer even anesthetized to it, so it just bounces off of us in a kind of jumble of light reflections, leaving almost nothing that sticks. The whole installation is accompanied by the surrounding sound of my voice reciting diary snippets from this time.
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10 месяцев назад
Halting In this audiovisual installation I react to today’s accelerated society and reflect on my own “pausing” and re-evaluation of priorities. I use artifacts in the form of photographs and videos from my internship in Portugal and my long-term stay in the Portuguese countryside. There, time stood still for a while, and I had the time to do nothing, to laze around, to think. I project videos capturing fluid movement through the landscape, the ocean, the rocks, onto mirrored objects inspired by the cliffs – I see them as a metaphor for the world that flows and affects us, and we are often no longer even anesthetized to it, so it just bounces off of us in a kind of jumble of light reflections, leaving almost nothing that sticks. The whole installation is accompanied by the surrounding sound of my voice reciting diary snippets from this time.
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10 месяцев назад
Číšník v lesní oboře s jeleny a laněmi Náplň práce: •Poskytování vřelého a profesionálního přístupu ke zvěři v lesní oboře. •Příprava a servírování jídel a nápojů v souladu s našimi standardy a požadavky zvěře. •Odborné poradenství ohledně nabízených jídel a nápojů. •Zajištění čistoty a udržování příjemné atmosféry v prostoru pro hosty. •Spolupráce s týmem zaměstnanců lesní obory a dodržování standardů společnosti. Co od Vás očekáváme: •Předchozí zkušenosti v oblasti gastronomického prostředí a práce se zvířaty •Schopnost komunikovat a pracovat s divokými zvířaty různých věkových a druhových skupin •Vřelý vztah k přírodě a zvířatům •Schopnost pracovat ve vysoce aktivním prostředí •Flexibilitu a ochotu pracovat o víkendech a svátcích Co Vám můžeme nabídnout: •Možnost pracovat v jedinečném prostředí lesní obory •Kontakt s divokými zvířaty, jako jsou jeleni, laně, daňci apod •Příležitost rozvíjet své dovednosti v oblasti stolování •Práci ve výběhu jednotlivých zvířat •Zajištění stáží v moderní gastronomii
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11 месяцев назад
Psycholog shořelých stromů v lese po lesním požáru Náplň práce: •Psychologické posouzení stavu stromů zejména v oblasti projevů duševních potíží a jejich zvládání •Vedení podpůrné, motivační či systematické psychoterapie •Poskytování krizových intervencí •Vedení skupinových terapeutických setkání •Výkon práce je v terénu, ale i ambulantně – časté výjezdy za klienty za účelem poznat jejich životní kontext i prostředí, ve kterém žijí Co od Vás očekáváme: •Odborná způsobilost k výkonu povolání psychologa •Nekonfliktnost, odpovědnost, samostatnost, trpělivost •Vstřícný přístup k pacientům •Zvládání stresových situací •Zařazení v některém z akreditovaných psychoterapeutických výcviků výhodou Co Vám můžeme nabídnout: •Práci v kvalitním týmu odborníků: spolupráce s psychology, lesníky, hasiči a rangeri •Příspěvek na vlastní pohodlné křeslo •Příplatky za noční a víkendové směny •Příspěvek na dopravu •Zajištění povinných stáží v rámci přípravy
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11 месяцев назад