Pixwox letiziawerthПосты

Letizia Werth


Artist, based in Vienna, *AT >>opening July 2 @sizematters.spaceforartandfilm >>til July 20 @PeterGaugy
Today 🥂 Tue July 2, 7 pm 🍹 AM SONNENDECK / ON THE SUN DECK @sizematters.spaceforartandfilm #ComeByAndSayHi ~~~~~ @anjanowak02 & @letiziawerth ⭐ Zeichnungen auf Tischdecken und verflochtene Gummiringe: In der Wiederholung verdichtet sich das Alltägliche. Der Blick in die Ferne und ein Ausschnitt aus nächster Nähe finden sich im Size Matters beieinander ein. Text #TheoMaier ~~~~~ SIZE MATTERS. Raum für Kunst & Film / Space for Art & Film. Margaretenstraße 110, 1050 Wien ~~~~~ Thx to @sashapirker @dariuszkowalski71 @thdormer #lovelypeople❤️ #amsonnendeck #onthesundeck #openingjulysecondatsixpm #happytoseeyou #artistrunspace #artspaceVienna
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2 дней назад
Dark Botanicals by Laura Amann, curator Kunsthalle Wien Part 1 …the weeds grew to knee height and then quickly withered into compost that gave off an ammoniac scent strong enough to make her pinch her nose. The compost ate away at whatever was below it, decomposing other greenery and leaving the earth below yellow and fallow… …second stage was mold; the rot prepared the ideal condition for fungal spores to take hold, which would sprout and eat through what was left. Then, in an orgy of apoptosis, the plants and fungi would delete themselves along with what they had eaten... …she was struck by the spectacular mess of her house; it was thriving, growing, and dying all at once, cannibalizing itself in programmed splendor… excerpts from the book Oval by Elvia Wilk Eros once again limb-loosener whirls me   sweetbitter, impossible to fight off, creature stealing up…      fragment of poetry by Sappho Julia Kristeva's concept of the 'abject' as discussed in her book Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection from 1980 is fascinating for many reasons, but especially because it can be used as a powerful tool for understanding human psychology on an individual level, the same as mechanisms of exclusion and fabrication of the Other on a societal scale. It is a complex theoretical construct that explores the cultural taboos, borders of identity, and the human psyche, - so what happens when we view art through the lens of the abject, or better yet when art forces us to experience the abject?  Photo: Kunst-Dokumentation.com
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9 дней назад
Opening 20 June at Galerie Peter Gaugy in Vienna Dark Botanicals 20 June to 20 July 2024 Theres Cassini  Ernst Lima  Lauren Nickou  Ariadne Randall  Letizia Werth  Hamid Yaraghchi “Dark Botanicals" is an exhibition showcasing six contemporary artists who delve into dark organic forms and psychological themes such as emptiness, fear, loss, decay, and transformation. Inspired by Julia Kristeva's concept of the abject—the unsettling collapse of meaning when faced with objects of repulsion —the exhibition examines the influence of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in our reactions to art. It explores the notion that we may create artistic ideals to soothe our inherent existential anxieties.
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21 дней назад