

Story teller using minis
His boot tracks and his arms still clutching his guns were all that was ever found of Private Rudgar… Sarg didn’t have to tell the others. He saw it in their grim faces . A child of the Assembler had done this, they knew it. They’d seen it before. The destructive power of the giant brings was catastrophic. “Collect what’s left. We can give his family some ashes to bury.” Sarg knew they had to be back into safety before dawn …
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3 дней назад
As the beast approached, she pulled the rude trigger on the crossbow. The bolt launched forward and made a odd thud sound as impacted into the monsters chest. To her horror it’s low growls turned into a screaming roar as it ripped a the silver tipped bolt in its chest. Dropping the small crossbow she ran … #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #dungeonsanddragons #tabletopminiatures #ragingheroes #ragingheroesminiatures #tabletopterrain #writerdojo #tabletopwargaming #wargames #wargameterrain #dndminiatures
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11 месяцев назад
As the beast advanced, the she retreated keeping her back against the building. Having your back against something solid tends to give a false sense of security. Deep down she knew this, but it felt good to know her back was safe. #ragingheroes #3dprinting #miniatures #paintingminiatures #wargaming #wargamingminiatures #tabletopwargaming #tabletopminiatures #tabletopminis #dnd #dndminiatures #dungeonsanddragons #dungeonsanddragonsminiatures
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11 месяцев назад
Her blood turned to ice as the creature rounded the corner … a werewolf stood staring at her. A creature from nightmares and children’s tails was now standing down a street from her. The beast turned its head to the sky, howled and charged her. #werewolves #ragingheroes #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #tabletopwargaming #tabletopworld #rpg #tabletoprpg #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainting #fantasy #writerdojo
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1 год назад
Sister Draycian lifted a bundle of rags off the steps of the building. A baby wriggled inside. Something in her gave her hope, this is why she had risked the dangers of the night. Another howl echoed off city walls and buildings. She clutched the child to her side and pulled out a cross bow … though she was a woman of peace, she knew that peace must sometimes be protected by violence. Fear crashed against her heart and mind and a shadow appeared down a narrow street. She tried to swallow the lump away that was forming in her throat but her mouth was dry … #letthediceroll #dnd #ragingheroes #miniaturas #miniaturepainting #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #writerdojo #fantasy #fantasyart #fantasycreature #werewolves
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1 год назад
A howl broke the nights silence, Sister Draycian stopped in her tracks. The city had instituted a strict curfew due to the violent attacks that had happened after dark. Sister Draycian had been risking her life every night for what in her mind was a sacred mission. Unwanted baby’s were always left on the steps of a state building after dark, and she was rescuing them. Sadly before she started these missions, red stains and tattered cloth has been found on the steps. #letthediceroll #dnd #miniatures #paintingminiatures #writerdojo #dndstories #baldursgate #dungeonsanddragons #wargaming #tabletopwargaming #ragingheroes @ragingheroes #wargamingterrain
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1 год назад
The trolls charged, engaging in brutal combat. Steel rang and the screams of the wounded carried across the clear morning. The warjack charged into battle. It’s steel legs pounding into the ground. A giant troll caught its eye and it smashed into it, swing it’s giant metal fists into the blue monsters body. Minis - @privateerpress Tents & camp fire @xykit #privateerpress #miniaturewargaming #tabletopwargaming #wargaming #wargamingterrain #warmachine #warmachinehordes #cygnar #ironkingdom #rpg #ironkingdomsrpg #p3painters #warjack
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1 год назад
A sentry shouts out an alarm moments before savage war cry’s pierce the air! A drum begins beating as a warband of trolls charge the camp. Soldiers snap into action, veterans move out of routine and muscle memory while younger less seasoned soldiers fumble a bit. #miniaturepainting #miniatures #miniaturewargaming #warmachine #warmachinehordes #hordes #cygnar #trollbloods #privateerpress #ironkingdom #letthediceroll #dungeonsanddragons
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1 год назад
Any veteran soldier can feel it .. few can describe it. They’ll say it’s a 6th sense, an itch, discomfort. A gorgeous sunrise brightened the darkened world and chases away the chill of night … but a lingering feeling of danger clung to the air … Minis = @privateerpress Camp gear & fire pit = @xykit #letthediceroll #warmachine #warmachinehordes #hordes #privateerpress #cygnar #tabletoprpg #tabletopwargaming #ironkingdom #toyphotography #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndcharacter
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1 год назад
Jethro got to his feet, the beast was struggling to get up. He ran forward, running up the ribs of the fallen mammoth and leapt swing his mace down with all the strength he has left. He felt the bones give way under the mace, crushing down into softer tissue. As the beast lay bleeding out, he leaned forward. He was exhausted. He suddenly became very aware of how hot it was and of every injury he had collected. Glancing up at the sun, he needed to get moving, if the W’adrhŭn where in the area, he needed to report it #parabellumwargames #customactionfigures #customactionfigure #toyphotography #toycollector #toy #toystory #toystagram #miniaturepainting #miniwargaming #letthediceroll #wargames #wargaming #skirmishwargaming #dinosaurs
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1 год назад
The beast pushed against him. He cursed, with the speed of the attack he hadnt gotten solid footing and he felt the ground slip under his foot. His back smashed into the ground knocking the wind out of him. The beasts whole weight was crushing down on him and it screeched in victory. His shield army was pressed against his body and he could feel how off balance the creature was with all its weight simply on his shield. With all his strength he arched his back and thrust his hips forward attempting to capitalize on the beasts poor positioning. Just as he began to move the beast bent down to bite his helmet, further shoving its weight forward. He pushed with all his might and the beast toppled forward … off his shield and body. He could breath deeply but with no time to revel in his new comfort he rolled over as best he could in armor and pushed himself upright … #miniaturepainting #actionfigures #actionfigurephotography #webseries #toyphotography #toyphotogallery #wargaming #customactionfigures #parabellumwargames #dinosaur
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1 год назад
He turned just in time catch the attack on his shield. He swore as the heavy body crashed against him driving him to his knees. He was in trouble. The beasts jaws snapped at him and drool dropped onto his helmet as it hissed and snarled. He pushed back, this could not be the end of Jethro, son of Hethro. #miniaturepainting #toyphotographyisart #toyphotgrapher #toyinstagram #toyphotography #wargames #parabellumwargames #parabellum #actionfigures
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1 год назад