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Livrit Creative Center


Empowering young leaders and creative minds, Livrit serves the community. Discover yourself through our mission!
Last couple of weeks, Livrit was privileged to have a meeting hosted by the OSCE @osce_serbia Ambassador Mr.Jan Braathu @janbraathu in Belgrade. The atmosphere was vibrant and engaging, with discussions ranging from pressing youth issues to reforms in the education system and the array of opportunities available. The exchange was not only dynamic but also incredibly insightful, highlighting the commitment of OSCE to empower youth. The ongoing support from OSCE resonates deeply within the hearts of young people, inspiring them to strive for positive change and progress in their communities 🧩🌆 📸 Credits : OSCE/Milan Obradovic #ÇuLivrit #OSCE #PeacefulChangeInitiative #BeActive #NasSvetNasaPravila #Beyond
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4 месяцев назад
Livrit had a vibrant meeting with US Ambassador to Serbia @usembassyserbia , his Excellency Mr.Christopher R. Hill, delving into youth community, issues, and projects in South Serbia. We showcased our impactful work, with a spotlight on @xhadefest Xhade Fest—an annual collaboration uniting Presevo with Belgrade, Prishtina, Tirana, and Skopje. The Ambassador’s keen interest signals a promising future through strengthened collaborations. To wrap up, we gifted him a piece of nostalgia with a vinyl album featuring the renowned 1998 group @asgjesikurdielli @albannimani and some exclusive @xhadefest memorabilia. A fruitful exchange of ideas and a promising journey ahead! 🌐✨ #ÇuLivrit #USAembassy #XhadeFest
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5 месяцев назад
🇬🇧 {English below} Javën e kaluar, kemi pasur nderin të mikpritemi nga Ambasadori i ri, Shkëlqësia e tij, Z. Edward Ferguson @eafergusonuk në Ambasadën Britanike në Beograd @ukinserbia . Gjatë takimit tonë, i prezantuam shkëlqësisë së tij konceptin e “Livrit,” misionin e organizatës sonë dhe aktivitetet tona të mëparshme. Po ashtu, diskutuam për sfidat kryesore që përballon komuniteti ynë. Ambasadori Ferguson u impresionua nga energia, potenciali dhe kreativiteti i të rinjve tanë. Ai shprehu gatishmërinë e tij për të mbështetur iniciativat tona të ardhshme si një koalicion me partnerët tanë, me synim avancimin e zhvillimit të rinisë. 🕺🇬🇧💃🏻🚀 Falemnderim të veçantë për mbështetësit tanë Peaceful Change Initiative. __ Last week, we had the honor to be hosted by the new Ambassador, His Excellency Mr. Edward Ferguson, at the British Embassy in Belgrade. During our encounter, we introduced him to the concept of “Livrit,” our organization’s mission, and our past activities. We also discussed the significant challenges our community faces. Ambassador Ferguson was impressed by the energy, potential, and creativity of our youth. He expressed his willingness to support our future initiatives as a coalition with our partners, aimed at advancing youth development. 🕺🇬🇧💃🏻🚀 Special thanks to our supporters Peaceful Change Initiative. #ÇuLivrit #BritishEmbassyBelgrade #🇬🇧 #PeacefulChangeInitiative #BeActive16 #Beyond #NasSvetNasaPravila
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4 месяцев назад
Livrit was honored to be invited by the British Ambassador Mr.Edward Ferguson to celebrate the King’s Birthday in Dedinje, Belgrade, yesterday. It was a privilege to participate in this prestigious event. @eafergusonuk @ukinserbia We had the opportunity to connect with friends and partners, fostering valuable relationships and enjoying a delightful evening. We are deeply grateful to Ambassador Ferguson for including us in this celebration, and we appreciate the warm hospitality extended to us. The event was a memorable experience for all of us at Livrit, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with the British Embassy and our esteemed partners. #livrit #uk #britishembassybelgrade
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12 дней назад
We are thrilled to share that our festival Xhade Fest, was recently featured on RTS, the public television channel in Belgrade! This exposure highlights the vibrant culture and talent showcased at our event. Thank you to everyone who has supported us on this journey! Stay tuned for more updates and exciting news💙 @heartefact_ @televizionispektri Follow the link: /watch?v=7WrX4p5Sr-g&t=264s #xhade #livrit #heartefact
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22 дней назад
Thirrje për rininë e Luginës së Preshevës që t'ju bashkangjiten organizatës "Livrit" @livritcc
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1 месяц назад
During the second day session of the Presevo Youth Creativity Workshop, Enesa and Brikena, local artists, led an inspiring session that sparked the imaginations of young participants. Through interactive activities and hands-on projects, Enesa and Brikena guided the children in exploring their creativity and expressing themselves through various art forms. From colorful drawings to imaginative crafts, each child had the opportunity to unleash their creativity and discover the joy of artistic expression. Enesa and Brikena’s passion for nurturing young talent shone through as they encouraged the children to experiment, collaborate, and embrace their individuality. As the workshop progressed, laughter filled the air as friendships were formed and imaginations soared. The event provided a nurturing environment for children to explore their artistic abilities while fostering a sense of community and belonging. Enesa and Brikena’s dedication to empowering young minds left a lasting impact, inspiring the next generation of artists to dream big and reach for the stars. This project is supported by the Swiss Government and implemented by Heartefact. 📸: @profilm_production #livrit #xhade #presevo
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1 месяц назад
On the second evening of the Presevo Art Collective Showcase, a local band, The Melodic Echoes, took center stage, captivating audiences with their soulful melodies and heartfelt lyrics. Their performance echoed through the venue, resonating with attendees who were drawn to their unique sound and passion for storytelling through music. Following the mesmerizing performance, visitors had the opportunity to immerse themselves in an enchanting exhibition featuring the works of talented local artists. From vibrant paintings to intricate sculptures, each piece served as a testament to the rich creativity and cultural diversity thriving within the community. As guests wandered through the exhibition space, they were invited to engage with the artists, gaining insight into their creative process and the inspiration behind their work. The event provided a platform for these artists to showcase their talents and foster connections with art enthusiasts, further enriching the cultural tapestry of Presevo and beyond. This project is supported by the Swiss Government and implemented by Heartefact. 📸: @profilm_production #livrit #xhade #presevo
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1 месяц назад
On the second day of Xhade Fest, Adea Rexhepi from Mural Fest Ferizaj led an illuminating panel discussion on the transformative power of art in public spaces. Exploring how murals, installations, and other forms of artistic expression can reshape our urban landscapes, Adea delved into the intersection of art, community, and social change. With insights from local and international artists, the session sparked conversations on revitalizing public areas, fostering community pride, and addressing social issues through creative interventions. Against the backdrop of Presevo’s vibrant atmosphere, Adea’s panel ignited imaginations and inspired attendees to envision a more colorful and inclusive future for their cities. This project is supported by the Swiss Government and implemented by Heartefact. 📸: @profilm_production #livrit #xhade #presevo
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1 месяц назад
Another one & special one! Livrit & Xhade proudly presented the captivating Personal Exhibition of Arianit Beqiri, accompanied by the melodic tunes of Tezzito. Held against the picturesque backdrop of Presevo, this exhibition drew art aficionados and enthusiasts from far and wide, converging in celebration of Arianit Beqiri’s unique artistic vision. As attendees immersed themselves in Beqiri’s thought-provoking works, Tezzito’s background melodies added an extra layer of ambiance, creating a dynamic fusion of visual and auditory experiences. The event provided a platform for guests to explore Beqiri’s creative journey while enjoying the rhythmic beats that echoed through the exhibition space, fostering a truly immersive and engaging artistic encounter. This project is supported by the Swiss Government and implemented by Heartefact. 📸: @bardhdoda #livrit #xhade #presevo
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1 месяц назад
Two days ago marked a significant milestone as Livrit unveiled the second installment of Xhade Fest in Presevo. The festival served as a melting pot of artistic talent, drawing participants and enthusiasts from across the region, including Prishtina, Peja, Ferizaj, Belgrade, Nis, and beyond. The event commenced with a dynamic series of panel discussions led by industry stalwarts Ivana and Ana, delving deep into the nuanced topics of fostering inclusive spaces for artists of all backgrounds and the rich tapestry of experiences spanning traditional to contemporary expressions within the artistic community. Xhade Fest, pulsating with energy, played host to a diverse array of visitors, transforming the venue into a bustling hub of creativity and cultural exchange. From thought-provoking dialogues to captivating performances, the festival provided a platform for artists to showcase their talents and engage in meaningful conversations about the evolving landscape of artistic expression. The atmosphere was electric as attendees immersed themselves in the vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and ideas, forging connections and forging new pathways in the realm of creativity. Amidst the backdrop of Presevo’s scenic beauty, Xhade Fest emerged as not just an event, but a testament to the power of community, collaboration, and collective vision. With every corner abuzz with excitement and every session brimming with inspiration, the festival left an indelible mark on all who were fortunate enough to be part of this cultural extravaganza. As the sun set on another successful edition of Xhade Fest, the spirit of artistic innovation and inclusivity continued to resonate, promising a bright future for the region’s vibrant arts scene. This project is supported by the Swiss Government and implemented by Heartefact. 📸: @bardhdoda #livrit #xhade #presevo
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1 месяц назад
Xhade fest është një mundësi për promovimin e të rinjëve!
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1 месяц назад