De La Crz Maria


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24 дней назад
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24 дней назад
I remember the day you were born, when sometimes I took care of you when mom had to go out and I also remember when I sometimes fed you when mom was busy. I have been at every stage of your life and I am very grateful that God allows me to be here longer to see you grow up and that you become a good man. And I hope to be able to be in more stages of your life until the day you get married and also the day you have children. You have made an achievement and I am proud of you, I love you with all my heart brother.
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1 месяц назад
With my little bro, 😎
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1 месяц назад
My daughter and me she’s growing up so fast. I can’t believe it’s been two years since she was a baby #chihuahua #chihuahualove
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2 месяцев назад
Mi hija😊❤️😍
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1 год назад
My little dog sleeping 😴 #chihuahuas #dogs
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2 лет назад
I am really grateful to God, because he allowed me to meet them, I will always remember the good times.I am grateful for the help the school gave me. I will always remember them, each one of them, it was a blessing to meet them. The best school ever and the best people ever. Once a wildcat always a wildcat ❤️🐾
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3 лет назад
Someone can tell me who's win the game last Friday, before spring break? Please and thank you 👍🙂
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3 лет назад