Pixwox museumspassПосты



With the Swiss Museum Pass you can visit more than 500 museums for free! #museumspass #iloveswissmuseums
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11 дней назад
NEUES PARTNERMUSEUM Das @kunsthausbaselland ist neu Partnermuseum und kann mit dem Schweizer Museumspass kostenlos besucht werden.
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11 дней назад
Der Körper im Mittelalter #museumspass #museumandme #iloveswissmuseums
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20 дней назад
Gratis an Museums-Events das ganze Jahr lang – dank dem Museumspass. Auch während der Art Basel gibt’s in Basel einige Highlights ✨⬆️
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21 дней назад
💎 15 Jahre focusTerra! Am Sonntag gibt es ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit Führungen 💎 Wie wachsen Kristalle in der Natur? Welche Eigenschaften haben sie? Und können sie künstlich gezüchtet werden? Im Kristallisator siehst du wie Kristalle aus einer wässrigen Lösung auskristallisieren und so innerhalb mehrerer Tage künstlich gezüchtet werden können. 💎 In der Dauerausstellung von focusTerra, dem Earth & Science Discovery Center der ETH Zürich, erfährst du mehr über die Entstehungsgeschichte der Kristalle sowie deren Aufbau. 💎 Das Highlight: Der Indergand-Kristall vom Tiefengletscher der Furkaregion (Kanton Uri). Dieser wurde in 1945 entdeckt und aus einer Kluft von über 3’000 m.ü.M. bei Göschenen geborgen. ⛰ Die Hintergründe und Vorgänge auf unserem Planeten sind unglaublich komplex. In einer geführten Tour (jeweils am Sonntag, kostenlos) werden diese Prozesse verständlich erklärt. Besonders beeindruckend: Der Erdbebensimulator. Das über 3 Tonnen schwere Gerät kann ein Erdbeben mit Magnitude 8 simulieren. Da kann man schon ein wenig Angst bekommen... 🧂 Übrigens: Das französische Wort für Lohn, salaire, erinnert uns nicht nur daran wie allgegenwärtig Mineralien in unserem Leben sind, sondern auch daran, dass Salz bis heute ein lebensnotwendiger Rohstoff ist (früher ein wichtiges Zahlungsmittel). Marmor, Granit und Kies gehören zu unseren wichtigsten Baumaterialien. Kupfer und Platin sind aus der modernen Zivilisation nicht mehr wegzudenken. 💎 Hast du einen Lieblingsstein? 📸 Eigene Aufnahmen aus der Ausstellung © focusTerra, ETH Zürich #mineralien #kristalle #sehnsucht #focusterra #sciencecenter #ethzurich #ethzürich #ethz #eth _collections #myethzurich #ethday #visitzurich #museenzuerich #zurichart #tsüri #museumlove #kunstundkultur #kunstblogger #swissblogger #blogger _ch #kulturblogger #artblogger #artlovers @focusterra_eth @visit_ethzurich @museumspass #museumaddicted #museumandme #iloveswissmuseums #swissmuseum #museumspass #smpambassador #artmuseumsofswitzerland
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1 месяц назад
What a portrait! Despite the conventional format, this is not an idealised society portrait of a wealthy and important person (a Baroness no less!). This is a living, breathing woman, whose age is not hidden. I look at this painting and I almost feel like I could know her - she is so real, strong yet with a fragility too. Those eyes engaging us so directly are incredibly soulful and it feels like she is really letting us in - there’s no effort to conceal herself with a false smile. Although it’s clear from her clothing and bearing that she is a woman of some substance, her garments and jewelry are loosely depicted. It is her hands and her face that draw the eye, and make it into such a psychological portrait. The artist, Clara von Rappard, showed her talent as an artist at an early age. At age 4, she began her first attempts at drawing and painting, and three years later she created her first sketchbooks. She was extremely lucky enough to be born into a family that was both liberal enough to encourage her to study art and wealthy enough to be able to afford the ridiculously expensive private lessons and individual courses that were the only options open to women of that time. She travelled all over Europe in her pursuit of learning, beginning at age 11 with lessons in drawing and art history in Italy. Over the next 20 years, she continued to add to her artistic education, studying still life and sculpture in Berlin, drawing in Rome, anatomy in Hanover, and portraiture in London, while also travelling and exhibiting widely, illustrating books and undertaking commissions. Around 1890, Von Rappard developed multiple sclerosis which slowed down her artistic activity and her ability to travel, and unfortunately, in the last ten years of her life a series of strokes limited her capacity to create art almost completely. Portrait of Helene Baroness von Fabrice (1885) by Clara von Rappard (1857-1912), oil on canvas, Kunstmuseum Bern. #ClaraVonRappard #painting #KunstmuseumBern #swissartist #swissart #iloveswissmuseums #museumandme #museumspass #swissmuseumpass #museumspassambassador2024 #discoveringswissart
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1 месяц назад
#Repost @nancy_tsai ・・・ What a brilliant idea from the museum Burghalde that combined the marble run hunt with their new exhibition ‘Sagenzauber’ and the most significant building in the city #lenzburg , so we can keep having fun for another magical year with the marble we got from last year ! 24.Feb.2024- 01.Jun.2025 @museumspass #iloveswissmuseums #museumandme #swissmuseum #museumburghalde #lenzburgschloss #museumwithkids #funwithkids #museumpassmusees #museum
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2 месяцев назад
Beautiful fountain in front of Historical museum of Bern…#bern #historicalmuseumofbern #fountain #berncity #museumspassambassador2024 @museumspass
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2 месяцев назад
It is raining and even snowing today in Switzerland... But there is an appropriate activity for any weather in this country! Platforme10 is a new trendy quarter in Lausanne and home to 3 modern museums. I loved its architecture and Alex enjoyed a very special lamp at @mudaclausanne #switzerland #museumspass #museumandme #iloveswissmuseums #lausanne #suisse #platforme10
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2 месяцев назад
I love everything about this painting - the composition, the painting style and the subject matter, it’s all so quirky and individualistic. The boy is almost leaning out of the painting - his body is tilting slightly to the left and his eyes are also looking to the left outside of the frame. Meanwhile, other elements - like the very crooked painting on the wall behind him and the table in front of him are leaning to the right. These contrasting shifts in direction within the painting create such an exciting friction and movement. Even within the face of the boy there is a similar push and pull with the placement of the eyebrows. The rest of the face is static and symmetrical but the right eyebrow is thinner, much lower and connected directly with the line of the nose. The style of painting is so beautiful - a gorgeous mixture of realism and stylisation. It also felt familiar because the artist Aurèle René Barraud painted in a similar way to his brother Aimé, whose work I’d already seen and admired in MAH Neuchatel (see post from 24 March 2024). The details are brilliantly observed and add to the whole narrative within the painting - like the creases and pulled fabric on the boy’s jacket, which make it clear that it is too small for him. The more I look at this painting, the more I see and the more questions I have - what is the relevance of the potato-looking object on the table? It looks a bit like the bulb of the plant in the pot, another competing set of elements perhaps? Now that I’ve seen a painting apiece by two of the Barraud brothers, I’m already on the lookout for works from the remaining two, François and Charles. Watch this space! Boy in front of an album (date unknown) by Aurèle René Barraud (1903-1969), oil on canvas, Kunstmuseum Bern. #AureleBarraud #painting #KunstmuseumBern #swissartist #swissart #iloveswissmuseums #museumandme #museumspass #swissmuseumpass #museumspassambassador2024 #discoveringswissart
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2 месяцев назад