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Ruth Swain


Paintings with a twist of humour JohnRuskinprize2023 RuthBorchardselfportraitprize2023,Jacksonsprize2023 Skyportraitartist2021, Libertyprize
This painting is off to the States tomorrow so as it's international portrait day I thought I would post it again before it leaves me. Strange slightly sad feeling selling a self portrait but very excited that it's going to lovely people overseas.#internationalportraitday #internationalwomensday #portraitswithbooks #books #booksinart #artacademylondon #artweeks #openstudios #patricksuskind #perfume #bedroom
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10 дней назад
I can't post the commission that I'm working on so here's an earlier work- 'cupboard under the sink' with a self portrait reflected in briwax tin. I'm getting the urge to paint more still life after so much portraiture. Watch this space.#stilllife #briwax #underthesink #rubbergloves #bleach
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10 дней назад
Arthur in a Tilley- sold! It's always great when an old favourite leaves the studio. The other portrait is of a recent sitting with Arthur when he visited my studio last month. Both portraits are drawn from life. It's always rewarding to have your subject for real though I often need to work from photos for bigger paintings. Arthur is a champion swimmer and pretty impressive for someone who is no spring chicken( I hope you don't mind me saying this Arthur) I'm looking forward to our next sitting later in the year. Thanks for your comitment.#pastelportrait #pastelsociety #pastel #portraitsfromlife #artacademylondon #sunningwellschoolofart #artistsoninstagram #unison #carandache #windsorandnewton #life #lifedrawing
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11 дней назад
I'm off to Ascot so thought I would post a woman in a hat! Not quite Ascot style but it's still a hat! A lady with 2 sticks an old favourite . April is now in her 90s and still going strong. Enjoy the sunshine #figurative #womanpower #womeninhats #ascot #operasinger #cantello #soprano #ladyinthestreets #womanandart #femaleartist #womenpainters
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12 дней назад
My daily commute to work each day
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15 дней назад
Kashmira from a 20 minute sitting and a bit of time after adding more colour. Always more enjoyable to work from life if possible and my fellow artist was a great model.#pastel #carandache #derwent #pastelportrait #fromlife #indian #kashmir #ceramics #pastelmat #unison
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1 месяц назад
It's always exciting to sell a painting but when it's a portrait of you it's extra special and also a little bit sad. But I am ultimately super happy knowing its new home will be in New Hampshire USA. The painting is part of a series of paintings based on the reader and their book choice- something they love or had influenced them over the years. I try to find a link between the actual book and the reader which often creates a surreal image. Another one in the series was a painting of my son with the book " The perks of being a wallflower" The book was over his knees matching the legs on the book. This made my son look short which made me smile as he's over 6 foot. You can see this painting if you scroll through my Instagram account. I have lots of other book paintings and quite a few in my head waiting to be done. If you have a favourite book that could be a painting I would love to hear from you- it's fun thinking up new ideas. Happy reading.#bookstagram #booksinart #winsornewtonpaint #art #perfume #patricksuskind #perksofbeingawallflower ##johnruskin #artistsandillustratorsmagazine #writer #writersofinstagram #books #surrealism #bed #faber #penguin #publisher
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1 месяц назад
Artweeks a few more days please come and visit
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1 месяц назад
Nearly ready for tomorrow! Can't wait to open our doors @the.jericho.studio , for our @oxfordshireartweeks . Wonderful paintings by @claire_venables , @ruth_swainart and organic, tactile ceramics by @playwithclay_by_kashmira . See last slide for our timings - See you there!! #oxfordshireartweeks #groupexhibition #paintingsforsale #ceramicsforsale #artexhibition
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1 месяц назад
The timed auction, 24 hours to place your bid. Christies tonight, getting excited for Art Academy London
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1 месяц назад
Here's one from a while ago. "Single bed" It's a large painting that tells a story. A narrative about living alone but one of hope and positivity. A pair of glasses, a pile of books, mostly art ones, Delacroix's journal, The pursuit of art and Norman Rockwell lurking beneath. It was hard to photograph as it's hung high and the lights block the view- I think the real fly and web has fallen off and left a small mark. The untouched side of the bed. #bedroomdecor #room #light #sunshine #artacademylondon #cbpp #rp #royalinstituteofpaintersinwatercolours #sunningwellschoolofart #oasis ##paintingsforsale #romantic #bookinart #books #cover #writer #stilllife #artcollectors
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1 месяц назад
Christies is holding an auction to help fund raise for The Art Academy London. It's a sell out but you can still bid on some amazing prizes. If you go to @artacademylondon the link is in the bio where you can register and bid on lots of exciting prizes from wonderful art experiences, paintings, dinners, holidays even music tickets including Coldplay, whatever takes your fancy. I've selected a few of the prizes here but there are so many more so have a bid, you never know what you might win. It's also worth taking a look at some of the brilliant art courses the Art academy run, I spent 2 wonderful years there and when the new premises open it will be fantastic.Start bidding.#artacademylondon #christies #christiesauction #oxfordartist #sunningwellschoolofart #prizes #bidnow #coldplay #ashmoleanmuseum #museumofmodernart #moa #magdalenroadstudios #childrensportraits #charcoaldrawing
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1 месяц назад