Significant Other

Space for Art & Architecture by Laura Amann & Jen Kratochvil @l.auraamann @jen_kratochvil
Some moments from the last SO opening at Burggasse 24! We’ll miss u! Looking forward to the future spaces, places, situations and all of U💔⚡️❤️‍🔥 #wernerwurtinger #josefdabernig #kathrinrhomberg
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Werner Würtinger: Bonjour Monsieur Vladimir T. Curated by the one and only: Josef Dabernig with the kind help and support by Kathrin Rhomberg So happy we had a chance to close down the space with this power trio! ⚡️🔥❤️ #architecture #space #articulated #requirements #cabinet #doctor #caligari #sculpture #flatness #picturelike
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Better late than never… Documentation of our show from the pandemic times…Katarina Burin & Farhad Mirza: stay where you are until something happens!💺🛫🏙 Katarina and Farhad were on their way to Vienna already, but it was March 2020, so…only the works arrived at the end and these wonderful objects kept the space illuminated for months… So grateful to the artists and so sorry for not having a chance to experience the show together in person! @kunstdokumentationcom #katarinaburin #farhadmirza #architecture #furniture #scale #abstraction #transformation #displacement #drawing in #space #pointofview
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It has been an amazing ride those few years bringing you shows in Vienna but the time has come to move on, as was anyway always the plan. SO will continue to boil new ideas and projects, in various formats, just without that beloved “Cabinet of doctor Caligari” filled with cosy corners and decorated shelfs. Thanks so much to every visitor, to every colleague, to every friend and mostly to those wonderful artists who made SO what it was! Stay tuned! Talk soon! But first, see you all on Wednesday. We started with Josef Daberning, and now Josef helps us to conclude this fascinating chapter of our lives! 🖖🏻🖖🏽 #josefdabernig @aleksandra.vajd #jimenamendoza @klarahosnedlova @sonialeimer @ute.mueller @meier.christoph @terina.prihoda.stetinova @romanstetina @e_haris @celinecondorelli @cibicjasmina @antonispittas #wendelienvanoldenborgh @domicz @soshiro_matsubara #kazunataguchi @petra_feriancova & many many other significant others!💜💜💜
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Hello silence my old friend! ⌛️ Pls join us for the opening of the last show of SO at our dearest space on Burggasse! 🪄 Werner Würtinger, curated by the one and only Josef Dabernig! 🤍 Organized by Josef and Kathrin Rhomberg. Wed Oct 29th, from 5-8pm. ⚡️ #lastshow #amazingride #josefdabernig #wernerwürtinger #kathrinrhomberg
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🔵vol. IV, species🔵 ✨by Petra Feriancova as part of Lebenswelt at SO 🔵🦑 “A book, the fourth chapter in a series of Petra’s artist books holds the primary source material, those grainy analogue images transferred into a digital multiplicity. They speak not only of a specific time and space but also about their own being and ways of distribution, ways of perception, shifts from one media to the other, about the journey from horizontality to verticality and back. Be it an iPhone screen or a physical contact sheet, all those histories are amalgamating into a new uncertain integrity.” 🔵🏛 photos by @theosik available at @mottobooks and at SO 🔵🦑 @petra_feriancova #lebenswelt #architecture #archive #vertical #horizontal #lastdays #blue #columns #bluecolumns #book #as #an #exhibition #and #viceversa #ruins #both #ancient #and #modern #colonies #of #organisms #blue 🔵
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4 лет назад
🔵the last 10 days of Lebenswelt by Petra Feriancova at SO⚡️🔵 🦑 “... Texts written with a very specific sensitivity, combining the technique of automated writing with philosophical or scientific knowledge and highly subjective interpolations and interpretations. The creation, the color blue, Cronos, Henri Bergson, predators and their prey, psychasthenia, creatures both from the deep sea and its surface, Stano Filko and Homer or Glaucus. As with the texts or with the siphonophore combined from multiple organisms, also Lebenswelt blends a long list of references and conceptual decisions. Some of them quite disparate, yet under close observation intertwined and eventually unified into a singular entity.” 🦑 @petra_feriancova #lebenswelt #architecture #history #archive #reconfigured #fantasies #of #the #past #ancient #modern #ruins #henribergson #glaucus #homer #blue #blue #blue #stanofilko #text #text #reflections #blue #facade #automaticwriting #mosaic #of #references #dayandnight 🦑 light @domicz photo @kunstdokumentationcom
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4 лет назад
🔵Petra Feriancova’s: Lebenswelt at SO🔵 Stop by to see the show till February 10! 🦑 “There is no truth anymore, as we all very well know - there is no clarity, not even in exact sciences. Therefore poetic references to the meaning of things remain as the only possible solution to this frustration. Assumptions and believes use natural techniques of mimicry to create the illusion of facts. Nature meets the behavioural patterns of its own offspring. The originally tall inorganic structures piercing through the skies now lie on their backs like wounded mammals. Fired clay intentionally broken to pieces looks for a way how to revitalize itself and merge into its original state. With words and through images.” 🦑 Photos by @kunstdokumentationcom @petra_feriancova #lebenswelt #blue #portugesemanofwar #blue #tiles #firedclay #archeology #architecture #nonbinary #organism #ancient #ruines #fallen #modernist #utopia #vertical #meets #horizontal #blue #flag
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4 лет назад
Jan Domicz: 1070 – Abholbox SO – Burggasse #24 🥒🥓🥯🥑🍇 “If Dante Alighieri would nowadays decide to repeat his descent through the ten circles of hell, he would be surprised to find that the complexly structured Inferno of his times, full of Florentine’s dignitaries were flattened into one single level of an endless Amazon storage facility. And instead of Vergilius as a wise advisor and representative of high intellect, he would be guided by Jeff Bezos to an infinite and excruciating dérive through an eternity of narrow corridors with sky-high shelves full of smiling boxes only to find at the end a self-pickup station with a plastic tray of cheap sushi.” 👹🏜🏢🏜🏭🏜🏗🏜👹 @domicz #abholbox #kitchen #selfstanding #storage #warehouse #spar #interspar #soso #latecapitalism #loneliness #without #any #human #contact #longterm #installation #corridor #leading #nowhere #derive #vergil #circles #of #hell #dante #would #cry
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1070 – Abholbox SO – Burggasse #24 by Jan Domicz at SO 🥑🧄🍇🥩🥖 “A typical human Amazon worker walks 21 kilometers a day on average between endless lines of shelves and corridors equipped with a digital extension of their arm, at all times pointing them to the right direction. There is no chance to get lost in such a space, at least physically. Only the mind phases out into a different realm - one of blunt and rather dull nightmares.” 🍍🥚🌶🧃🥬 @domicz #abholbox #spar #vienna #soso #friendsoffriends #significantother’s #significantother #architecture #storage #pickup #groceries #latecapitalism #allalone #you #and #your #box #shelves #lightattheendofthetunnel #facade #piece #navigation #kitchen #wallpaper #illuminated
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