Camina And The Diamonds


Your favorite wrestling Instagram account’s favorite wrestling Instagram account. (EST. 2013) (Photos I Guess…: @caminaandthediamonds )
I often ask myself “why do I watch wrestling?” “Why do I declare myself as a fan of something that’s clumsy on the surface and is ridiculous to look at times?” “Why the spandex fighters?” “Why the ‘fake stuff’?” Because when it’s done right? It makes for some of the most compelling television you could ever watch. You can’t find most of this stuff anywhere else when it’s done right. No matter what promotion you watch, you buy merch for or even see clips of on your feed, there’s a reason why people love it no matter what the abusive relationship it brings. Because of moments like from the last two days. Because of moments from the last few weeks of TV. Because of moments and matches from the last few years post pandemic. Because of moments that will stand the test of time from decades before most people that see this were even conceived. I love wrestling for the stories it tells. The moments it has. The spectacle it can bring. The matches it can make. And you likely love it different reasons or the reasons listed. It’s a neverending story. It’s exhausting at times but it’s amazing at times. When you think something ends, it doesn’t. As some guy that won a ‘fake belt’ last night said, “when one good story ends, an even better one begins.” That. That is why I’ve kept at it since 2010. That’s why the passion is there.
883 20
2 месяцев назад
I’ll often at times get people that follow the page that don’t watch/follow wrestling at all. And that’s fine, hello and welcome aboard if you don’t follow it and think it’s stupid. You’ll probably find at least something you like here if it isn’t me covering weird sweaty people in outfits and spitting out opinions. The stories that I post may be something you like outside of the “me watch the shows” posts. You’re welcome here and maybe I could make you a fan of this crazy not really a sport even if the fanbase is nightmarishly toxic.
712 8
1 год назад
Good on you fan that loves his mom. Good on you.
813 6
2 лет назад
It all comes full circle.
9 0
2 минут назад
It still baffles me that it’s now in 2024 that this kind of production and camerawork is being done for them when this could’ve been here a lot sooner.
314 15
2 часов назад
I’m just gonna leave this here.
133 5
6 часов назад
CR: MainEventChris_ on Twitter It was only right.
255 1
21 часов назад
313 5
22 часов назад
406 7
1 день назад
And now your finalized lineups for Saturday’s Shoots & Ladders matches. I wanted Ilja in it for the amount of crazy spots he could do but you had Drew promise he was going to be in this so it’s only right to have Drew win. Drew also guaran damn tees that he’ll leave Toronto with the World title. I wanted Dakota in this but Zoey wins. Zoey’s fine and all and does cool spots but the idea of Damage CTRL tension between Io and Dakota would’ve worked bigger in MITB but hey, what can you do?
314 1
1 день назад
Role reversal!
411 16
1 день назад
“Do you think you’re special?” Week two with Uncle and Bo in the abandoned Funhouse. It leads to intrigue… He says that there have been people that have been taking advantage of their own families (could be blood or not) for their own gain and they must suffer for it. But considering the fact that they’re targeting Chad Gable, I’m willing to think that Alpha Academy is the first target and all of this is leading to Chad reconciling with Otis, Maxxine (two X’s not three) and Akira and that will lead to a big tag match eventually.
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1 день назад