Rachel Pitts


Mom ~ IFBB Fitness Pro ~ Breathwork Coach: I help athletes conquer the Inner Realm ~ Breathe2Win: The Hero Within 🦹‍♀️ Team @bairaesthetics
Equal parts naughty school girl and hot for teacher… There’s a shadow side to you that someone told you long ago was something to be ashamed of. The truth is that the shadow side, the dark side, cannot be denied. Lean in and explore…your inner child might need embraced. If you allow the Villain to fully show herself, only then can your inner Hero step up to meet her. Make the Beast your Bitch. Some people will fall away. More important ones will stay. Life’s too short not to allow the shimmering self to shine. Trust me when I say that your true power lies hidden in the shadows of who you have ALWAYS been. 💫
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1 день назад
4-2-6 breathing is a calming exercise that can help you settle your mind before bed or shift you from sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and digest) if you’re feeling anxious. It works by making your exhale longer than your inhale, which signals your body to relax. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Inhale for 4 counts through the nose. Hold the breath for 2 counts. Exhale for a count of 6. Repeat for 2-5 minutes. (I use this practice EVERY night to quiet my mind until I drift off to sleep!) 💫
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4 дней назад
“Dance expresses joy better than anything else.” ~ Bob Fosse “They may not know what I’m doing, but they know I’m doing something.” ~ also Bob Fosse “I like attractive people who aren’t so terribly aware that they are attractive... people who aren’t afraid to roll on the floor and make fools out of themselves.” ~ Bob Fosse one last time because this one resonates fully🤩 Thank you @bdcnyc for an awesome experience with @jasonwise and @josephtierno Some young dancer said: “You ate today…” which I think is a compliment🤔 It was SO fun and I am grateful for my training, my passion, and the privilege of being a part of the energy of these classes. You’re never too old. It’s never too late…just dance. 💃
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7 дней назад
Takeaways from the first act of Wicked: 1. “Never apologize for talent.” 2. “I’m not causing a commotion; I AM one…” 🧙‍♀️ 🌀
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7 дней назад
Lethargy or a lack of mental or physical energy is one of the most commonly reported human conditions in the modern world. One of the many reasons why coffee and stimulants are so prevalent. The 10-20-30 Method is best used when you wake up in the morning, after lunch or anytime you’re in need of a mental or physical boost. Next time you feel that urge for a canned energy drink, try this technique as a replacement and observe the difference in how you feel...without the chemical crash! It’s also a great way to energize yourself before an intense competitive athletic event or a high-energy presentation. Here’s how it works: * Lie down, or find a nice seated or reclined position. Do not attempt this technique while driving. * Close your eyes. Take a nice and inhale through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth to find your focus. * Start with 10 deep breaths in and out through the mouth and then hold the inhale for 10 seconds * Repeat for 20 breaths and then hold for 20 seconds * Repeat for 30 breaths and then hold for 30 to 60 seconds Let me know how you feel after trying it! 💫
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8 дней назад
Progress occurs in increments… Trust your increments… Trust yourself. And if you need more on that, check out the WSJ Bestselling book “Trust Your Increments” by @thelauracasselman Find the link in her bio! 🏆
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10 дней назад
I love this man. The photographer didn’t get Felix’s blue shoes in the photo though…🤷‍♀️ Happy wedding season y’all 🥂
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10 дней назад
Flashback to @npcjrnats 2022🏆 This was my 3rd show of the season trying for my Pro Card. I decided backstage afterwards with @fitness1st_ifbbpro that we would try one more time at Universe (which is where I DID earn my IFBB Pro Card!) It’s interesting to look back on what was happening at that time. I was on the precipice of a huge shift in my life. And thank my lucky stars it all happened that way. Shoutout to the amazing athletes and coaches at @bairaesthetics who competed with me that day. And a middle finger to the unsupportive women who attempted to shame me by saying that the last photo was « too provocative » for a woman who « should try harder to be a role model » for girls. Happy Show Day to the athletes competing at Jr Nationals today🏆
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11 дней назад
Optimize your Summer Solstice experience💫 Use the breath to shift from sympathetic (fight or flight/stressed) to parasympathetic (rest and digest/calm) state of the nervous system. All you have to do is focus on making the exhale longer in proportion to the inhale: inhale for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 8. Or, inhale for a count of 5 and exhale for a count of 10. Repeat for a minimum of 90 seconds for up to 10 minutes to relax and truly enjoy letting go of what no longer serves you and welcoming what the Summer Solstice is bringing in… 💫
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12 дней назад
Empower 💪🏻 Definition: make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights. I’ve been thinking about this word since yesterday after a discussion at lunch with 2 badass women. We shared our recent experiences with other women or women’s groups who like to throw around the phrase “empowering women.“ We all agreed that sometimes this phrase is being used by women who see themselves in a power position and would like to “empower” but only as long as they are the ones who are controlling that power. Sometimes, as soon as these “leaders” observe their clients, followers, or underlings coming into the power that they claim to want to give, they don’t actually like it. And then they will attempt to extinguish it so that they can maintain control of said power. I admit, I’m starting to abhor the phrase “empowering women.“ What feels more safe is the phrase “supporting women.” Support other women where they are at; whether they are soaring at the heights of success and shining at their full potential, or whether they are on the struggle bus and in need of encouragement, love, and empathy. Lifting others up elevates you as well. Tearing down others does nothing but damage your own self image. Stay fabulous! 💫
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12 дней назад
Breathing for fat loss?! Although there IS some science behind the idea that increasing your focus on activation breathing can increase caloric output, there’s something bigger at play here. Sure: if you increase your calorie burn while in a caloric deficit, it should yield fat loss. Breathing faster and deeper than normal will do that. But what’s most important to address is the cravings that come up when you are in prep or trying to decrease the fat component of your body composition. Think about when cravings hit in prep: is it really hunger, or potentially an emotional response to stress? If you feel a craving hit, sit quietly and focus on each inhale and exhale, slowing down the exhale to twice the length of the inhale. All it takes is 90 seconds to regulate your nervous system. Breathe to conquer the Villain and retrieve the Hero🦹‍♀️ Breathe2Win 🏆 #breathe #breathing #breathwork #fatloss #weightloss #cravings #controlyourcravings #equanimity #prep #prephacks #selfcontrol #binge #bingeeatingsupport #bingeeater #fitness #lifehacks #optimization
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14 дней назад
Off season checkins… …are sometimes hard because we are growing, eating a lot, feeling fuller, and uncertain how things are going. But not this one…it just hits different at my new house! 🏡 Yeah, the lighting isn’t ideal because it’s a little dappled. My new office space will have more consistent light. I just couldn’t resist because I LOVE this place. Thanks again @bobbei and @krishardee 💜 #checkins #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #fitness #fitnessdivision #ifbb #ifbbpro #poolside #offseason #improvementseason #growth #joy #breathworkcoach #momswholift #womenwholift #fitover40 #fitover45 #fitover40mom #fitover40women
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15 дней назад