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Eagle's Nest Atitlán


Home to a global community of playful alchemists connecting & elevating hearts. ✵Join Us! ✨All-Inclusive Residency Stays✨ ༄ #AtitlanLake
Cacao Dance with Mose is back! 💃♥️ We cannot wait to welcome you for the last cacao dance with @mosemusica of the season on April 20st! Cacao Dance is one of our signature events - a community gathering guided by the heart-opening medicine of cacao and enchanting beats by Mose. Looking forward to dance our hearts out one more time amidst the most breathtaking sunset you’ll ever see. 🌄 💃 Tickets available via the link in our bio! 🎥 @bluuue_love #cacaodance #cacaoceremony #lakeatitlan #guatemala #volcanoview #cacaolove
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🚨 Winter Solstice PHASE 1 Line-up Announcement 🚨 As promised, here it is! The first phase of the line-up release for our annual Winter Solstice Festival! Each year we gather a whole crew of world-renowned musicians, DJS, performers, facilitators and healers to co-create a magical experience unlike any other especially for YOU! This year we’ve surpassed ourselves yet again and are thrilled to announce the following legendary headliners! @rodrigogallardomusic @xique_xique_music @saturnasound @kaipora @chmuramusic @dandaramusic @okuma.sounds @drparnassusmusic @el.suchi @fabula_music @cyma_music @magisus.mathi @jujujunglebeats @saucyfeather @dj.voyage @k94.sound @arteriam_ @alejandroglatt @adakt @mysticalyogafarm @ishtojuevez @bennylangfur & more to be announced ! 🌞 And this is just the beginning, because there are many more surprises to come as we get closer to the date 🔥 At the minute you can secure your ticket for just $99, saving you over $250!! However, this super early bird price is only available for 2 more days - on Monday prices will increase so be sure to get the best bargain possible and book your spot today! 🙌🏼 🍉 Awesome Animation by @alittlelotoflove TRACK ID - @arteriam & @magisus.mathi - Space Jungle (unreleased)…coming soon
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Welcome to Eagle‘s Nest 🦅🪺 With our community constantly growing, we would like to take a little moment to reintroduce ourselves. Eagle‘s Nest is an awe-inspiring ecological resort, yoga retreat center and world-class event venue for the transformational growth of adventure travelers, artists and digital nomads. Our mission is to bring together like-minded souls from all over the world to create a global community of playful and liberated hearts. Thank you for being on this journey with us! 🫶 🎥 @bluuue_love #eaglesnestatitlan #lakeatitlan #ecoresort #ecolodging #yogaretreat #retreatcenter #guatemala #travelguatemala
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Imagine taking your special someone to somewhere spectacular to capture a snapshot of the sacred love you share together. There’s just something about this iconic backdrop, with the serenity of the lake waters surrounded by the raw elemental energy of the towering volcanoes behind, that makes for the perfect photos. Don’t these incredible shots of the soon-to-be-weds Johnny and Ignacio taken by our resident superstar @bluuue_love just light up your heart? Whether you’re preparing for your wedding, expecting a new member of your family or just simply want to make some special souvenirs and unforgettable memories with whoever that special someone is to you - booking your next photoshoot together at Eagle’s Nest with one of our professional photographers is absolutely the way to go! But don’t delay - we’re already booked up until September! Give yourselves a gift you’ll both cherish forever - book in advance through our website and schedule your special shoot today! ✍️ @hartfloepoet 📸 @bluuue_love #lakeatitlan #guatemala #loveislove
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A part of me embodies being a free spirit, and another part of me has a lot of intensity and discipline. On days when things feel out of my control and overwhelming, I am very grateful for my intensity, for she has built powerful practices that I can turn to for grounding 💕
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“Guerrero de las Alturas” uno de los sobrenombres que me ha gustado de los muchos que me dicen por lo que hago. Supongo que va bien no?? Jajaja Es un momento en el aire donde solo soy yo, solo es un segundo pero pasan tantas cosas que me gustaría quedarme ahí, pero todo lo que sube tiene bajar y creo que la magia está ahí; en ir, sentir y volver. 🪐🦅 . 📸: @spenvann 🏛️: @eaglesnestatitlan . . . #guerrero #warrior ##movement #unsegundo #photo #potography #atitlanlake #guatemala
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teaching yoga @eaglesnestatitlan , not only a dream, but a beautiful blessing 🦋🙏🏻 this day, the intention was to step into this new version of us; as this was a day after summer Solstice, it’s a time to remember who we are, and who we are ready to step into being. becoming strong within, feeling, moving, balancing, envisioning, seeing. as the cacao warmed our souls and expanding our hearts, to tap into an ecstatic movement dance hour, full of expression from the soul. a safe space, to move freely, and largely. take up space, expressing. uff 🦋 this was my first collab class teaching yoga into embodied movement and ending with cacao into a beautiful ecstatic dance with @chopperlin_soulwave_ 🎶🤙🏼 (he matched my movement with music the the entire class and it was the perfect music flow🧘🏼‍♀️🤸🏼‍♀️🎶 + super epic & magical!) 📍 @eaglesnestatitlan thank you, thank you. a space of beauty & love 🤍 thank you, xx SS bookings, retreats, private events, 1:1; DM 💌🧘🏼‍♀️ (embodied dance movement artist & teacher, energy healing/cleansing, cacao facilitator, card reader, vibe-maker) #yoga #eaglesnest #lakeatitlan #sanmarcos #yoga #embodiment #embodimentpractice #moveyourbody #movement #expression #safespace #soulfulsedona #yogateacher #holistichealth #yogaguatemala #travelyogi
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Today, we honor the timeless tale of "The Little Prince." - a cult classic that remains the biggest inspiration behind the creation of the Eagles Nest! 🌟 May we reflect on one of the sentiments that stays strong within our spirit from this special story - "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly." 💛 In a universe vast and unending, it’s the bonds of friendship and love that give our lives meaning. ✨ So allow your heart to guide the way... Cherish the moments, the people, and the love that make life truly beautiful... Let’s see the world not just with our eyes, but with our hearts. ❤️ Here at Eagle's Nest, the Little Prince serves as a constant reminder to always celebrate the invisible magic that weaves us all together. 🌠 -ES- Hoy, honramos el cuento atemporal de "El Principito", un clásico de culto que sigue siendo la mayor inspiración detrás de la creación de Eagles Nest! 🌟 Reflexionemos sobre uno de los sentimientos que se mantiene fuerte en nuestro espíritu de esta historia especial: "Solo con el corazón se puede ver bien." 💛 En un universo vasto e interminable, son los lazos de amistad y amor los que dan sentido a nuestras vidas. ✨ Así que permite que tu corazón guíe el camino... Aprecia los momentos, las personas y el amor que hacen la vida verdaderamente hermosa... Veamos el mundo no solo con nuestros ojos, sino con nuestros corazones. ❤️ Aquí en Eagle's Nest, El Principito sirve como un recordatorio constante de celebrar siempre la magia invisible que nos une a todos. 🌠 📸@bluuue_love ✍️@hartfloepoet #guatemala #lakeatitlan #littleprince #loveisthekey #eaglesnestatitlan
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ia saes donde verlo completo bb 😘♥️ . . #despertarespiritual #astrologia #coaching #vibraalto #amorpropio
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5 วันที่ผ่านมา
ia saes donde verlo completo bb 😘♥️ . . #despertarespiritual #spiritualawakening #vidaspasadas #pastlife #chaman
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Every week we create an experience that fuses 3 of our most favourite things in the world together - Yoga, Ecstatic Dance and Chocolate! Throwback to the day that @hartfloepoet and @myhigherflow combined forces and opened up a powerful portal for the people. Renee led an embodied movement activation - tying in ancient energy practices with knowledge of the stars and current cosmic happenings - that left everybody elevated and inspired. Then the cacao was consumed, and Hart led the ecstatic dance journey, weaving in elements of sound healing and live spoken word poetry to craft an unforgettable voyage for those lucky enough to be there that day. Book in advance through the website to try this rather potent combination of movement and music medicine for yourself! Hart and Renee of ‘Higher Heart Flow’ will be hosting their week-long retreat here in September - head to myhigherflow.com/fuckyes to be the first to peep the details! ✍️ @hartfloepoet 📸 @bluuue_love #lakeatitlan #guatemala #ecstaticdance
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