Pixwox mihailvminkovโพสต์

Mihail Minkov


Award Winning Landscape Astrophotographer 🏆 Milky Way Photographer of the year 23 & 24 🏆 Astronomy Photographer of the year 22
Hey everyone! On February 21, 2025, I’m going on an incredible journey to Bolivia and Chile. This trip is a dream come true for me, as I’ll be visiting some of the darkest skies in the Southern Hemisphere. I’m thrilled to be sharing this adventure with a few fellow photographer friends who are just as passionate about exploring the hidden wonders of the night sky. If this sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime adventure you'd love to join, send me a private message. We have only three spots left, and we’d love for you to be a part of it!
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7 วันที่ผ่านมา
My original idea to visit this place was to photograph the cacti that are located on a steep slope of rocks above the sea. After I shot them, I decided to make this panorama. A panorama of Sinemorets from Lipite beach. A bit of green Air Glow behind the clouds, the summer triangle with the Cygnus constellation, the core of the Milky Way and Istanbul below, glowing brutally. If you look low on the horizon to the spot of light, you will see the planes circling and waiting for permission to land at Istanbul Airport. There was quite a lot of bioluminescence, as it became clear this year, the phytoplankton bloom exceeded the normal amounts for Bulgaria and Romania. EXIF: Sony A7lll astro modified Sony 14mm f/1.8 GM Two rows panorama, each row contains 10 single exposures. Sky: ISO 3200, f/1.8, 15" Foreground: ISO 3200, f/1.8, 30"
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7 วันที่ผ่านมา
Beneath the Milky Way, where stars dance on the calm surface of the lake, nature whispers its timeless secrets. The three stones in the foreground stand as silent guardians, witnessing the celestial display above and its serene reflection below. In these moments, we find peace, wonder, and a connection to the universe.
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9 วันที่ผ่านมา
A few shots from last weekend where I had an hour to photograph the night sky after the moon had set. Besides a starry sky, a little scent of lavender and beautiful wild daisies. The Milky Way shot was captured with super compact and useful NOMAD star tracker from @moveshootmove , 5 tracked 30" exposure, I was to lazy to use my intervelometer so I decided to use the maximum exposure time from my camera. Няколко кадъра от последния уикенд, в който имах един час време да поснимам нощното небе след като луната заляза. Освен звездно небе, малко аромат на лавандула и красиви диви маргаритки. Sony A7III, Sony 14mm f/1.8 GM @sonyalpha @benro.bg
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13 วันที่ผ่านมา
Mihail Minkov REPOST: @mihailvminkov from Instagram chosen by @tracyleephotos MWC Admin: @tracyleephotos #milkywaychasers to be featured or post on Fb.com/groups/milkywaychasers. Tag a friend who might enjoy this Milky Way image and journey! From Mihail about this image: Sunrise at the core of our Milky Way galaxy, over the sea near Stone Beach at Mount Easter. After several consecutive days of rain, just at the peak of Easter, the sky cleared and I headed to my favorite Stone Beach. I managed to capture the sunrise at the core of the Milky Way over the sea near Stone Beach. A crystal clear atmosphere, no humidity, and relatively low temperature made capturing the night sky an experience. The colors and detail that I was able to capture with only 5 single frames of 10 seconds is mesmerizing when nature is on your side. Down in the sea you can see the beautiful leading innies, the current that was moving towards the South. Изгрева на ядрото на нашата галактика Млечен път, над морето край Камен бряг на връх Великден. След няколко последователни дни на дъжд, точно на връх великден, небето се изчисти а аз се запътих към любимия ми Камен бряг. Успях да заснема изгрева на ядрото на Млечния път над морето край Камен бряг. Kристално чиста атмосфера, без влага и сравнително ниска температура направиха заснемането на нощното небе цяло преживяване. Цветовете и детайла който успях да заснема само със 5 единични кадъра по 10 секунди е смайващ, когато природата е на твоя страна. Долу в морето може да видите красивите водещи линни, течението което се движеше посока Юг.
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14 วันที่ผ่านมา
There's a lot going on in this seemingly boring shot, the core of the Milky Way slowly rising as the moon sets. Down in the sea plankton (bioluminescence) is activated when the waves hit the rocks and a meteor enters the atmosphere, such beauties happen in the dark while we sleep 🙂
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15 วันที่ผ่านมา
Ако Инстаграм и Фейсбук изчезнат, ще продължите ли да снимате и до колко социалните платформи мотивират или формират желанието ви да снимате и споделяте заснетото с хората? Когато намерите или видите композиция за кадър, която е страхотна, казвате ли си, това ще е мега кадър, ще стане вайръл, ще смачка Инстаграм. Всеки един от нас се радва на признанието в социалните платформи, Допамина от хубавите коментари е пристрастяващ. Но това ли е смисъла на съвременната фотография, било то такава, която е хоби или носи пари, И не е ли подвеждащо, чувството за успеваемост, което Инстаграм или Фейсбук дава на много фотографи? Бихте ли снимали и обработвали без да споделяте финалния кадър? If Instagram and Facebook disappeared, would you continue to shoot and to what extent do social platforms motivate or shape your desire to shoot and share what you shoot with people? When you find or see a composition that's great, do you think to yourself, this is going to be a mega shot, it's going to go viral, it's going to crush Instagram. Every one of us enjoys recognition on social platforms, the dopamine from nice comments is addictive. But is this the meaning of modern photography, whether it is a hobby or a money maker, and isn't it misleading, the sense of success that Instagram or Facebook gives to many photographers? Would you shoot and edit without sharing the final shot? Sony A7IIIa Sony 14mm f/1.8 GM 10 single images, stacked for noise reduction, ISO 3200, F2.2, 13"
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21 วันที่ผ่านมา
Despite the strong wind yesterday, I managed to capture a few shots of these lovely lupin flowers. I even successfully did a focus stack on one of the shots 🙂. I had briefly glimpsed this meadow a few days ago while driving, and I decided to return to see if it might work for night shots. Въпреки силния вятър вчера, някак си успях да извадя няколко кадъра на тези прекрасни цветя, които разбрах, че се казват Лупени, че и фокус стак успях да направя на единият кадър 🙂 Една полянка, която зърнах за секунди преди няколко дена, доакто шофирах по пътя и реших да се върна, за да видя дали пък случайно няма да става за нощни кадри. Sony A7IIIa Sony 14mm f/1.8 GM #sonyalpha #earthshotz #milkyway #astro #nightphotography
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22 วันที่ผ่านมา
Two rows panorama captured with #xiaomi13pro . Each row contains around 8 vertical images. The beauty of the night sky captured with a smartphone, absolutely insane what today's smartphones are capable of. @xiaomi.bulgaria @xiaomi.global #mobileastrophotography #astro #milkyway
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25 วันที่ผ่านมา
The music I used for my time lapse is called "Belonging", after 4 hours under the starry sky as the camera captured frame after frame, I think I have a belonging to the vastness of the beyond familiar above my head. The peace and solitude that the silence of the night gives me is a feeling that can hardly be described. Music: Song: Belonging Artist: Muted Музиката, която използвах да озвучи тайм лапса ми се казва "Принадлежност", след 4 часа под звездното небе, докато камерата улaвяше кадър след кадър, мисля че имам принадлежност към необятния простор отвът познатото над главата ми. Спокойствието и уединението, което ми дава тишината на ноща е чувство, което трудно може да се опише. Благодаря за приятната компания на @artemovphotos и @karaneshev_timelapse :) 4 часа или над 600 единични кадъра, ISO 3200, f/2.0, 15" Sony A7IIIa Sony 14mm f/1.8 GM @sonyalpha @benro.bg @milkywaychasers
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26 วันที่ผ่านมา
Every time I went for a nightscape photography, I realize how good I feel afterward. It's very meaningful and makes me appreciate that the life I live is wonderful and that the problems I thought were big really aren't so scary. Whenever I stand in the stillness of the night, under the starry dome, I feel calm, as if I am connecting with something much bigger than myself, and I am given the strength to move forward boldly. At the beginning of my career as an astrophotographer, it was a mad race to get the best shot. Now, I try to simplify things as much as possible and live in the moment. I don't even feel like using a star tracker anymore; instead, I want to shoot single shots and see what I can get out of them. Всеки път когато отида да снимам си давам сметка, колко добре се чуваствам след това, действа ми много осмислящо и ме кара да осъзнавам, че живота, който живея е чудесен, и проблемите, които съм си мислел, че са големи, всъшност не са толкова страшни. Винаги, когато застана в тишината на ноща, под звездния купол, изпитвам спокойствие, сякаш се свързвам с нещо много по голямо от мен и получавам сила да продължа смело напред. В начлото на кариерата ми като астро фотограф, беше едно бясно препускане да нарпавя най-добрия кадър, сега се опитвам да опростя нещата максимално, да изживея момента, дори вече не ми се снима със стар тракер, не ми се стаква, искам да снимам единични кадри и да видя какво мога да изкарам от тях. @sonyalpha @natgeo @natgeoyourshot
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28 วันที่ผ่านมา
Предниия уикенд бях на едно любимо място за астро фотография, язовир който се намира на 1500 м надоморска височина в сърцето на Родопа планина, Широка поляна. Ден преди това, бях край морето на Синеморец да снимам цъфнали опунции, и температурата беше 30 градуса. На следващата нощ в планината бях на 5 градуса, облечен с яке и шапка и прекарах 4 часа под тъмното и красиво небе, за да направя този тайм лапс. Водата беше спокойна и отражението се получи като огледало. Часове преди това, духаше силен вятър, но точно преди да започна да снимам, всичко утихна и условията станаха перфектни. В края на видеото може да видите силния зелен air glow. Това са малко под 4 часа снимане или около 600 единични кадъра събрани в това видео. Last weekend I was at a favorite spot for astrophotography, a dam located at 1500 m above sea level in the heart of the Rodopi Mountain, Bulgaria. The day before, I was by the sea shooting again, and the temperature was 30 degrees. The next night in the mountains I was in 5 degrees, wearing a jacket and a hat and spent 4 hours under the dark and beautiful sky to make this time lapse. The water was calm and the reflection was like a mirror. Hours before, there was a strong wind, but just before I started shooting, everything got calm down and the conditions became perfect. That's just under 4 hours of shooting or about 600 single frames packed into this video. There was amazing green air glow, which at the end of the video become really significant :) EXIF: Sony A7lll astro modified Sony 14mm f/1.8 GM 600 single exposures, ISO 3200, f/2.2, 20" Adobe Photoshop, DaVinci Resolve #sonyalpha #milkywaychasers @sonyalpha #astro #astrophotography #milkyway #sony14mmf18gm #sonya7iii
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29 วันที่ผ่านมา