3 yıl önce
In this LIVE INJURY Q&A with Dr. Marie Whitt, DPT, we answer YOUR injury questions including... Stubborn plantar fasciitis, I’ve already taken a year off running and done 7 months of PT Achilles pain, what to do? Stretch, rest, ice, walk? Persistent hamstring niggle in 1 leg, especially when running fast So hard to pinpoint, but at the top of my hamstring into my glute/groin…argh!! Metatarsal stress reaction, same foot previously had Plantar Fascia tear and Achilles issues. What’s going on? Mild pain on the underside of my toes. Do I need to adjust my gait? Other than physical therapy, what can I do to prevent IT band knee pain? Heel feels bruised after a run but only on 1 side? 2nd & 3rd toe go numb when running. Not painful, just uncomfortable
Can you share what time it talks about hip pain? Attempted to find it but was unable to. Thanks!
3 yıl önce
If anyone is coming to this to hear about the question on your foot going numb, it happens when there’s about 35 min 45 seconds left
3 yıl önce