4 ay önce
I have been running Ads by myself for almost 8 years now and have generated $50M+ in revenue for my clients. Here are 3 ad hacks that have worked wonders for me and have taken stats for my clients to the NEXT LEVEL. ✅1. Lookalike Audience Refinement: Utilize Facebook's Lookalike Audience feature to identify and target users similar to your existing customer base. However, go a step further by refining your Lookalike Audience based on additional criteria. You can use custom parameters such as engagement level, time spent on your website, or specific actions taken. This helps in creating a more targeted and refined audience that closely aligns with your high-value customers. ✅2. Ad Placement Experiments with Dynamic Ads: Experiment with different ad placements while using dynamic ads. Dynamic ads automatically show different products or content to users based on their past interactions with your website or app. Test how these dynamic ads perform across various placements, including Facebook Feeds, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger. Analyzing performance across placements can help you allocate budget more effectively and identify the most lucrative channels for your specific audience. ✅3. Sequential Storytelling with Carousel Ads: Leverage Carousel Ads to create a sequential storytelling experience. Instead of presenting a single image or video, use the carousel format to tell a story by showcasing different aspects or benefits of your product or service in a specific order. This engages users in a narrative, keeping them interested as they swipe through the carousel. Sequencing your message can be a powerful way to build brand awareness and guide users through a compelling journey. Follow @aishwaryasonikher for more information. [Facebook ads, Facebook ads expert, Facebook ads tips, Facebook ads manager, Instagram Ads, Instagram ads tips, Instagram ads manager, Instagram Ads Strategy ]