25 gün önce
Express yourself with a touch of creamy, umami Kewpie mayo. Containing 4 yolks from choice eggs per 500 grams, give your dish that unique, umami flavor. Buy now in all leading supermarkets nationwide!​ #DressedToExpress​ #DressItUpWithKewpie​ #KewpieTheTasteOfLove​
thank you for adopting animal welfare policies in your business. Will this policy be extended to cover your entire supply chain?
20 gün önce
As a major producer of egg-based products, Kewpie can make a huge difference for the lives of layer hens by switching to cage-free eggs. Will you consider making a global cage-free commitment? https://youtu.be/LMnbJBugqiE
20 gün önce
Kewpie, I really appreciate your dedication to sustainability and animal welfare. I think a global cage-free policy would fit very well with your business!
20 gün önce
Consumers around the world greatly appreciate your efforts to end the abuse of caged hens and to provide quality eggs in certain regions. Now, let's make it global ! /p/kewpie-make-cage-free-your-global-standard
20 gün önce
I’m really glad that Kewpie recognises that the welfare of laying hens is an important matter. Will you consider sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs for all your products? Studies show that the welfare in cage-free facilities is much higher than in caged facilities!
20 gün önce
18 gün önce
It’s great to see companies like Kewpie take responsibility for the impact that their products have on people, animals and the environment. I was wondering if you will choose cage-free eggs for your production lines outside of the US and Europe?
18 gün önce
Kewpie, I’m so glad to see that you’re using cage-free eggs in your products in the US and Europe. Will this policy be extended to cover your entire supply chain? #KewpieCageFree
17 gün önce