28 gün önce
Global Running Day - a worldwide celebration of the power of running. “It you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” Dr. Martin Luther King Running is a love/hate relationship. Running is hard. At first it feels like you’re dying, but when you finish, you feel reborn and able to take on anything! Don’t Not Run because it’s hard. Running isn’t just hard for you, it’s hard for EVERYONE!! A FAMOUS RUNNING QUOTE: Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Accept the fact that it will be challenging… BUT also know that the feeling you get from overcoming the fear of doing something hard will empower you to do other hard & scary things. Have courage. It will mentally get easier over time. Embrace the ups and downs. Just do your best today and KEEP GOING. ENJOY THE JOURNEY. It’s totally worth it. It doesn’t matter if you run fast or slow, run long or run once around the block, YOU ARE A RUNNER!!