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Beast Sprint - Run, Lift, Live.


Making runners fitter, faster & stronger 🏃‍♂️💪🏻 🏃‍♂️2:45 marathon & 🏋🏼‍♂️ 150kg bench press Follow me for running & lifting tips & ideas
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The secret to NOT GETTING SHIN SPLINTS 🏃‍♂️ -I’ve learned this the HARD WAY 💥🤦 1. Train calves If you only do one thing at the gym, train your calves, it will help your running progression and reduce your risk of injury so much! 2. Stretch Stretch after runs, whilst your muscles are nice and warmed up. Use a foam roller too if you have access to one ✅follow me for foam roller videos! 3. Replace worn out shoes Worn out, very old shoes don’t have the same protection for your legs. After 1000km you need a new pair. Maybe sooner if they are racing / lightweight shoes. ✅follow me to find out when shoes are worn out 4. Take rest days Rest days are important. Make sure you schedule them in. Minimum once a week. You can cross train on these days, but make sure it’s not an impact sport. 📢see my other videos for the best cross training for runners #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #marathonner #runningtips #shinsplints #physio #runningphysio
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22 saat önce
If you are getting out there and running YOU ROCK Don’t compare your runs & race times to other people. We’re all different shapes and sizes Some people work 3 jobs and some people get paid to train. Some people have been training for 20 years, some people 20 days. The only FAIR comparison and the only comparison you should make is… You Vs YOU So get up, lace up, get pumped up And go beat yesterday. #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #marathonner #runningtips
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1 gün önce
What has running taught me in life? 🤔🏃‍♂️😬 When you think your tank is empty… You have 60% left! -David Goggins Sometimes we struggle to get out the door and find ourselves running a speedy 10 miles. Even though your brain says you can’t, you most likely CAN! The POWER of small improvements and consistency. This applies to many other aspects of life. But small improvements each day ADD UP! You can do so much more than you think I never thought I can run a marathon.. I’ve run over 10. Let me know what running has taught you And share with other runners! #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #goggins #davidgoggins #40percentrule
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3 gün önce
Why isn’t your running improving?? ‼️🤔🏃‍♂️ Have you hit a plateau? These are the most likely reasons why…! 1. Always running the same pace You should have easy runs, recovery runs and speed work. Always running the same pace won’t help you improve much. 2. You’re not doing Speedwork Easy runs are important and most of your running should be easy, but… If you don’t practice running fast, how do you expect to run fast? Speed work is an important part of any training plan. Follow me for videos on how to do speedwork 🏃‍♂️💥 3. You aren’t taking recovery seriously This is very important. Runs don’t make you faster. The adaptations that you body undergoes when recovering from runs make you faster. Not recovering? No adaptions Not sleeping? No adaptations Take rest days and sleep enough! 4. Your overall mileage is too low So you have to build up your mileage slowly and carefully to avoid injury. But you do need to build up your mileage. Focus on adding up to 10% more km week on week. Every 4 weeks have a ‘recovery week’, where you only do 50% of your usual kms. 5. You’re skipping leg day We use our leg muscles to run. If you’re not training them in the gym, you’re missing some easy speed gains! Follow me for videos on the best running leg workouts! 🦵🏃‍♂️💥 #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #restday #easyrun #raceday #zone2 #speedwork #legday
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4 gün önce
4 things EVERY NEW RUNNER SHOULD KNOW 🤔🏃‍♂️💥 I learned the hard way on all of these. Has anyone else had to learn the hard way? Or has anyone else got any more tips? #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #restday #easyrun #raceday #zone2
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4 gün önce
How did I run sub 17 in the 5k? My running training didn’t really change But I started doing one legged gym workouts. When we hear gym, we think; Squats, leg extensions, leg press. But that’s all two legged work. And when we run we use one leg at a time. Working out one-legged, builds one-legged power and balance 🏃‍♂️ improves running economy 🏃‍♂️ improves power 🏃‍♂️improves VO2 max So try the workouts in this video Once / twice a week 10 reps on each leg For 4 sets And watch your race times explode! 🏃‍♂️💥‼️ #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #pace #5k #race #vo2max #legday #gym #splitsquat #calfraise
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5 gün önce
If you haven’t already read ‘training for the uphill athlete’ then you definitely should read it! It’s one of the most information-packed and useful running books around! There’s many lessons to be learned from the book, my 3 main takeaways were… 1. Build a big Aerobic base Base training (zone 1 and zone2) make up the foundations of your fitness. If you build strong foundations then you can build a big structure. So do most of your training in zone 1 and 2 2. Calculate you aerobic threshold (Aet) In the book it tells you how to calculate your aet, so you can keep your heart rate lower than your Aet (train in zone2) The quicker way to work this out is to google ‘calculate my Aet’ then keep your heart rate lower than this on base runs! 3. Do strength training twice a week It’s so important to do strength training. It will improve your vo2 max, your endurance and your running economy. The book also shares workouts like hill repeats you can use to boost your strength #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #pace #uphillathlete #zone2 #zone1 #aet #vo2max
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6 gün önce
How to run for LONGER WITHOUT getting TIRED! 🏃‍♂️⏰💥 So you’re trying to build endurance? Awesome. But you’re so tired in your runs, that you’ve started to dislike running OR you’re falling asleep at work after? Not Awesome. Let’s fix that. 1. Hydrate BEFORE, DURING & AFTER a run You shouldn’t go a few hours during the day at rest without hydrating. So why on earth would you RUN for a few hours without hydrating. 💧If you’re doing a long run - take a drink 💧Before you go for a run - have a drink 💧When you get back - have a drink 💧day before a run - HAVE A DRINK Once you’re dehydrated, it’s much harder to drink your way back to normality, your energy and drive will suffer for most of the day. DONT get dehydrated in the first place! 2. CHECK YOUR FORM 🏃‍♂️👍🏻🤔 🏃‍♂️Head up and back straight 🏃‍♂️High cadence 🏃‍♂️Relax shoulders 🏃‍♂️don’t lean forward at waist Sloppy, tired and poor running form burns MORE energy than good form. Poor form can also lead to aches and pains. Keep mentally checking in with yourself throughout your runs and make form adjustments if you’ve slipped. It’s easy to get sloppy over longer runs. 3. Focus on breathing 😮‍💨🫁🧘 Don’t splutter and gasp, focus on controlled rhythmic breathing. Try breathing in for 3 secs, then out for 2. Breath in through your nose if possible. If your breathing is out of control, slow down. You’re trying to build endurance NOT sprinting speed. #tips #runningtips #runrunrun #runner #marathon #marathontraining #endurance #motivation #motivated #motivate #fitness #workout #halfmarathon #pace #hydrate #hydration
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8 gün önce
Anyone else relate to this? We spend most of our 20s partying and being unhealthy To then all become part time elite athletes in our 30s! 😂 From pills to hills! #run #runner #running #runningmeme #runningmemes #fitness #motivation #ibiza #ushuaia #marathon #marathontraining
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8 gün önce
So I was training for London Marathon Ready to break 2:38 🏃‍♂️💥 I’d just ran a 75 minute half and was excited. When some muppet didn’t look before crossing a roundabout and all of a sudden I went from being the fastest person I knew to not being able to climb the stairs in my home. I had a broken leg and foot and a real bad mood. It took 12 weeks before I could begin running again, I did loose some fitness. But how did I keep some kind of fitness and training program whilst in recovery? You might not have such a dramatic injury, but it’s good to know what to do in case something stops you running for a while!… It’s all about cross training 🏃‍♂️🏊‍♂️🚴‍♀️ I mostly used swimming and cycling And I substituted the runs for other sports For example… Long run = long cycle on stationary bike Easy run = easy hours swim Threshold run = hard aqua jogging Interval run = interval on stationary bike If you keep the duration and intensity of the workout similar, you can swap sports and hold onto a lot of fitness. Your heart doesn’t know whether it’s cycling or running! Just be sure to bring Netflix to the gym for those long cycles! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️ #run #runningtips #runrunrun #runningmotivation #fitness #injury #runningphysio #runninginjury #physio #motivation #brokenbones #cycleaccident
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10 gün önce
Some great plyometric exercises to include in your training plan! Plyometrics can improve your running by >strengthening bones >improving power >improving running economy Studies have shown doing them a few times a week can make a difference, even for advanced runners! So here’s a few to try… Standing jumps Jump as high as you can from two feet and land gently. 6 reps, 4 sets Move onto one leg to make it more challenging Or add something to jump onto, like a plyo box or a bench Backwards and forwards jumps Jump back and forwards on two feet. 6 reps, 4 sets Increase the distance or go on one leg to make it more challenging Side to side jumps Jump side to side on two feet. 8 reps, 4 sets Increase the distance or go on one leg to make it more challenging Just a Few minutes, a few times a week can make a difference! #plyometrics #running #runrunrun #runner #runners #fitnessmotivation #fitness #runningtips #motivation #plyometricstraining #fit
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11 gün önce
PLYOMETRICS! 😬🏃‍♂️🏋🏼‍♂️💥 What are they? Why do them? PLYOMETRICS are where you rapidly stretch/contract your muscles by doing explosive movements, like clap push ups or jumps. 💪🏻💥 WHY❓⁉️🙋‍♂️🤔 1. Stronger bones! Running is hard on your bones, you want to strengthen them. Plyometrics strengthens them more than running Stronger bones = less injuries 2. POWER 💥💥 Plyometrics builds more power, which is useful in both long and short distances. 3. BETTER RUNNING ECONOMY 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💚✅ These movements strengthen neuromuscular connections, which makes us more efficient runners More efficient = faster race times! So include some Plyometrics workouts a few times a week They don’t have to take long! Follow us for upcoming videos on some of the best Plyometrics for runners! #running #plyometrics #runner #marathon #marathontraining #gym #hybridathlete #runningtips #fitness #fitnessmotivation
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12 gün önce