

60Well @sweat
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Who, me? 😅 Never wrong. All jokes aside, I’m an extremely stubborn individual. Sometimes it’s a super power, sometimes it’s kryptonite. Choosing humility and a listening ear today.
23 7
4 ay önce
Do you struggle with this concept? Cause I sure as hell do. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I think for so long I’ve struggled with my anxiety and depression because I feel like everything is changing and I’m not keeping up. Newsflash⚡️: everything DOES change. and also, no one knows what the hell they’re doing. Your journey is unique to you. There’s literally nothing you need to be an expert on. Just show up, learn, and grow.
32 6
4 ay önce
💗WEEKLY PLAN💗 We got a lot coming up this week. And knowing myself, putting this out into the world of accountability always makes a difference. So here’s our movement plan for the week ahead. 💋 Happy Monday, friends!
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4 ay önce
It’s a ✨mystery✨ Look. I am a married woman with no kids (yet), a flexible job, and good community - and I *still* struggle with taking care of myself well. But a lot of the things that contribute to our overall wellness (physical + mental) can be small changes. - wataaaa - minimizing screen time - improving sleep - actually eating - one minute of breath work - calling a friend All of these can be simple switches in our day. Especially if we minimize that tech time 🙃 (speaking to myself here, folks.) Here’s to feeling more like ourselves and less like a zombie 🧟‍♀️ cheers. 🥂
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5 ay önce
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5 ay önce
behind the scenes lately.
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5 ay önce
I’ve never been great at resolutions. They always seem to fall through the cracks, or fall by the wayside. BUT. I am stellar at intentions. So this year, I have ⚡️three⚡️ main intentions that I’m focusing on. 1. Consistency. I’m pretty shit at it in all forms. Social life. Work life. Taking care of myself. I’m very hot-and-cold, all-or-nothing. So this year is the year of consistency. 💗 2. Mindfulness. I’ve got some lofty goals around mindfulness and building in a practice-and it’s something I’ve been pretty good at over the past year…I’ve seen the benefits and want to continue to be mindful in my days and actions. 3. Joy. I’m a believer that happiness is a feeling and joy is a choice. Walking into a new season of motherhood…I want to choose joy in the midst of difficulties. I want to choose to embrace fun moments over perfection, and I certainly want to embrace joy for myself and my husband even when I may want to kill him 😅 I feel like we’ll all be a little more sane if I do ✨ cheers to 2024 🌻
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5 ay önce
💗BODIES CHANGE💗 And they’re meant to. My body has looked different at 16, 20, 25, 28, and now I’m 32. Every year, every season has brought something new. I’ve run half marathons, lifted heavy, and done yoga. I’ve also had health issues, been exhausted, and not taken care of my physical and emotional health. At my two heaviest weights, I’ve been my strongest and my most depressed. At my thinnest, I’ve been in my best endurance shape and had a toxic relationship with food and working out. Just because someone *looks* a certain way does not mean they are healthy (or aren’t). And I’ve had to remind my body in this stage that it is supposed to look different. That I can be healthy and be positive and my body WILL CHANGE. and it’s such a beautiful thing that it does ❤️ cheers, beks 💋
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5 ay önce
2023. Not a year I’d love to live again. But we made it through, and if you’re reading this…so did you. As you see highlights and recaps of folks that had great years and accomplishments. Remember that surviving is an accomplishment. A big one.
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6 ay önce
RE-ESTABLISHING ROUTINE. The hardest part. Once we have our routines, easy peasy. The last four months have mainly constituted me laying in bed with nausea, so coming out of that and into some form of routine has been difficult. But. I thrive with structure. Without it, I’m a sad little lady. So here’s what we’re implementing/bringing back: MEDITATION: nuff said. QUIET TIME: personally I need the spiritual reflection time. MORNING CLEAN: 20-min cleaning in the morning. cluttered space is a stressed brain for me. GET READY: putting in small effort to look good makes me feel better MOVEMENT: 30-minutes of some form of exercise. Then get on with my day. 🎊 Im working to wittle this down to 1.5 to 2 hours in the morning cause ya girl is a turtle and gets distracted. 😅
32 3
6 ay önce
I’m a naturally anxious person. We can dive into the *why* at a later date - ha. But there are two sides of my personhood: confident and competent empowered woman, or full-fledged anxious “what if” scenario tornado human. And I married the most “go with the flow”, “que será, será”, “everything works out” optimist and risk-taker. It’s both annoying and wonderful. And has led us to some pretty interesting places. Like renting out our condo and moving into a home of a family friend while waiting to buy a house that we can’t afford and a baby on the way, while needing to be out of this house in the spring😅 (can you sense the anxiety) And I know there are so many factors I cannot control. I will never stop the chaos - given what we do for work, who my husband and I both are, and ultimately having children. I will likely never have the cutest home or have the most organized spaces. That’s okay. (And its okay to want those things-I still crave organization). But I don’t need to be discontent until I achieve them. I can organize in my beautiful Brady Bunch looking home. I can make Christmas memories without a couch and in a temporary home. I can slow down and care for myself in this time and be grateful for it while also looking forward to the future ❤️ Cheers, friends.
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6 ay önce
It’s been a minute, friends. Here’s where life is. ❤️
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6 ay önce